Thoughts on discussing sensitive topics on TBT


creator of whimsica
Sep 11, 2015
Orange (Fruit)
This post itself might just be a sensitive topic? I have no idea. If it gets too controversial I might delete it or something but yeah... I'm the kind of person who really likes to avoid those topics, personal morals, and politics.

The sad part is, that quite a few of these things are important in a way, and the fights that break out over these issues are more or less justified if the person believes in something strongly.

I personally prefer to be friends with people who share views that are like mine, personally, but I also really don't like to discuss sensitive topics. They stress me out to the point where I get anxiety (I'm serious).

I wish that these topics just somehow didn't exist so that people didn't have to be fighting all the time. It isn't bad or wrong to fight for what you believe in, but I just hate it. I hate that what one person thinks is "right" would be considered "wrong" by someone else. I just wish it were simpler.

EDIT: Sorry if some people misunderstood me. Just so you know, I actually don't consider things like race and LGBT+ as sensitive, because they need to be accepted. I personally believe that people with hateful ideals who spread hate should be banned. Then I just sort of vented because I hate the fact that people don't live in harmony and that hateful views exist. It gives me really bad anxiety. Sorry if I came off as hateful or something.

I wish that the acceptance of marginalized people didn't even have to be controversial. I wish everyone would just accept them no matter what.

I wish racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, and bullying DID NOT EXIST.
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It depends what you refer to as sensitive or controversial. Personally, I avoid politics and religion in open public settings, even with work colleagues. It isn't because I don't mind discussing them, it's just that people tend to have their blinders on with those (even if they're not politically minded or religious)... and what might start as a friendly discussion ends being a hate-filled troll-fest.

Whereas other topics such as mental health, LGBT issues, etc, I do believe should be discussed for not only making such things more socially acceptable and remove the stigma, but to raise awareness and understanding.
I can see your point. I understood the spike in political threads last year, but some people still like to discuss them even when it's over. And yes, I was hoping that they tone down after the election, but they still continued for a while (like four to five months after the election).
I think it's wonderful to discuss important topics such as LGBT+ or politics. It's the sensitive people who can't see other people's point of view that are the issue.
I think it's wonderful to discuss important topics such as LGBT+ or politics. It's the sensitive people who can't see other people's point of view that are the issue.

Personally, I tend to find less sensitive people who can't see another's point of view, and tend to come across more egotistical/arrogant individuals that either a) have to win every argument, b) just like to attack other people, or c) too stubborn and/or ignorant of underlying issues.

So yeah, the optimist in me would like healthy and friendly discussions on things, but the cynic in me fears that "friendly" and "discussion" are relative terms when it comes to social sites/media/communities on the internet.
Whereas other topics such as mental health, LGBT issues, etc, I do believe should be discussed for not only making such things more socially acceptable and remove the stigma, but to raise awareness and understanding.

I do agree with that. I don't really believe those are that sensitive I guess? (They are VERY important though)

In my opinion, the views that hurt other people are bad. Being anti LGBT+ is bad, for example.

The sensitive topics I meant are more like stuff like abortion, death penalty, whether racist jokes are hurtful or not, self-diagnosis being valid or not, and ace discourse (Which is if aro/ace people belong in the LBGT+ or not, or if they face oppression)

People tend to get really divided over those things. The worst part is, there's no clear right or wrong or something everyone can agree on.
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I definitely agree that those topics get rather opinionated, and the "discussion" generally ends up being more mud slinging and character assassination than a healthy debate.

My personal opinion on most topics, is that someone's life/opinion doesn't actually directly impact on the freewill or wellbeing of another, then it shouldn't be an issue to begin with. However it doesn't always work that way, nor is it that simple at times.
I guess for me, I view this site as a little happy place to discuss nice things and such, but of course others have a different approach to the website. While I personally don't like the posts on sensitive topics, it's very easy to ignore and get over. But I do feel like at times those threads create a chain of negativity, I don't know how to explain it or if that makes sense, but that often bugs me. I hate coming on here and coming to this section of the forum and only see non-positive threads or posts?
I think that tbt is a good place to discuss sensitive topics. If people do not want to be caught up in all the drama, then they do not have to open the topic or post.

Face to face, you can't just tune everything out. Discussing it here makes you more prepared to handle the situation if it does make a more prominent appearance. The anonymity online allows people to show their true feelings, and others can have a better understanding of those who hide them in real life.
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itheyre important topics to discuss. if someone doesnt want to get involved in the discussion they dont have to.

i hate when people "just want everyone to be friends" and when they call any discussion on a sensitive subject, or even any discussion where two people have different views, a Fight and go into the thread and go all "let's all be friends uwu just agree 2 disagree !!!"
it's so incredibly ignorant and stupid to go into controversial threads and write stuff like "just b friends :')", "uh oh this is going 2 b DRAMA !!!", "pleas stop discussion threads im on tbt for the boring food polls uwu" or whatever. usually controversial topics and sensitive topics have a very good reason to be cobtroversial and/or sensitive so telling people to not "fight" (aka discuss it lol) w other ppl is rly ??????????.
people often want to avoid controversial topics because they dont want people to get upset. but these topics need to be discussed because no matter how much you try to act like controversial, sensitive and/or bad things don't exist they still do and it's not lokely that it will change unless attention is brought to it.
if you dont want o be in discussions about controversial things then dont, but dont tell other people to not discuss it.

also obviously this doesnt apply to every topic But "trying to make everyone be friends !!!" can be siding with one side of the argument. if person A wants something to change and person B wants things to stay the same and person C butts in to tell everyone to stop discussing the issue because of "fighting", person C is siding with B. bc if nothing changes B has gotten what they want. C isnt neutral but in my experience C usually claims to be neutral and sees themself as the person who Brings Peace and isn't mean to anyone. idk if thats confusing but Hhhhh.

that A B C thing i wrote above can be applied to a lot of discussions about power and oppression. if there's a discussion about gender (lol whomst on this site would ever discuss gender ha ha) and A says "i want more rights for trans people" and B says "no lol" and C is like "stop fighting !!! everyone stop posting and never talk about this ever again !!!" then C has supported B, even if they don't agree with B's views. that means that C is allowing transphobia which makes C a transphobe but Cs keep defending themselves w their "i just want everyone to be friends uwu"
it doesnt matter what C actually thinks, C can still b transphobic
itheyre important topics to discuss. if someone doesnt want to get involved in the discussion they dont have to.

i hate when people "just want everyone to be friends" and when they call any discussion on a sensitive subject, or even any discussion where two people have different views, a Fight and go into the thread and go all "let's all be friends uwu just agree 2 disagree !!!"
it's so incredibly ignorant and stupid to go into controversial threads and write stuff like "just b friends :')", "uh oh this is going 2 b DRAMA !!!", "pleas stop discussion threads im on tbt for the boring food polls uwu" or whatever. usually controversial topics and sensitive topics have a very good reason to be cobtroversial and/or sensitive so telling people to not "fight" (aka discuss it lol) w other ppl is rly ??????????.

I totally agree with you on this. Those people are so naive and ignorant. It even happens when there isn't any fight, but just an equal discussion. Those people might be more annoying than the ones that are having the discussion, in some cases.
The political discussion are RARELY ever civil. Flame wars occur a lot. I can't participate an any of those threads without loudmouths of any point-of-view going completely insane over the topic. So yes, I HATE discussing "sensitive" topics.

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itheyre important topics to discuss. if someone doesnt want to get involved in the discussion they dont have to.

i hate when people "just want everyone to be friends" and when they call any discussion on a sensitive subject, or even any discussion where two people have different views, a Fight and go into the thread and go all "let's all be friends uwu just agree 2 disagree !!!"
it's so incredibly ignorant and stupid to go into controversial threads and write stuff like "just b friends :')", "uh oh this is going 2 b DRAMA !!!", "pleas stop discussion threads im on tbt for the boring food polls uwu" or whatever. usually controversial topics and sensitive topics have a very good reason to be cobtroversial and/or sensitive so telling people to not "fight" (aka discuss it lol) w other ppl is rly ??????????.
people often want to avoid controversial topics because they dont want people to get upset. but these topics need to be discussed because no matter how much you try to act like controversial, sensitive and/or bad things don't exist they still do and it's not lokely that it will change unless attention is brought to it.
if you dont want o be in discussions about controversial things then dont, but dont tell other people to not discuss it.

also obviously this doesnt apply to every topic But "trying to make everyone be friends !!!" can be siding with one side of the argument. if person A wants something to change and person B wants things to stay the same and person C butts in to tell everyone to stop discussing the issue because of "fighting", person C is siding with B. bc if nothing changes B has gotten what they want. C isnt neutral but in my experience C usually claims to be neutral and sees themself as the person who Brings Peace and isn't mean to anyone. idk if thats confusing but Hhhhh.

that A B C thing i wrote above can be applied to a lot of discussions about power and oppression. if there's a discussion about gender (lol whomst on this site would ever discuss gender ha ha) and A says "i want more rights for trans people" and B says "no lol" and C is like "stop fighting !!! everyone stop posting and never talk about this ever again !!!" then C has supported B, even if they don't agree with B's views. that means that C is allowing transphobia which makes C a transphobe but Cs keep defending themselves w their "i just want everyone to be friends uwu"
it doesnt matter what C actually thinks, C can still b transphobic

Oh, the irony... It's amazing how the users who usually cause the drama, are defending the drama.
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The political discussion are RARELY ever civil. Flame wars occur a lot. I can't participate an any of those threads without loudmouths of any point-of-view going completely insane over the topic. So yes, I HATE discussing "sensitive" topics.
i mean, replying w conspiracy theories or w/e is usually not taken very seriously

Oh, the irony... It's amazing how the users who usually cause the drama, are defending the drama.


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wait also why would it be ironic that someone who does something defends it lmao
I don't know about now but there was a period of time where most of the threads got closed because people couldn't behave and only few users actually heard each other and it was really sad because I bet lots of people like discussing things or reading them since it gives you different point of views, but ofc there are always ppl who ruin it (points himself). Overall these threads can go rlly well or really bad and get locked

u know; you either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become a villain
If there's a serious discussion, sadly there are always trolls who want to gaslight people as well.
I know some sites that include debate forums, but those sites are also more actively moderated.
I think there should be a specific section for threads relating to politics and ethics and things like that. Maybe only make it accessible to members with a certain post count or something.
I think there should be a specific section for threads relating to politics and ethics and things like that. Maybe only make it accessible to members with a certain post count or something.

I have to agree, that is a good idea. Still, the people who can cause flame wars will catch up to that post requirement, depending on what it is. How about accounts that are at least 6 months old or, if a massive flame war happens, one year old accounts could post?
Although, I see this as a last minute idea to repel some trolls.
I prefer not to engage in these kinds of threads and just ignore them. My opinions on politics and ethicss are a very mixed bag and I'm pretty much the textbook definition of a true neutral.

My opinions bring me a lot of anxiety in real life. I'm worried I'll be alienated by my peers or even fired from a job for my views so I just prefer not to talk about these kinds of things with people unless I'm certain it won't damage my relationship with them
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