
Mar 30, 2015
Originally called as "Experimental Penguins" in July 2000 and changed to Club Penguin in October 2005 , and being buyed by Disney in 2008 , Club penguin was a site where you could create a virtual penguin and interact with other players , play games , earn coins to buy clothes , decorate your igloo (house) , and be part of the occasional events Club Penguin Mods would do (Such as the typical ones like Christmas , Halloween . Other ones from Club Penguin as "Music Jam" and other events based on Disney stuff).

After 2008 , Club Penguin was buyed by The Walt Disney Company , which in my opinion , ruined some part of Club Penguin , especially after 2012 , where everything was just Disney events ( , however , this didn't stopped for many users to join Club Penguin.

However , everything changed when on February , Club Penguin announced it was closing this March 29th 2017 , due to their new mobile game.

Today , its his last day.

What are your thoughts on this? Did you used to play Club Penguin? Do you have memories of it?

Personally , I , find this shameful . Not only selling themselfs to Disney and doing only Disney events on Club Penguin after 2012 (Because 2008 - 2011 was somewhat okay) , however , them closing a project that was surely a dream just to go to mobile devices . Shame on you , Club Penguin , its a shame to see moderators and infact , everyone who worked on Club Penguin to see them this low. And even if i dont play this thing since 2012 , it was somewhat part of my childhood.


October 24th 2005 -- March 29th 2017

You will always be best multiplayer online for kids <3
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I used to play Club Penguin religiously, it was a huge part of my childhood. Me and my brother would always look forward to our dad buying us a Club Penguin membership card. It was our treat for being (mostly) good kids :) I have great memories of it and I'm deeply upset that it's days are finally over.

Goodnight, sweet prince....


what time zone are u in, it's the 28th here still lol.
I never played it, didn't have a reason to. The only one of those games I ever played was Webkinz and Adventure Quest Worlds(Which was pretty decent from what I remember). Cancelling something to go mobile is really stupid though. I don't see why keeping it would be such an issue. I don't know, it's all dumb but it doesn't really affect me.
i was going to log in for one final time today but alas, my account has been erased. i first joined in 2009; hard to believe it's been 8 years.
I never played it, didn't have a reason to. The only one of those games I ever played was Webkinz and Adventure Quest Worlds(Which was pretty decent from what I remember). Cancelling something to go mobile is really stupid though. I don't see why keeping it would be such an issue. I don't know, it's all dumb but it doesn't really affect me.

I was just about to say I used to LOVE playing with Webkinz. I still have all of mine but most of them are packed away.

Stil have my sig raccoon tho he and my plush Mario are like my fav stuffed creatures ever lol:blush:
when i was 8 i had a boyfriend who had the paid membership thing lol and i never wanted him to be my boyfriens but i was too anxious to say no But Anyways he let me use his account that had membership and that was probably the best thing that came out of our V Srs 3rd Grade Relationship
rip club penguin ):