Club Tortimer


Jun 15, 2013
So, today was the first time to play at Club Tortimer and I met a lot of people from all over (Germany, Austria, UK and Japan)
A Japanese girl asked me and another player if we wanted Bells.
We said yes please and she proceeded to throw out two money bags.
After doing some tours, I said my goodbyes and upon returning to my town I wanted to cash in the bells.
I though she had just given 99 bells as there was a little 99 on the icon.
Turns out she gave me 99000 bells! How awesome is that!?
Thank you Japanese girl! I won't forget your kindness!
Club Tortimer is honestly pretty broken... Nintendo really didn't think it through with regards to online play.

A LOT of players have taken to entering the island to check the Club exclusives in the shop then immediately disconnecting their wifi to quickly return to town if there's nothing they want. The result of this is an immediate connection error for everyone else on the island (losing anything they hadn't put in their box). It makes it incredibly risky to bother doing anything besides checking the shop now...

There are also quite a few who seem to have bought the game for no reason other than to try to annoy everyone else.
I have met lots of kids there, age about 8-10
they're cute, one of them tried to restore the island(after been completely destroyed) and asked me some help
I know it's a public island but she had almost finished her job so I just gave her a hand :(
I am glad you had a positive experience! I have heard of people being forced to pay bells in order to get off of the island because the other person chartered a tour and refused to leave on the tour until the other person payed 99k bells.
Wow, that's so nice of her to do! I'm glad that you had such a positive experience. There are lots of bad experiences I have heard of, and I think you're pretty fortunate to have had such a good experience! :)
I am currently regretting forgetting to talk to Midge. :( I hope she's not jealous.
I am glad you had a positive experience! I have heard of people being forced to pay bells in order to get off of the island because the other person chartered a tour and refused to leave on the tour until the other person payed 99k bells.

People actually respond to these threats? Most who do this are children who get bored quickly once you ignore them for a while. If all else fails, you should just flick off your wi-fi.

Club Tortimer started out great at first. Very kind people, one in particular gave me his Gracie hat after playing with him. I've had more positive than negative and have only experienced bell beggars a small handful of times. Unfortunately more and more of these folks keep coming out of the woodworks. I'm hoping CT doesn't turn out to be more of a negative feature than a positive. The concept is great, there's just some bad apples who like to ruin the experience for others.
Didn't get the game yet.
I just hope my first Club Tortimer Experience is O.K. Don't wanna be robbed. '~'
I haven't had any negative experiences while at tortimer island. Unfortunate to hear bad things happen. Glad that you had a really fun and positive experience!
Didn't get the game yet.
I just hope my first Club Tortimer Experience is O.K. Don't wanna be robbed. '~'

I don't think bad behaviour is that common, but if anything happens, just don't give them anything. If their bad behaviour is rewarded, you can be sure that they will continue doing it. Stay strong! Don't negotiate with terrorists! :D
Yeah, the first few ppl to the island just looked at the shop items and then left. That particular girl was the fourth or fifth person to come to the island.
One Japanese guy before her kept on saying "NO" the whole time... kind of weird... hahahaha
Let's enjoy the game and forget about the bad people.
I am glad you had a positive experience! I have heard of people being forced to pay bells in order to get off of the island because the other person chartered a tour and refused to leave on the tour until the other person payed 99k bells.

That is when you flip your wifi switch.
Wow, that's really nice of her! I've met a lot of people at Club Tortimer (from the UK, Japan, Finland, etc.), and once I met this boy who would go on tours with was kind of embarrassing, because I'm a girl...XD And then there was this girl from the UK who was really nice...she says she has school there, but in the US we still have a month to go...XD