Currently Playing?

MW2, NSMBWii (haha), Machinarium, Braid and that's it, mostly waiting for Bioshock 2, though I'm kinda sorta currently playing that too! (oh the perks of knowing game store clerks!)
NSMBWii, Dragon Age (360), Oblivion (PC - If anyone can recommend any good mods, shoot me a PM), Spirit Tracks, Scribblenauts
Phoenix Wright: Trials and Tribulations (replaying them before I get the fifth game)
Bad Company 2 PC beta
Reinstalling Empire Total War as I'm typing this because I want to get back into it again.
Little bit of STALKER and GTA IV
Company of Heroes

Oh yeah, forgot to add Civilization IV: Beyond the Sword and Morrowind.
I'm currently playing:

-KOTOR 1 & 2(Best RPGs ever!)
-Wario Land Shake It!
Comatose said:
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story
I'm always playing brawl, and I beat Inside Story a week ago, it's a good game.

Yeah, I'm playing SSB brawl, brawl+, balanced brawl, brawl-, SSB melee, and SSB 64.
Silverstorms said:
TravisTouchdown said:
Tatsunoko vs Capcom
S4 League
Animal Crossing.

If you have TvC, send me a PM and maybe we can play.
Someone else has TvC :O
Silver, no. No. D:<

Uh...Sonic '06(lololol), SSBB, LoZ: TP (GC), and Transformers ROTF(xbox). o: