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Youtube's "Like" System

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Here to lurk
Nov 18, 2008
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With the like button so easy to get to, and favorite being in a drop down menu, I don't favorite videos anymore. I think youtube should drop the favorite system and merge our favorites, with our likes. You can even go to youtube, and look at a list of videos you liked, just like the favorite system. So, having two ways to favorite something is pointless. Plus, we used to give it so many stars, then favorite. Now we just hit the like button. So easy, just forget the favorite system, we don't need two.

Anyone else agree?
No, only if they bring back rating. Sometimes you want to rate a video, but not favorite it. Now they've done away with rating completely for the like/dislike system... =/
I don't have a youtube account, so i don't rate/like/favorite (lol leecher, i kno rite) but thinking about it, the like/dislike system seems to have a completely different purpose, compared to the favorites system, in my opinion.

favorites = those handful of videos that you love, and are going to watch over and over/share
like/dislike = a quick, simple way to show that you like a video/that it's good, or that you dislike a video/that it's bad.
also, rating is more of a gray area for like/dislike, I would guess/assume.

since they're both leaving a list of what you've liked/favorited, I guess they're the same/similar at least... but eh. /opinion
There should be a "hate"/"extremely horrible" button and a "love to death"/"love more than life itself" button and an "I don't care" button because those are the only feelings I ever feel.
SAMwich said:
This is why Vimeo is better.
but if you upload something to Vimeo you have to wait until it's finished processing for 30 minutes.
Gnome said:
SAMwich said:
This is why Vimeo is better.
but if you upload something to Vimeo you have to wait until it's finished processing for 30 minutes.
That's good in terms of picture quality, but not if you want to share videos quickly or have a large-ish following.
This new system sucks ass. It's not as easy to see if a video is good or not- with a rating, it's easier to tell and more in-depth. Maybe you're not crazy about a video, so you give it a 3 star. With this, that isn't possible.
I guess it's easier to get an idea on a video, but when people said that you only used 5 stars or 1 star I did use other stars :c
If you get rid of likes, then what will happen to all those comments saying "X number of people must have missed the like button herp derp please thumbs up this comment so that it's on the top of every video derpity herpadingdong"?

YouTube comments annoy me to no end.
Just bring back the old YouTube. I also hate how some videos stretch your page like a mother*censored.3.0*er.
Mino said:
If you get rid of likes, then what will happen to all those comments saying "X number of people must have missed the like button herp derp please thumbs up this comment so that it's on the top of every video derpity herpadingdong"?

YouTube comments annoy me to no end.
"WOW, X ____(Politicians, Mexicans, Juggalos etc.) WATCHED THIS VIDEO AND WERE OFFENDED!"
I hate the new system. :[

Another thing that I hate now is the loss of the sidebar.
It was just a nicer set up. D:
Guys, there is more broken with Youtube than the Like system, that's fine, I can live with it.

My real problem is how they don't even check copyright claims when they receive them, this has caused many of my favorite users to get suspended due to false claims from trolls.
You wanna know why YouTube is getting more and more fail? Because Google doesn't care about it. It's only losing them money. That's why they're going to start charging you to view videos. >_>
Tyeforce said:
You wanna know why YouTube is getting more and more fail? Because Google doesn't care about it. It's only losing them money. That's why they're going to start charging you to view videos. >_>

and nothing of value was lost.
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