Worst pain you've ever felt?


Jun 11, 2015
both physically and emotionally can work.

for me, i know people have had it worse (their username starts with an s and ends with an o *eye emoji*), but by far braces pains atm. you can't take it off, you just have to struggle with it night and day. it's been the only pain that can wake me up in the middle of the night, other than regular stomach pains. it also affects my eating and what i can eat, and it is just sucky overall.

what about you all?
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I can't really give details, but the worst emotional pain for me had to have been when my dad immediately forgave somebody who hurt me.

Worst physical pain.. it was probably when I woke up with the worst tooth and gum infection and I felt like I was dying. Instead of taking me to the closest dentist, my dad drove for an hour and a half with me crying in the back seat, just so he could take me to a dentistry university to have it fixed by student dentists while 20 other students observed me in pain and humiliation, so he could pay a cheaper price. And then he refused to buy the medicine and antibiotics that was prescribed because it was too expensive and just bought me generic pain meds from the drug store. Lol
I feel no pain.
Physically, migraines. I get them once a week or so, and it's hell. It's always debilitating and if it gets really bad I even get nauseous and vomit from it. I can't go to the doctor right now to get it checked out, so I'm just kind of stuck with this horrible pain whenever it strikes.

Emotionally...god. So many. Besides general emotional suffering from depression, someone very special to me whom I loved with all my heart hurt me a lot over the course of our friendship/relationship and never returned my affections. I think the unrequited love is what has been the worst pain I've ever felt. That paired with the jealousy of the girl he did love. I know that sounds generic but when it's WAY more than just a crush, and it's true, genuine love, the heart wrenching pain in your chest is unbearable. Thankfully time heals, but I still have waves where the hurt from the situation comes back and I feel like I could just die from the pain.
Worse physical pain is when my rip popped out. How did that happen? I had a really bad cold and kept coughing and coughing and coughing and it started getting really sore, then one day I moved funny and just POP. I could barely breathe, it was terrible.

Worse emotional pain is something that happened last year on prom night
Worst Emotional Pain: Personal.

Worst Physical Pain: EAR PAIN. Dear god the pain was absolutely horrible. :(

- - - Post Merge - - -

i've had some serious physical and emotional pain, but nothing compares to guilt
Worst physical pain would either be when I had a migraine and it felt like someone was hammering a nail into my forehead, or when I've had a few IBS attacks and it felt like my insides were about to explode.
I'd be here all day if I had to sit down and list the worst emotional pain I've been through.

The worst physical pain is probably this migraine I had a few years ago. I woke up with a terrible headache, but my grandma made me do my homeschooling anyways. Throughout the day my headache got worse, and worse and worse. By that evening I felt ready to die because I was hurting so bad. I can't even describe the pain it was so bad. Even blinking hurt. I had to just lay there completely still with my eyes shut, because every little movement felt like my head was exploding. I couldn't eat anything because I would throw up. Nothing I did made it go away so I had go just suffer like that until it went away
It might be a bit TMI but
I went through a vein while self harming a few years ago. All I remember was screaming and crying and screaming and crying because I thought I had hit bone and it just f e l t s o b a d and everything just felt like I was burning and like I was dying and I could feel air hitting the inside of my arm and then blacking out and waking up in hospital. The doctors told me if I had gone deeper, I would've hit an artery and I would be dead. so ya

As for emotional pain, I went through a psychosis last year after I dropped out of school and I just felt this crushing emotional burden, like the entire world was against me and like I shouldn't be alive. Paired with the hallucinations and the voices that told me the same thing, I felt dead.
Worst emotional pain? I did something back in grade 5 that I immediately regretted when I did it. I'm not going to say what I did, but I did it in the middle of the year, and everyone hated me for the rest of the year, and I felt very depressed because of how everyone was acting towards me. And I started cutting my arm. After a while I realized it wasnt worth it and I got over that. Also I kinda did deserve it because I hurt a lot of other peoples feelings ;^;
I'm gonna go with physical only, but long story short I had a lung collapse that was made more complicated than need be and I woke up in the middle of being stitched up so yeah that was a blast
My emotional pain is more of actually remembering my past, of my dad leaving my mom and me, he abused her, and when she tried to escape him with me in her arms, he tripped us, and thanks to that I have a bald spot cause I was bleeding, was 4 years old. It isn't really physical since I can't remember any pain.

My worst physical pain was stepping on a nail! Youch it hurts so much but the good thing is it's not hard to remove, since the nail comes out all in one piece instead of the sandspurs in Florida I've got before
kidney stones.

Kidney Stones.

Worst emotional pain would either be struggling with suicidal thoughts and severe depression in my childhood, guilt (like Fleshy said), or fear...I deal with a lot of paranoia and anxiety so I've had some pretty terrible panic attacks before. Those hurt physically and emotionally and mentally.

The worst physical pain I've ever felt might be when I was a kid and I was being pushed on this zip line thing on the playground. I was a puny little kid and somebody pushed me way too hard and I went flying off the other end. Fell on arm with my elbow facing in and almost broke it. My arm hyper-extends outwards now.