Awkward Moments

When you have to lie about someone's baby being cute. The worst is when they ask if you want to hold it. Just really, really no.
When people come in to hug you and you don't know where your arms are meant to go...

Not sure if you are meant to hug someone or not.

Hugging someone who is sick and knocking them to the ground at KFC...

Blinking your eyelash into your eye.

Flying off a seat on the bus. (The bus hit a car in the front...)

Some Vietnamese guy talking badly about you in Vietnamese to his daughter, not realizing that you are Vietnamese and fluent.

African telling you to go back to your country, while you were born in Australia and have citizenship status.
When you make a joke about, I don't know, furries, or some other group of people, and it turns out your friend is one
When you can't hear someone but you don't want to seem rude by asking "what" a lot so you just nod and pretend to listen
When you can't hear someone but you don't want to seem rude by asking "what" a lot so you just nod and pretend to listen

Oh god this is me all the time. And then they pause for a second and there's that horrifying moment when you have to say either yes or no and just pray you're not picking the wrong one. I usually go with yes.
When you make a joke about, I don't know, furries, or some other group of people, and it turns out your friend is one

When you make a joke about, I don't know, furries, or some other group of people, and get accused of being one
When a fart,accidentally comes out of you and you are like:
When a fart,accidentally comes out of you and you are like:

I honestly just love when you post. I really do.

I feel awkward when I get my hair cut by someone who doesn't have a bubbly personality and doesn't talk to me. Like you have your hands all over my head but you're not saying anything to me...
Why,thank you again! i appreciate that from your part

Worse if the move your head with raw movements,like trying to kill u
When my friend says something but I didn't hear them so I just nod my head and smile
When my stomach makes these weird sounds and it's during a test.
Meeting new people and having to introduce myself.
Pairing up with a frenemy
Awkward eye contact
A friend of mine who's younger than me asked me out and I accidentally said yes, but then ammediately no after. Good thing is he's mature and still my friend. I don't like talking or trying to meet up with friends from school or anything for that matter. I also don't have much experience in *cough* talking about anything, for I don't really hold interests well and I fall over my words like being a dork is going out of style.

Also, not making a move on a crush on the day of graduation. :p
A friend of mine who's younger than me asked me out and I accidentally said yes, but then ammediately no after. Good thing is he's mature and still my friend. I don't like talking or trying to meet up with friends from school or anything for that matter. I also don't have much experience in *cough* talking about anything, for I don't really hold interests well and I fall over my words like being a dork is going out of style.

Also, not making a move on a crush on the day of graduation. :p
LOL, I hardly ever make my move!
I remember back in high school i believe. I was trying to hold a fart in class but sneezed and it came out loud and all of my friends were shocked fml
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I remember back in high school i believe. I was trying to hold a fart in class but sneezed and it came out loud and all of my friends were shocked fml

lmfao that happened to my partner in science class when we were having silent reading time
My older brothers girlfriend just called on the home phone and he wasn't there so I answered and she thought I was him and still thought I was him when I explained everything .-. I hung up immediately after that.
1. Walking into class late and everyone just stares at you
2. When you have a really quiet voice so you have to repeat yourself 1000x so other people can hear you
3. When you're trying to talk but people keep talking over you
4. When you're trying to tell a joke but you end up forgetting how it goes
5. When someone says, "You two should go out"

- - - Post Merge - - -

Waving when somebody waves at you, then realizing they weren't waving at you.

And this too.
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