Have you ever fallen asleep in the shower?

Seems like that would be rare, although I've known people to fall asleep standing too.

Falling asleep in class is pretty bad, especially if it happens over and over, your eyes just so heavy you can barely keep them open until you drift off for a minute, only to startle yourself awake again
No, I haven't. If you're falling asleep in the shower, you need to get actual sleep in a bed more. Like do you have narcolepsy or something

Basically this, unless you pass out from the heat but that's not really sleep like actual sleep anyway.
if i'm really tired i can sorta doze off, but i've never fully fallen asleep in the shower. i can see how someone can though since it's nice and warm in there lol :)
The weirdest thing I've ever done in the shower was drinking a can of fizzy drink stuff, cause I got back from the gym and was super exhausted and hot :/
I kinda drift off in the shower (not on purpose, just kinda happens) but it isn't really a full sleep