Anyone else wish there were more real life weather aspects to the game?

Not really weather, but have the the nights/days be longer/shorter depending on the season. It's just weird having 7PM in game be late evening while the sky outside is pretty blue.

I feel like this might be because it doesn't change that much in Japan. Like right now it actually does get dark at about 7 here... In the winter it gets dark a bit earlier at like 5, but overall, it doesn't change as much as it does in Europe (at least that's how I feel now I"ve moved here xD)
The only weather related thing I wish is that The game should know where you live (but make it private to other users) and take the weather predictions and base the weather in your town off of that. It's kind of weird playing ACNL when there's snow on the ground and yet outside it looks like a soggy fall day.

Okay another weather thing I wish is that when it turns from fall to winter, the leaves on your Plaza tree will fall off and pile up on the ground a bit, even if you have patterns on your plaza.
oohhh I would love puddles!

And I think you should be able to switch season to match where you live. When you live in Australia for example.
Wish there were hurricanes, plants sucked from the ground and tornados throwing PWPs over the place, trees landing on houses and tidal waves on the beach washing up all those stored items dropped on the sand
The only weather related thing I wish is that The game should know where you live (but make it private to other users) and take the weather predictions and base the weather in your town off of that. It's kind of weird playing ACNL when there's snow on the ground and yet outside it looks like a soggy fall day.

Okay another weather thing I wish is that when it turns from fall to winter, the leaves on your Plaza tree will fall off and pile up on the ground a bit, even if you have patterns on your plaza.

I've always thought it would be cool to put in a postal code and then it would create weather around that part of the world.

I know someone who used to live in California near the coast and they would have loved checking in to see the weather.

It would be really great for winter towns too.

Does anyone remember those cute avatars you could put on websites? Girl or boy, choose your zip code and they would dress differently depending on the weather?
I absolutely love all of these ideas! It gets a bit tedious when you log on and see the same thing everyday, unless it's raining/snowing. I'd love to have storms, wind, small earthquakes (not too much to destroy my landscaping), and early morning fog would be beautiful.
It would be great to have some variety.
Yesssss all I want is more weather options tbh. It would be really cool if there were more wind and precipitation aspects, like dust devils or waterspouts or hail (I would actually start using an umbrella ;)) or something. Also something that would be cool is if the edges of the river froze; not the whole river bc then you can't fish, but just along the edges a little bit would be neat since that's more realistic. OH and I would love to see mayors getting sunburned during the summer lol.
I'm down except for anything that would destroy the town. In Harvest Moon DS, they sometimes have rough weather where you aren't allowed to leave your house. You have to go to sleep and sleep through to the next day and then go outside to see the damage. I hate it in that game and would hate it in this one. :(
I also wish we could match the weather to our real life locations. The only thing about that though is that it doesn't snow where I live, so I would never be able to catch certain bugs or get certain furniture sets.