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"What a terrible gift."
Apr 4, 2020
In New Leaf, it was a feature built into the game that you could access at any time, yet even then people who wanted to TT were seen as cheaters.

Now it feels like we are treated up there with dupers. I personally don't see an issue with it but respect if someone doesn't want to TT. Some TTers like myself run cycling threads to help people find dreamies. I still cycle but don't run a thread. I just wanna understand why TTing is seen as bad, when like... bro. I respect your gameplay, what about mine makes you mad?

And this isn't about the economy. Any new game in any franchise has this issue when there is trading involved. Look at the GTS in Pokemon home. People have shiny pokemon and are asking for LEGENDARIES in return. Still to this day, and that does not really math out. TT'ing has nothing to do with duping or buying off eBay or rom hacking. That's a whole different kettle of fish of cheating. Clear cut. But TT'ing has always been an optional part of this game. So, tell me, please. Why is it considered cheating?
People view it as cheating because you need to physically go into the settings and change things around.

I personally dont think its cheating bc if Nintendo wanted to stop it from happening they easily could. Heck I think Nintendo even said they didnt view it as cheating.

Exploring glitches and hacking? THATS cheating. Time Travelers shouldn't be put on the same rung on the ladder as them because one is actually exploiting a flaw in the game and another is a feature built in.

This is coming from someone who doesnt TT.
Honestly the non-tters who complain/claim that tters are cheaters are just jealous they have to wait to unlock stuff and get items lol. They usually pull the "that's not how the game is intended to be played" card, which is just dumb. Why do they care about how other people play the game in the first place?

I tt on one island, and chose not to tt on the other for reference.
It's just purists being aggressive and elitists about it. I don't mind them calling it "cheating" but aggressively harassing people who got more progress or earned better and accuse them as "cheaters" is absolutely irritating. Trying to stir an argument when it's uncalled for is just dampening the whole mood. Just...disassociate yourself from the TTers if you hate TTers that much? No need to be rude about it.

Sure, there's opinions but don't point fingers when you have no proof or just people doing harmless fun. Do that to people who exploited the glitches or have CFW on their Switches because it's valid lol. (*looks at savestated Raymond selling for 100$ on Ebay...*)
It's just purists being aggressive and elitists about it. I don't mind them calling it "cheating" but aggressively harassing people who got more progress or earned better and accuse them as "cheaters" is absolutely irritating. Trying to stir an argument when it's uncalled for is just dampening the whole mood. Just...disassociate yourself from the TTers if you hate TTers that much? No need to be rude about it.

Sure, there's opinion but don't point fingers when you have no proof or just people doing harmless fun.
Or people like me who cycle and give my cycled villagers away for free. Am I cheating still because I'm able to move villagers out quickly for people who want characters in a digital game for nothing?
I don’t personally care much what people do with their game, so this isn’t my opinion, but-

It’s considered not “in the spirit” of the game, since Animal Crossing is very clearly designed to be played one day at a time.

I’ll likely have to start TTing at some point myself, since I run a shop thread and eventually people aren’t going to be interested in basic furniture & clothing. Shop owners have to TT to keep a decent stock of interesting items. If anyone wants to give me trouble about it, I don’t really care lol.
I'm a non-time traveler. And while I am against it, you aren't going to see me harassing anyone for it. You can play how you'd like to. I wouldn't go so far as to call it 'cheating', but due to the fact that you have to change the system settings on the switch, it's certainly a system manipulation of some kind. Animal crossing is meant to be played day by day, that's just how it is. Whether or not you play the game how it's meant to be played is all your business. If you are changing the system settings to manipulate time, you aren't playing how it's meant to be played, it's plain and simple as that. I am allowed to have these thoughts though. It doesn't mean I'm attacking you just because I don't agree with you. The people around here who are always saying things like "gah! the people who are against time travel are such meanies!!" Really don't have to get their feathers ruffled that much. Just play how you want.
I would assume it's because that wasn't the intended way the devs wants people to play, and also, some people get upset seeing others progress faster than them. But I do not see an issue with it. Your progression doesn't affect me, and I'm sure the devs aren't pissed you're time travelling. So I think a lot of people are just judgmental because they have the mentality of "if I am waiting for progress, then everyone else should too." My "best friend" said it was cheating and that also selling turnips at other people's towns was cheating. Said it was ruining his game and making him hate it. I asked why and he couldn't give me a proper reason. Said he wouldn't play with me because I got some money that way, as if i didn't earn my progression because of that. Honestly.. there are "gate keepers" that insist there is only one correct way. But don't let it get to you. I am against TT for myself but if others wanna do it, go ahead. You spent your money on your game and no one has a right to make you feel bad for it. Not everyone is against you guys! Please do not worry ^_^
I think it's some kinda jealousy of people having things you don't have that leads to the "play as you should and if you don't then you cheat" pride to compensate for that jealousy? Idk if this makes sense to anyone ahaha, I think everyone should just play the way they want to. I do applaud the patience of non-TTers tho LOL and as long as you don't harrass people over TT-ing, I don't think calling it cheating causes much harm.
I consider it cheating because it goes against the design of the game. It is a game that has been designed to be played in real time and manipulating the console clock to speed things up goes against that.

I don't judge people who choose to do it. I just prefer not to do it myself because I know from past experience that any form of cheating in video games eventually ruins the experience for me and leads to boredom. I will get more out of the game in the long-term if I play it straight.
People can play however they want to that being said as someone who time traveled in previous games leading to me no longer enjoying them I won’t touch it with a 10 foot poll and also wouldn’t want to visit a time traveller or revive items from one.

it’s just personal preference and I wouldn’t say I care how people play it’s there game.
Okay, my opinion, so don't anyone roast me for it.

I don't see TT as actually cheating, and if you're only keeping it to yourself in solo play, because you don't like the pace of the game, as set, fine. It's your game, you should play it as you want.

I think where the more negative attitude toward TT comes in (again, my opinion based on what I'm seeing) is when people do it to amass large amounts of resources, farming villagers/items for high amounts, or knowingly or inadvertently spoiling upcoming features (although much of that has been negated with the rolling updates system).

As someone who doesn't TT, I have no way of competing to purchase items. I play a fair bit each day, but I don't have a huge bank account. My bells are spent as I get them on my loan, an incline, and moving houses into their final spots. Anything left over is enough to buy a few new clothing or household items from the shops. I know I'll eventually have a big savings, but that's a good way down the road. Also, I don't want to see what all the upgrades are for shops, the full museum, etc. I want to be able to discover that in my own time. Most people are good about posting that a thread contains spoilers in the header or putting a post/pic in tags, but there are enough out there that it makes it hard to keep from being spoiled on stuff.

It also seems, and I am sure it's a vocal minority and not the bulk of people, that there's a bit of a chip on the shoulder of people who TT. It feels like they come into the conversation already on the defensive and ready to take offense about their manner of play. It hasn't happened here, but I got a nasty comment on another media site when I said that I wasn't TTing and enjoying the slow pace. This person saw it as an attack on how they play, when I never mentioned my thoughts on it, one way or the other.

Sorry to write a long piece, but I've been seeing this argument for a while and it feels like it's tearing the community apart, when there is very little to divide people and more to bring them together. We should all just agree that we enjoy the game and leave it at that.
Or people like me who cycle and give my cycled villagers away for free. Am I cheating still because I'm able to move villagers out quickly for people who want characters in a digital game for nothing?

Agreed. Same boat as you. I've helped my friends and several TBT members replace their glitched villagers they lost because of the "I've moved out." glitch. (Only ones that I have an Amiibo of, otherwise I will sell the ones I have to help them reclaim what they've lost.) or people who got scammed.

Kicking out villagers naturally without TTing is impossible so I have to do it. Like I said, it's just their mindset. There's nothing we can do about it... I don't mind it being called as "cheating" BUT they should stop branding people who proactively trade or TTers as cheaters. They can stick to what they believe in but they should stop being so accusatory.
It’s totally not cheating. In fact, the game should make it easier to change time. It’s a pain in the butt right now.

Some of us would only play at night if we couldn’t change time. Or miss events if we had real life things going on.
As someone who doesn't TT, I have no way of competing to purchase items. I play a fair bit each day, but I don't have a huge bank account. My bells are spent as I get them on my loan, an incline, and moving houses into their final spots. Anything left over is enough to buy a few new clothing or household items from the shops. I know I'll eventually have a big savings, but that's a good way down the road. Also, I don't want to see what all the upgrades are for shops, the full museum, etc. I want to be able to discover that in my own time. Most people are good about posting that a thread contains spoilers in the header or putting a post/pic in tags, but there are enough out there that it makes it hard to keep from being spoiled on stuff.

It also seems, and I am sure it's a vocal minority and not the bulk of people, that there's a bit of a chip on the shoulder of people who TT. It feels like they come into the conversation already on the defensive and ready to take offense about their manner of play. It hasn't happened here, but I got a nasty comment on another media site when I said that I wasn't TTing and enjoying the slow pace. This person saw it as an attack on how they play, when I never mentioned my thoughts on it, one way or the other.

these are very good points too that align with my own thoughts on the matter! I'd also seen time travelers state that they specifically time travel to rack up nook mile points and such. So it can certainly be used to put others at a disadvantage.
It's seen as cheating because the game was intended to move with real time, but not just that, but it by passes mechanics where the game has you wait. Some of these are

In game mail
Getting more than 5 items for the catalog per day
Nook Miles for "Days on Island" or "Days spent talking to villagers"
5 wasps per day.
Money Tree growth
Nook Miles for checking Nook stop per day.
Shops closing (INcludes Bypassing the 80% drop box)
Bank Interest
Turnips prices.
Turnips spoil date

Changing time can be exploited to gain more bells and NMTs (Some users TT until turnip prices are high, then open gates for NMT).

There is the misconception some users have that Nintendo "lets them do it" because it exists, but that isn't true at all. I've mentioned it a dozen times during pre-release, but I'll say it again, "It's 100% impossible to stop time travel for an offline game".

If TT was meant to happen, why not remove real time, and make it work like skyrim? Just add a button and players instantly wait for hours-to-days, or why add in time restrictions in the first place?

I wrote this off the top of my head. There is a lot more I can say, but I've got a lot on my plate.
There so many thread on this and response always have the same sentiment(there will be always people for and against it)
Main thing I want people want to understand is it not a built in feature. Devs do not support or think this a ideal way of play but do not consider it cheating. The main reason why they took out changing of date and time. Why they haven’t completely stop it is because it would compromise other aspect that are way more important to them
I'm not trying to start a fight, I'm trying to understand why, please understand that.

Yeah, I have a lot of Nook Miles from just TTing around on my main island, but I use those for Island tours to hunt spiders or look for dreamies. I actually dislike the "Buy and sell for HIGH AMOUNTS OF NMT" That irks me. That's why I give villagers away for free. Because that's insane and unfair and we're in the same boat there.