On What Did You Base on to Write Your Username?


Mar 31, 2017
April Birthstone (Diamond)
I wonder what hilarious stories are behind your usernames.

My username doesn't have a particularly interesting story behind it. In fact, it is so anti-climatic. It only stands by the initial of my first name and I chopped off my last name with a random number, because apparently somebody else already had thought about jcamac4 lol. Anyways, what's your story? :p
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I've used Nuclear Bingo before for other things. I just came up with something off the top of my head that sounded funny
I just changed mine recently. My previous username was Role. At that time, I remember when people online (especially from non-Asian ethnicity) were fond of calling me "role" or they just really mispronounced my real name. I thought it was cool plus I couldn't think of anything so I just went with it. As for my current username, it started from a local Nintendo gaming forum when this person called me "master" then it just spread to other people calling me that. There was a time during the early days of 3DS when I used to buy every game and unit that's being released. I was fascinated so I wanted to collect them. It's probably people's way of making fun of what I'm doing though not in a serious kind of way. I never get annoyed by it, in fact, I thought it would be nice if I connect it to my name which I'm fond of spelling backwards so I came up with master leor. I didn't feel like adding space or underscore because it'd be pretty common to do so I went with a dot. I actually pronounce my username as master dot le-yor (or "lore"). Sounds like a name in an RPG game or something lol.
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My previous name was "vannilllabeth", basically I like vanilla lmao. As for what it is now, I have a real lack of uncreativity when it comes to these things and that I just wanted to change it so badly I didn't give it much thought lol.
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I just changed mine recently. My previous username was Role. At that time, I remember when people online (especially from non-Asian ethnicity) were fond of calling me "role" or they just really mispronounced my real name. I thought it was cool plus I couldn't think of anything so I just went with it. As for my current username, it started from a local Nintendo gaming forum when this person called me "master" then it just spread to other people calling me that. There was a time during the early days of 3DS when I used to buy every game and unit that's being released. I was fascinated so I wanted to collect them. It's probably people's way of making fun of what I'm doing though not in a serious kind of way. I never get annoyed by it, in fact, I thought it would be nice if I connect it to my name which I'm fond of spelling backwards so I came up with master leor. I didn't feel like adding space or underscore because it'd be pretty common to do so I went with a dot. I actually pronounce my username as master dot le-yor (or "lore"). Sounds like a name in an RPG game or something lol.

LOL it does sound like a pretty bada$$ name if you ask me! Thanks for sharing your story master.leor :)
I just like how it sounds.

Zen is from the noun of Zen and I didn't want to put bell, so I put del instead and I prefer how it rolls of the tongue. Del comes from old French and even then it doesn't have much meaning, "of the" isn't that interesting.
It's a random fantasy name I came up with while playing around with that old NDS chat thingy.