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For impatient people like me 😅😆 I appreciate the ability to TT

I respect both sides: those who TT, those who do not TT. It's our game, we paid full price for it, and we can play it however way we want. No one has the right to tell anyone how they can and can't play the game, or ANY game for that matter.
Because you do something outside the game to gain an advantage?
Not all of us.
I gain nothing from giving villagers away except a bit of satisfaction I helped someone gain a dream villager. And if they choose to tip, but I don't require or ask for it.
There is the misconception some users have that Nintendo "lets them do it", but that isn't true at all. I've mentioned it a dozen times during pre-release, but I'll say it again, "It's 100% impossible to stop time travel for an offline game".
What do you mean it's not true that Nintendo "lets us do it"? What do they do to stop us? What do they do to discourage it? Do they make any attempt to prevent us from doing it? No, of course they don't. So why is saying "Nintendo allows us to do it" false? They're not stopping us!

I agree that it is, very likely, impossible to completely prevent it - but they could definitely do more to discourage it, and they could definitely be doing more to try to prevent it - but they don't.
I'm not trying to start a fight, I'm trying to understand why, please understand that.

Yeah, I have a lot of Nook Miles from just TTing around on my main island, but I use those for Island tours to hunt spiders or look for dreamies. I actually dislike the "Buy and sell for HIGH AMOUNTS OF NMT" That irks me. That's why I give villagers away for free. Because that's insane and unfair and we're in the same boat there.
I understand you don't want a fight but when ever a TT thread get created it riles people up again because it most heated topic surrounding Animal crossing.
Answer to your question is simply its because it creating an advantage over other players. Now you may agree or disagree but it doesn't change people feelings or saying that is what your doing. I understand not all TT do it in same way.
Not all of us.
I gain nothing from giving villagers away except a bit of satisfaction I helped someone gain a dream villager. And if they choose to tip, but I don't require or ask for it.

You gain a multitude of villagers people who play regularly don't get. Here cheating is gaining something regular players can't get, just because you give them away doesn't mean it's not cheating. You gained something outside the realm of the video game, like save scumming. People get upset about it because they want people to respect the game as it is, but it's really not as amoral as you fear. You're cheating, you're helping others and no one is hurt.
It's seen as cheating because the game was intended to move with real time, but not just that, but it by passes mechanics where the game has you wait. Some of these are

In game mail
Getting more than 5 items for the catalog per day
Nook Miles for "Days on Island" or "Days spent talking to villagers"
5 wasps per day.
Money Tree growth
Nook Miles for checking Nook stop per day.
Shops closing (INcludes Bypassing the 80% drop box)
Bank Interest
Turnips prices.
Turnips spoil date

Changing time can be exploited to gain more bells and NMTs (Some users TT until turnip prices are high, then open gates for NMT).

There is the misconception some users have that Nintendo "lets them do it" because it exists, but that isn't true at all. I've mentioned it a dozen times during pre-release, but I'll say it again, "It's 100% impossible to stop time travel for an offline game".

If TT was meant to happen, why not remove real time, and make it work like skyrim? Just add a button and players instantly wait for hours-to-days, or why add in time restrictions in the first place?

I wrote this off the top of my head. There is a lot more I can say, but I've got a lot on my plate.
I think this person nailed it well on why people call it cheating.

There is a SIGNIFICANT advantage to those who TT vs those who don't.

And many people will exploit this (bank interest + max year to min year roll back bonus {if you dont know this, congrats on being one of those who dont exploit it}) to rake in a lot of bells in just a couple hours that would take normal people (or casual TTers) a day or five...

So, it is thanks to the people who "exploit" the advantage that got nonTTers calling all TTing blantent cheating...
Even tho a lot of people will use it for good or causally or because they work full time jobs and raise a family thus miss events if they don't.
Heck, my boyfriend can't do fishing tournaments unless he would TT cuz he works 6am to 6pm without overtime. (he doesn't TT so I just try to get extra items for him)
You gain a multitude of villagers people who play regularly don't get. Here cheating is gaining something regular players can't get, just because you give them away doesn't mean it's not cheating. You gained something outside the realm of the video game, like save scumming. People get upset about it because they want people to respect the game as it is, but it's really not as amoral as you fear. You're cheating, you're helping others and no one is hurt.
wow. so helping other people who would otherwise never get a villager they want because other people will buy them for more than they have is cheating. okay. thanks for that.

I think I'm gonna lock this thread before this gets heated or out of hand. Thank you for all the kind answers and I think I have some better understand. I didn't want fights, accusations or the such. I'm sorry I upset some people, I honestly was just trying to understand. Was not aware it was such a hot button topic. Thank you again.
wow. so helping other people who would otherwise never get a villager they want because other people will buy them for more than they have is cheating. okay. thanks for that.

I think I'm gonna lock this thread before this gets heated or out of hand. Thank you for all the kind answers and I think I have some better understand. I didn't want fights, accusations or the such. I'm sorry I upset some people, I honestly was just trying to understand. Was not aware it was such a hot button topic. Thank you again.

Honestly, you shouldn't be this offended by people calling it cheating. It just is what it is, no one means offense to you, but that is just what your game behaviour is called. I constantly save scum when I close a RNG game when I got a bad hand or made the wrong choice. It is what it is, you don't owe anyone anything either btw just play how it makes you personally happy.
No idea lol, the devs don’t even see it as cheating according to a recent interview so if people wanna “respect the developer’s vision” or whatever they like to say then they should accept TTers.

They really should, then we wouldn't have cloud saving and all the good stuff. 🤔
They really should, then we wouldn't have cloud saving and all the good stuff. 🤔
We already literally don’t have cloud saving in this game?? All I’m saying is these constant arguments about whether TTing is cheating when the devs have said it isn’t are really silly to me. Also, it’s a largely single player game. If my dad who’s busy and has to work and didn’t get all the bunny day stuff or have time to play the fishing tourney wants to go back and finish it I’m not calling him a cheater, I’m calling him a busy person who doesn’t have 24/7 and would like to see the sun in the game sometimes.
It isn't really full on cheating, but rather just an unwelcomed side-effect of Nintendo's systems for most people.

The game is designed to be played in real time, so changing that time is not really playing it how it was designed to be played. The game has unlocks that are based in real-time, so if you're changing the clock you're advancing things sooner than intended, which could be considered cheating as you gain things faster than intended, as well as faster than other players who are playing without changing the clock. This indirectly has some negatives for them such as spoilers, etc.

While it is a built in feature in older titles and recent interviews state they don't mind mind it and don't see it as cheating, you need to remember one thing: that is their opinion, and opinions vary by person.

While I personally don't consider it full on cheating, I still find it unfair to others who wish to play without it since some aspects of the game can be ruined or revealed earlier to them than the game intends.
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At this point I'm sorry but I feel like the only point of this thread is for you to get people to say "wow you're right you're such a great person for doing that and we should never ever again give a negative opinion on TTing" which is really silly in my opinion. I think Romaki nailed it, in the most respectful way, yet you got offended. If you started this thread just to get people to validate you and not to participate in a discussion then I don't think you should have done it in the first place.

As a non TT-er I agree with lots of what have been said (by several of you)
I have TTed in WW (yes that was a while ago) and did consider doing it again.
I don't mind people who TT. Sometimes I get a lil bit jelly of their quick cycling, or many items, but it's their choice to TT as it's mine not too.
Man I get that you didn’t have ill intent in making this thread, OP, but threads like this never do much good because they always get SO heated and nobody can ever reach an agreement on it... if I want to TT for whatever reason I will, and if people want to get mad at me for “cheating” when I’m just trying to have fun with my game, they will. Probably would’ve been best to just turn to google for your answers and for me to have not responded ^^;
On one hand, it’s not a legit way of playing Animal Crossing. Same for resetting to reverse a screw-up. Developers have a vision of how a game is played, and in Animal Crossing, you are expected to play naturally, like how the real world works. Adjusting the clock was implemented to synchronize times if they go out of balance. But people would abuse these features for personal gain. Other games had their share of features and mechanics that were not intended for how they were used (including Nintendo’s Virtual Console and their save states).

On the other hand, the fact that time traveling was implemented in the game shows that time traveling isn’t cheating. Some ways of playing are part of the game, just not intended for that purpose. But those that were not intended to be in the game are clearly cheating. Exploiting bugs or glitches is one of them, since bugs and glitches are never intended to be in video games. Hacking is definitely not intended to be in video games, as doing that is disrespectful to the developers, and it can hurt other players.

Now there is a very important message that all of you should learn. Even if time traveling is cheating, it’s just as bad (or even worse) to be militant against it and people who do it. This is considered bigotry. It’s one thing if they ruin others’ games, but to complain about how others play their own games the way they want to makes you no different to a social justice warrior.