Official Turnip Prices Thread

Turnip prices are 353 bells! Leave me a visitors message when interested!
What are the prices of your turnips now?? I kinda wanna make a good few bells. It's my first time on this site ^<^
Prices on turnips for today? It's my first time being on this site so idk how to do this. My town is current 7pm Monday and Reese is buying turnips for 116
can i come sell turnips somewhere today i bought them for 109 and i waited too long and now theyre selling for 51 in my town lmfao
If you really need I can open my gates and you can sell in my town. Turnips are 132 ea here
Anyone have updates to their towns turnips prices? Since I TT the beginning of my week was alright. 100+ range but as thursday morning I've hit 57. I'll keep up to date if it increases or decreases once noon hits.
Reese is selling turnips at my town for 150 bells. Let me know if you're interested.