Pokémon Nicknames!


The Enigmatic
Jul 5, 2017
What are some of your favorite nicknames you've named your pokemon? Or is there a certain nickname you always go for for one particular pokemon. For me, I always name my Arcanine's Nehemia after the one from the Throne of Glass series. I like naming my Archeops Nugget too, I just think its kinda cute. I also have a Zoroark names Antares, after the star whose name literally translates to "Not mars," which works well with Illusion.
How about you guys? What are your favorite nicknames for pokemon and why?
I always name Luxray Shadow because the male one has Sonic spikes. I named Rowlet Virion because his shiny is blue and his evolution is an archer. I named a Swanna Screechy because of its awesome cry. lol I name every Talonflame Taka because of Simon Blackquill's bird. The problem is I tend to forget the Pok?mon's actual name if I nickname them. Especially if it is a new gen and I don't know their names to begin with.

My brother and I sometimes name Pok?mon TradeFodder because I saw the name on gts once and thought it was funny. I will keep a Pok?mon sometimes if it has a stupid name. I have a Spinda named Sohai, a Mereanie named Thanks, and a Corsola named Moresola from online trades.
Well I have a bad habit of naming my starter S?rgio if it's a male lol.. (after a Portuguese musician .. I'mma trash). Otherwise I don't nickname much unless I do it by accident.

I remember once on OR wondertrade I got a Poochychena named "You f'ed up" lmao (no censor bypass mods, the doggo was actually named that..)

I've seen more or less creative ones though since I wt a lot.