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do any of y'all still have a town from the release date?


Rare Life-Form
Feb 10, 2020
if so, tell the history about it!! do you still play in it?? have you changed it around any (like new theme, all new villagers, etc.)? is it considered done?
my first town, Cloudluv (i was in 5th grade don’t judge lol) was created on the release date; while towards the end of my journey with new leaf it became more of a storage town than one i actually played in, i could never bring myself to reset since it was my first very new leaf town lol
I’ve had my town since the NA release date. I always let villagers come and go as they please, keeps things fresh. I’ve kept the same layout for most of its history, but definitely improved landscaping, the patterns I designed, and I switched up PWP’s now and then. My houses probably made the most improvement, especially after the Welcome Amiibo update. I’d say I’ve been complete with my NL town for a while now.
I do! Kept my original town (called Twinleaf) from release until now. I finished developing layout ages ago but more recently have been working on my player characters houses, since I created some alts when I needed space before the secret storage was an option. At one point I was trying to get an all-penguin town, but I stopped halfway since I realised I prefer having a huge variety of characters. I still remember the day where I was just going to the island and back grabbing flowers for my town! I always stick with my original town in animal crossings since I'd feel sad about losing all my progress.
I don't have one from the release date per se because I didn't get New Leaf until July 2013. However, I do have the original town that I made back then.
It's an asian inspired themed town that took me 6 years to fully get to a point where I'm content. I would consider it done pretty much. I'd like to edit a bit of the flower arrangements but chances are I won't with New Horizon coming.
I play it purely to update it with the season. I'd like to get my dream address saved on spring so the clovers look the best and that'll probably be the final thing I do before the new game. Most my play is now in Onska (my second town).
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Not release date, but Christmas 2013- I still play very regularly, I love my villagers, and I love the game. It's a way for me to unwind after a day of (school back then) work. I feel like I have created something beautiful with my town, made memories, and I cant let those go. I don't have a switch, so I'll play for awhile longer.
Unfortunately not! I started playing on June 21st, (almost two weeks after USA release) and have been playing since. I have only changed my total town once after I decided I did not like paths for it, that was around two years ago I think? My town is finished and looks good in my eyes.
I hope to keep playing until there is no Wi-Fi!
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I do, I started playing it again recently too. Last year I started to change up the look of the town but I never finished, so I wanted to get it done before NH. I changed the landscaping quite a bit, moving PWPs and making parts of the town more overgrown with natural paths.
I wish I did, but I restarted so many times after telling myself never to time travel (Which I did anyway).

Ah well, I still have a town layout that I had from my towns when I restarted the second time. The day after New Leaf's release.

I still have Catlips which I started shortly after New Leaf's release date.A lot of villagers have moved in and out but Gaston,Bree and Pippy are still there.The town looks mostly the same as it did back in '13 but it's a bit more organized nowadays.
Mm yes and no. I do have a cartridge that I played on since release date, but about 2 years ago I reset that town.

It was almost complete and I was getting very bored with it, I could never decide on a theme or how to decorate all my houses. Villagers houses were everywhere, I never did any planning so it was all a mess. However I didn't want to loose my progress. It wasn't until I got Moriyo Village that I finally reset my town so I could hold my dreamies, cross breeds, bells and rare items.

Now my second town, Moriyo Village I am absolutely on love with. The meusem will never be fully complete like New Town was (I keep Moriyo in a timeloop) but I am so happy with how this town turned out.
Yeah. That's the whole point of Animal Crossing to me, is keeping just one town and watching it grow and thrive.
I dont have my release New Leaf Town anymore, but I got my original Gamecube town. My brother who passed away have a house in this town and I never could delete the town, cause its kinda part of a memory how he designed his house
sadly no, but like many others i wish i did.
if i had it now i'd probably have lots of nostalgia and i'd make it better- since i have a lot more knowledge about new leaf than i did in the past.
I kinda do? It's not from the release date, but it's from about a week after that? It's still a horrible mess like it was in 2013-2014, however.
No. I kept my release date town for a really long time, but certain things about my town started bothering me so much that I ended up making a new one. The biggest things that annoyed me was rock and pond placement.
I wish. I lost my first 3ds :( I miss my first town I would love to be able to look back on it.
I wish that I did. The more time goes on, the more I regret resetting my first town. I had a cute lil park and a bunch of villagers that I loved and I had it for like 2 or 3 years before deciding that I wanted to try something else out.
I haven't been on these forums in forever. Kind of like how I hadn't played New Leaf in forever. But I've been getting into it again. I have the same town that I have had since I started this game, which wasn't right at launch. And if we weren't getting New Horizons next month, I'd actually consider restarting. Since it is coming out then, however... I just think it'd be silly to start over now.

I have plenty in my town, but... I never bothered "landscaping" or making it look absolutely perfect or anything like that. I guess I've always enjoyed the "wildness" of AC towns. Or how they start anyways. Sure, I've got tons of flowers down, and I do have a black rose patch. But other than that, things are pretty wild. And that's how I like it. Or so I tell myself, though I'm also not good at the sort of detail work it takes to make those perfect looking towns.