Selling Collectibles (just Debt Shelters and Plant things)

hello! i'd like to purchase your blue rose for 160? o: not sure if the other user that asked for it first is still interested in it though ;;
hello! i'd like to purchase your blue rose for 160? o: not sure if the other user that asked for it first is still interested in it though ;;
Currently still waiting for them to respond but if they don't respond for a while or not interested, I can give the blue rose to you. :)
Sorry for not responding sooner. You can sell it to them! I am looking for one but I think they want it more than I do. :)
Sorry for not responding sooner. You can sell it to them! I am looking for one but I think they want it more than I do. :)
Alright! I'll wait till they come back. :3
how much for the cherry, red rose, white tulip, & white violet?
Cherry - 30 - 50 I think
The flowers are 15.
What's the price forう, ぶ, Spring Shamrock and cherry?
う - 1K - 1.2K
ぶ - 1.5K or so
Spring Shamrock - 150
Cherry - 30 - 50 I think so. :)
Alright! I'll wait till they come back. :3

Cherry - 30 - 50 I think
The flowers are 15.

う - 1K - 1.2K
ぶ - 1.5K or so
Spring Shamrock - 150
Cherry - 30 - 50 I think so. :)
Can i get the red rose and white violet then c: ill probably come back for the cherry since I don't have enough bells~ only have 50 at the moment lol