Any Suggestions/Feedback


rainbowcherry is a slug.
Aug 4, 2014
Yellow Candy
September Birthstone (Sapphire)
ello! I did some messing around w gfx and here are the results :3

Leave feedback please! Good or bad are reviewed :) I won't be offended. I just started a few days ago :3
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They are kind of too blurry IMO. I would make the streaks on the bottom one more vibrant and make it look more like neon lights. Also push the quote a little to the side since it's about the graphic in its entirety, not just the words.
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Use an image hosing website like tinypic or photobucket so they don't look blurry.
The last one is just a jumble of text. I don't know where to start and where to end, and it doesn't make sense IMO.
Lol I suck >.< No offense taken btw xD I was bored and wanted to do random stuff. Tysm for dat feedback. (I did warn u tht it would burn your eyes in the spoiler)
To me it looks like a render with a background and some text, with minimal effects and no lighting at all. That's why the words don't look like they belong there, in my opinion. I agree with Beary, you should use another program like GIMP.
I don't do GFX, but there's something about the text that I think could be fixed-it looks a bit flat compared to the picture(s). Anyone correct me if I'm wrong...?