Would you rather be taller or skinnier?

neither! maybe I'd appreciate having a bit less of a baby face though haha
As much as I complain about being short, I actually love being short (5'1"),
I'd say skinnier, but not too skinny? Just losing a bit more weight.
Taller, would be nice to actually be able to see over things more often, and some extra hight definitely wouldn't hurt
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Many years ago, my beloved Grandma (miss you Nanna!) complained I was too tall. She was 5ft nothing. ^_^

I said "What do you want me to do about it? Have a leg shortening operation?"

She thought it was a real thing back then.

She says "Is it expensive? I'll pay!"


Oh, Nanna! ^_^
I'd pick skinnier with no hesitation whatsoever xD I'm already fairly tall, or above average at least, for height. It surely wouldn't hurt for me to lose a good 40 kg's or so... amount of weight :rolleyes:
I'm happy with both my height and weight. I'm 5'11'' and 180lbs / 180cm and 80kg.

I used to be shortest and skinniest kid around. Even the short kids were giants compared to me. It sucked. All I wanted was to be the same size as everyone else.
Taller, I've kinda gotten to be okay with being fat for now, I'm trying to be okay with my height but I really feel like I should be nearly a foot taller than I am.
I'm tall and skinny so either would be bad xD

I'm quite happy being tall and skinny as it is tho.
I'm not entirely sure which for I have been short my whole life. 4'11 to be exact, and I've also been over weight. I won't say my weight as I do not know it and am embarrassed by it.

I think it would be nice to be skinnier for a few reasons. Easier on my bones and my health, and I can't forgot about my self esteem. Although being skinnier doesn't mean being happier.

As for being taller, well that would be nice. People could see me in a crowd of tall people easier. I could reach things a hell of a lot better. Walking would take less steps would would be an improvement.
Taller, as I stand at only 5'6. I'm quite skinny, but not as much as other people.
Definitely taller. I could get skinnier on my own if I just stopped being so lazy, whereas my height isn't really something I have the power to change.
Neither, since I'm completely fine with both my height and weight. I'm already on the tall side (in my country it's average) and I'm also pretty skinny. If I had to choose one, I'd probably pick skinnier, but not really in the way of losing weight, more like having less fat in certain areas (and maybe more in others :rolleyes:).
Skinnier. Although I wish my torso was maybe just 3 inches taller... my upper body is pretty stubby since it's so short and it makes me look chubbier than I really am
Neither. I'm happy with the way my body is. However, for the sake of the question, I'd pick skinnier cause I like being average height. My boyfriend is taller so I really enjoy being the smol spoon. <3
Well, I'm a 5ft guy who hasn't grown in a long while so height um yEs