Cafe Placement


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Dec 22, 2016
I put my cafe to the right of one of my two ponds. On the other side of the pond is Re-tail. I initially was looking at the map and didn't really see how it would like in my town. Where it's placed doesn't look bad but it doesn't look like the best it could be. That's why I'm changing up how the path flows and the surrounding area at the moment to try to make it work. Where did you place your cafe? Why?
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I put mine in the bottom left corner of my town mostly because it was the only open spot for it, but also because it was the most aesthetically pleasing spot.
I put mine beside Re-Tail. So it's those two side by side, then a pond and the train station to the East. I made a cute plaza to the south of it with a fountain and it looks really nice :)
I placed in my cafe near my town hall, because I wanted to have a lot of my buildings in one place. My town hall, plaza, cafe, and Re-tail are all close to each other. However, now the entrance to the campground is right behind my cafe, which I don't like very much. I would have preferred to have the campground a bit father away from the cafe.
I put mine right in front of the river. It's like... I walk out of my house, to the bridge, and the Roost is right there, slightly to the left. I think it looks nice right next to the cliff surrounded by some roses. Plus it's close to my house so... yay :p
it's kind of hard to explain where i put my cafe, and i dont even remember why! it was a while ago, i guess.
it's a bit above my southern beach ramp. it's not really next to anything in particular but i have a nice little area for it and path around it. it's surrounded by red hibiscuses (since the path also leads down to the beach) and apple trees :)
My Cafe is on the upper part of my town near my river, it's right next to one of my houses that is a costume shop, so it's part of the whole "shopping area" of my town, as Re-Tail is right near there as well. =]
I put mine next to my town hall and retail. It just seemed convenient! (Even though Im not really happy on where I put it, but whatevs.
I stuck mine diagonally behind retail. I'm not even sure why I thought that would be a good place at the time. I'm working around it now because I don't want to reset my town, and it's ok, but I definitely would pick a better place for it if I could do it over.
I always look for a more secluded spot where villagers can't move next to it or in front of it, either near a cliff or near the river.
My cafe is at the top of my map by the tracks as are all/most my buildings in my towns. I just prefer buildings at the top. Looks more uniform I guess for me. Usually I try to pair my Town hall/Police station then my Cafe off to other side.
Oh, I placed mine directly to the right of the town house because I know that Isabelle needs as much coffee as she can get. The poor thing needs something to keep her awake during the night shifts.
My cafe is in the top left corner of the town, in line with Retail. I like the placement as I have enough room for public works projects around it. I currently have a fountain and a picnic blanket outside and I'm planning on placing a metal bench along the path between Retail and the cafe.
Mine is on the right side, on some "peninsula" where it just fit in and I don't want villager houses there anyway so I placed it there...
I put mine to the left of the town hall, which is on the top left of my map. I thought it might be cool to put the two buildings together, kind of like another downtown or town centre. The police station is to the right of the town hall and the campground to the left of my caf?, so I suppose it all works out!
I placed my cafe right next to the Town Hall so that I could create a mini Main Street area. I also placed one of my character's homes next to the cafe that acts like a little bakery for the town. And I wanna eventually put the Classic Police Station lined up there too!
I have two ponds in the southeast corner of my town, I placed my cafe between those two ponds but a bit north so there's a path between my two ponds leading to the cafe. And my river is behind the cafe.
Mine is on the right of the train station/main street entrance! I love my placement, especially with the paths and "park" I set up.
My Cafe is on the top right of my town where it sort of near the town tree and the sea, where the railway bridge is. I picked that place because I didn't want a random cafe in the town and liked all my permanent village works to be somewhere non-discrete and accessible.