The Information Desk: Ask questions about the site here!

Where do I find the number of posts others and I posted in a thread? (Like I post 7 times in the Quick Before the mods come, and Dedenne posts 3 times. Where could I find that info?
Where do I find the number of posts others and I posted in a thread? (Like I post 7 times in the Quick Before the mods come, and Dedenne posts 3 times. Where could I find that info?

When your viewing the thread (not inside) click the number next to where it says posts ^^
am i the only one who experiences this glitch? whenever i like someone's post their bells drop down to zero. it's not that big of an issue, though, and it's fixed when the page is reloaded.
am i the only one who experiences this glitch? whenever i like someone's post their bells drop down to zero. it's not that big of an issue, though, and it's fixed when the page is reloaded.

It's a slight technical issue that we are unable to fix.
How do I like someoone's comment? I have no idea how and I want to know in case I want to alert someone on the forum.
Uh, I said I wasn't gonna post another message till after Christmas, but this issue has really been bugging me. Remember the Bell Tree Fair? Well back then I bought a TON of those tickets from the shop at that time there. They are still there not auto-deleted like they should be... I don't know if it's the right thing for me to delete them or not... Please give me help on that...
I see people on the forums referring to TBT as a currency; does this simply refer to on-site bells? Thank you!