Giveaway 100 million bell giveaway! Lots of prizes available<3 ANNOUNCING WINNERS NOW!!!

Enter me
Enter me. I want to buy exclusive DLCs and pay for public works. I also want to be able to make two more characters and pay off their houses quickly. Ye Shall Be As Gods

Good luck to everyone.
..may I enter? ;w; Here's the white thing~ also fun fun fun fun looking forward to the weekend
Enter me please ^^
I just rebuilt for like the 4th time because my card card keeps messing up the people moving and their moving dates! So I have lost some dreamies along the way :(. I hope to spend these bells helping my friends and making my town look beautiful :)
Thank you so much for the opportunity!
Goodluck everyone!

* this is the something white in my post * I can't on an ipad
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ah oopsie!! i forgot to do something when I asked to enter before!!
am I still allowed to enter?? entered? ><'
Enter me please!

If ever I do get that 100 million jackpot prize, first of all I would use it for house renovations and expansions. Second, I would like to buy items/DLCs especially those that are rare since I myself am a collector, tho I just started just a few months back, and am lacking a lot of items. Lastly, maybe the remaining money I get will be used for giveaways too. Who knows, I might end up doing such same giveaways as yours! :))

Goodluck to all of us! And thank you Yui Z for such contest, it'll help mayors a lot! ;)
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Hi there! I'm posting again, so sorry, but I was reading your first post and noticed I did not read your rules properly. I couldn't find my original post anymore either! So here it is again: enter me!

If I'd win, I would probably use the money to make my house and town real pretty. I'd buy my dreamies, but first... I'd get my super saver badge, which I probably will never achieve if I dont win. ;) Thank you for your generosity, you are fabulush too!
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Ahh, enter me please! (white? clouds :p )

If I got it I would make my town better/prettier with flowers and bushes, and earn back some of my sets because I was forced to start my town all over again. I would buy some dreamies or give some bells to friends if I have some left over too! Anyways that's why I want to enter! Good luck everyone :')
Enter me please?? c: If I win 1st prize, I'd use the bells to buy some TBT bells, and to also host giveaways of my own! >v< Thanks so much for this!
Enter me please and ty :3 If I win, I'll use the bells to repay my loans.
You're awesome for doing this!
Enter me, please. ACNL is my first game ever, I am 56 and got it so that I could play with my 5 grandchildren. I would use the grand prize to complete my catalog, get all my dreamies and help other catalog as well.

P.S. My birthday is Sunday...which happens to be the day I was born...on mother's day the 11. :)
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Please enter me, wow~ this would be great ; u;
and thank you for hosting this~ you're so kind! also <3 Angel beats!
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