A Villager you thought was a *Dreamie* but turned out so NOT what you wanted


beautiful disaster
Feb 1, 2017
I know pretty much everyone has their list of *Dreamie* Villagers....but I'm curious if anyone has ever gotten one of their Dreamies or even just a villager they wanted...and then the villager ended up to be NOTHING like you thought/hoped theyd be?

Like I FINALLY got Pietro...and i like him and all but he is def not the awesome and unique lil clown sheep i had been expecting...
I've never been super disappointed or anything, but when i'm desperate for a dreamie, i get super high expectations for them that they're somehow going to be different from every other lazy/smug/normal/peppy, etc. But obviously they're not. I still love them, though, and i do feel like each villager does have little individual things about them that seperate them from the other villagers with the same personality. If that makes any sense. XD
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I kinda feel this way about Merengue. I was excited to get her card and moved her in right away. She kept pinging me over and over about this stupid Astro floor she had. Like one minute she wanted me to buy it and the next she said "here, take this. You're welcome" and my pockets were already really full so it just irritated me lol. Like I didn't want to buy it from you because I didn't want it, don't give it to me anyway! Haha. She did things like that all the time. She's cute and all but I've moved on to others that I want instead.
I used to really want Marshall. One time he moved to my town all on his own! He's cute and all but he wasn't as awesome as I was expecting. I actually got kind of annoyed seeing him all the time. I'm just glad I never spend any TBT to buy him.
When Katt moved into my town, I thought she was great!! Until she turned around and I saw her face...
I felt like this when I got Julian.

A blue sparkly, star theme unicorn! At first I was like OMG must get!! (+1 because he and I share a birthday, March 15th so it was even better.)
What could go wrong!?! His fanart is too cute!

...but.. When I found out he was stupid popular, that made him feel less special to me, because everyone and their mother has him, made me feel like my town started to become unoriginal.

Not to mention I'm not too crazy about the horse models.. (Except Epona and Peaches they're cute af)

I dunno.. I just felt really disappointed while he was in my town.

Not to mention he's smug, which the voice.. Doesn't really fit.. If he was Lazy, I'd love him a lot more. I dunno, a lazy unicorn sounds adorable. A flirty smug one? Not so adorable. Kinda creepy actually.

What makes it worse is that his amiibo card is expensive. No way in hell am I paying $20 or more just for him.

So Julian went from almost favorite villager(almost beating Carmen), to a villager I have to avoid like the plague. :(
I still do like Julian, but he looks a lot cooler in fanarts than he does in-game. His mane definitely should be a darker blue and his starting tee doesn't fit that well his colour scheme.
Tom. A long time ago when I was planning Mineola, I was going to have Tom as my cranky cat. One day, Kabuki showed up in my campsite instead. I thought, Okay well I don't have a cranky cat right now so let's invite him to town. Kabuki moved in, and I got very attached to him (he still lives in my town). Anyways, one day I finally got Tom to live in my town. I was excited because he was my dreamie, but as time went on... I just couldn't get attached to him. He was just so boring, so I let him go
when i got Julian. he's great, but i got really bored of him after a month. same with Diana but i'm stuck with her at the moment since she's an amiibo and i want Whitney.
I know all personality traits are fixed but I just can't seem to get along with her
I felt like this when I got Julian.

A blue sparkly, star theme unicorn! At first I was like OMG must get!! (+1 because he and I share a birthday, March 15th so it was even better.)
What could go wrong!?! His fanart is too cute!

...but.. When I found out he was stupid popular, that made him feel less special to me, because everyone and their mother has him, made me feel like my town started to become unoriginal.

Not to mention I'm not too crazy about the horse models.. (Except Epona and Peaches they're cute af)

I dunno.. I just felt really disappointed while he was in my town.

Not to mention he's smug, which the voice.. Doesn't really fit.. If he was Lazy, I'd love him a lot more. I dunno, a lazy unicorn sounds adorable. A flirty smug one? Not so adorable. Kinda creepy actually.

Its funny you bring this up...cause i got Julian not too long ago and was SUPER EXCITED. He wasn't a dreamie of mine (as you can see in my SIG ALL my dreamies are currently Sheep ) but I'm one of those crazy Unicorn loving girls who has loved them before they were this super trendy "millennial" thing like mermaids have become *I still have ALL my Lisa Frank stuff from when i was a kid...well not ALL but most*....
Anyways yea, i was super amped...i wrote him lovey letters, sent him presents galore...did ALL the favors he asked...and its just seems like "bleh". I agree 100% that he needs to be made a LAZY.....
I love the whole "glitter" tag line, and i like his regal and lunar furniture/room design...but that's it. I hadn't really known much about him except, like you, his fan art which led me to believe he was gonna be adorable, and as i am not the biggest fan of the horses in this game *i DESPISE Clyde...he looks like hed smell*....i was gonna let Julian be my exception..MY unicorn.
I'm giving him a lil longer to maybe grow on me...but if things stay the same hes gotta go.
She wasn't really a dreamie, but she was camping and I REALLY wanted her to move in. She did, but she just was meh. And her house wasn't what I expected either. I thought she'd be more cool fashionista, but she was really boring for me.
I thought Joey was a dreamie of mine and even though where I put his house plot was terrible, I thought i'd be able to see through that because he'd been a dreamie of mine for a long time because I loved him in previous towns. Nope, him being in a bad spot just started to make me dislike him. In a conversation that he had with Chief the other day he was saying how he licks leftover food from his lips. Usually I don't mind when lazy villagers say stuff like that, it doesn't usually bother me. Most of the time I find stuff like that funny because of other villagers reactions to it. But when Joey said it I just thought it was really disgusting to be honest. I was so excited when he moved in but now I just completely ignore him whenever I see him around town.
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Like others have said, Julian. I mean it's not that I didn't like him. I just have such a soft spot for other smugs that I can't bare to replace them. (Phil, Kyle, Olaf...to name a few.)
Freya. I love her design and I was so happy when I got her as a starter but her house doesn't fit her appearance at all! It kind of ruined her for me.
I'd have to say Wolfgang.

While i enjoyed him my first time playing, he started to bore me to no end.
His house didn't help at all, the music was begging to make one throw their 3DS to the wall. House interior isn't so appealing to me either.
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I thought Poncho looked cute, but once I had him, the charm wore off in about two days.
marshal for sure. i had marshal in my town but i just never understood why people went crazy over him? ya he was cute and small but yawn