Whats Worse, Bad Music or Bad Tv?

Bad Music Or Bad Tv?

  • Bad Music

    Votes: 51 49.5%
  • Bad Tv/Movies

    Votes: 32 31.1%
  • Neither Matter To Me

    Votes: 8 7.8%
  • I Don't Think I Could Manage Either Way D:

    Votes: 12 11.7%

  • Total voters
Music, every time I go to the gym, the owner plays some awful music and I can't turn it off, lol. If the TV show is bad I can just ignore it, but I can't ignore sound.
Bad music is way worse, especially when it's a "popular" song so it's on all the damn time. Blurred Lines is a huge trigger for me and it use to play ALL THE TIME. Still can't stand it, and it's catchy so it will get stuck in my head and it's just awful all around.
Bad music because you can almost always hear it wherever you go sadly. Like if you're in a mall or someone think it's a good idea to blast the latest crappy house-pop on the train.

TV you can almost always turn off or walk out of the room. But yeah people tend to be really miffed when you point out that their music is not for everyone lol.
I think bad music is worse.

Never am I in a position where I have to sit and watch bad TV. If I don't like what's on, just change the channel. Crisis averted.

Music is in a lot of places though and not necessarily in places I can avoid. Radio at work, in stores, in malls, buskers in the street with their crappier renditions of songs I already hate, in games movies and TV shows. I've really gotta go out of my way to avoid music I don't like sometimes.

Plus, never has a bad TV show or movie made a song worse to me, but bad music has made otherwise good scenes in something less enjoyable.

Keeping up with the Kardashians is a work of art

In the sense of "well done, we'll put this up on the fridge!".
Oops, I think I voted for the wrong option. I think bad music is harder to ignore but bad tv and bad movies attack TWO of your senses so for that reason, I choose bad tv/movies. Usually bad tv you can just turn off though whereas if you hear bad music, it's harder to escape.
Bad music by a wide margin.

I don't have cable at my apartment, and I really don't have TV at all, with that (remember when local channels came in just from having a TV? Yeah, those were the days. Now even with an expensive antenna I *still* can't get them). Overall, TV is forced on me soooo much less than music.

I remember there was a really annoying show that would come on on the TV in the break room, but that's the most I can think of. It's nothing compared to the music that was forced on me when I was out on the floor working. The annoying playlist of country music, today's worst pop, and the worst hits of the 80s coming from the overheard speakers on repeat every single shift. Then the one period of time where a coworker brought in a radio every shift and blasted out country music. Then the coworkers who for some reason thought that blasting music out loud from their phone speakers while working. (I can't even imagine why anyone thought that was something that was appropriate to do. We worked in an open store).

I'll take bad TV. It's soooo much easier to get away from. There's no comparison. Absolutely none.
See, with bad TV, the issue can be nonexistent because it's easy to just ignore the show that is lacking in quality. With bad music, you have to hear it on the radio. You'll hear it in restaurants, in clubs, at dances, through someone else's playlist on their phone when you're riding with them in the car. You'll hear it in your head even when you don't want to, you'll hear some fourteen year old singing it under their breath when you ring them up for their double dip orange sherbet, and whether you like it or not, it'll slowly fill up your life and your culture.
Bad TV. There are a lot of horrible songs but they're always catchy in one way or another. Bad shows on the other hand just give me 2nd hand embarrassment.
Both are very easily ignored, but being forced to either I rather just be done with one bad song.
I can't stand listening to bad music, at least if I'm watching a bad show I can work on some homework or go on my phone.
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Bad TV I guess, considering some stuff I listen to is Bad Music (Metallica-Lulu I ****ing listen to that **** and actually like it.) Bad TV actually pisses me of a lot too.
Bad music, I can choose to watch a show or not but when I'm out driving,shopping or with friends an awful song will come on and it's stuck in my head for the rest of the day.
If a TV show/movie is REALLY bad, it's somewhat enjoyable. Bad music just makes me want to blow my brains out.