My Story!


Senior Member
Feb 8, 2009
I awoke suddenly with an urgent sense that somthing was wrong. Lightening flickered against the window, followed by a tremendous crash of thunder.
I closed my eyes, waiting for myself to drift off back to sleep but i couldnt, the loud crashes of thunder prevented me from doseing off to sleep
again.That moment i kicked my covers off my body and sat up against the end of my bed and gazed into pure darkness.I thought to myself,"should i go
downstairs and get a cold glass of water, it might wake my parents but it would sure quench my thirst". So I decided to get a glass of water from
the kitchen as I reached down to grab some socks, I realized that my bedroom door was wide open and so was my window so i walked over to my window
and reached my hand out to close it, but i could'nt help but notice, that i was being watched. I could feal eyes burning on my face as i stood besides
the window. I looked down to see there was a person stood in a black overall with the hood up sheilding his face. All i saw was two pale eyes, but there were
no puples in them, staring gazing into mine.I started shuddering as a cold sensation blasted down my spine.I was to scared to move, then suddenly a loud bolt
of lighting blasted its way into the ground in the far distance, straight after i noticed that the mysterious character disappeared from my sight.Terrified
with fear I fell backwards on to the hard floor my head smashed against the floor it nearly knocked me unconseous. All I remember after that is that my eyes
we're glued to the wide open door way,I watched it and watched it when suddenly i could see a hand , it slammed down onto the wooden floor scraping its
sharp talons into the floor. I gasped in amazement as my goosebumps started to kick in. I thought to myself "Is this some kind of Friday the 13th movies?",
Right after the hand begain to slowly release itself from the scratched wooden floor and crookedly drift into the darkness. Then I saw that my eye lids
we're slowly closing I just wished this horrific nightmare would be over.
Jarrrad said:
I awoke suddenly with an urgent sense that somthing was wrong. Lightening flickered against the window, followed by a tremendous crash of thunder.
Thought you were talking about lightning mcqueen for a sec.... there has been wayy too much of him...

Pretty good :O
DevilGopher said:
Jarrrad said:
I awoke suddenly with an urgent sense that somthing was wrong. Lightening flickered against the window, followed by a tremendous crash of thunder.
Thought you were talking about lightning mcqueen for a sec.... there has been wayy too much of him...

Pretty good :O
Oohhh I know all about that one guy.

But yeah, cool story.
xeladude said:
*compares to other posts*

Sure you made it.
That's what I was thinking...

But I'm not sure he understands, 'cause now he's sticking his tounge out. D: