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Your First Videogame

First one I owned was Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life because my parents refused to buy me gaming consoles before that lol... first one I played was like... probably some sonic game on sega or kirby 64 at my friend's house lol
The only game I remember from my childhood was mario kart DD
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hmm, i remember my first was a pac-man game for my gameboy advance ;;; ahh sweet nostalgia
Actually no omg speaking of gameboy
It was that game where that girl is a drill idk what it's called though
I think my earliest video game memory was playing a part of Panzer Dragoon Orta when I was 4-5. Around the same time we had a Mortal Kombat game, Prince of Persia: Sands of Time and some Silent Hill games (I have vague memories of hearing the beginning of 3 and the gameplay of 2)
The first one I remember was this:


Even though I know I owned an original NES with several games, like Final Fantasy, ExciteBike, and Mario Bros/Duck Hunt.
Spyro: Year of the dragon for playstation. =3=
I loved that game so much (and I still play it sometimes)
Can't really remember. I'm sure it was some trashy PC game.

The only game i can really remember from my early days is Sonic The Hedgehog.
I was introduced to gaming through my brother, who taught my sister and I how to play Pokemon Sapphire for the GBA SP. We also would play Kirby Air Ride and Super Smash Bros. Melee with him. When I was around six or seven, I got my brother's old GBA SP. My grandma and mother drove to GameStop with my sister and I so we could pick out one game, I nearly chose Emerald but I knew my brother would be upset since he already had it, so I went with LeafGreen. I haven't stopped gaming since.
The first video game that I really remember playing is Super Mario World for the SNES. I used to play it over and over again, quickly getting better with the help of my older cousin. It was the first game I ever 100% completed; it was super fun.

I believe I was five-ish when my dad brought a SNES home for me and my younger brother (I got SMW around that time or shortly afterwards), along with a box full of video games. He used to work for Data East and got free copies of whatever games he wanted (at least, I think they were free). The original Shadowrun game confused the heck out of me at the time. I kind of want to go back and play it, to see what I think about it now. xD
Donkey Kong Country on a bright green Gameboy Colour, closely followed by Kirby's Dreamland, and Pok?mon Red and Gold. Then Pok?mon Puzzle Challenge and Pok?mon Pinball.
It was a Beauty and the Beast game on Gameboy Colour. I think it had a bunch of mini games and a board game game thing. I was about 5, I'd say. After that came Pokemon Yellow, which I was supposed to share with my brother... Let's just say I hogged it a bit :p
I had gotten Super Mario Bros. for the NES on my 2nd birthday.
I grew up with video games, so it's hard to say. The first game I saw could've been anything. The first I played could've been a Zelda game, or maybe Metroid Prime, or Super Mario Sunshine. I definitely know that the first I learned was Mario Kart (64, I think). The first I really got into was Super Mario Sunshine. The first game that I owned (instead of borrowing from my brothers) was Animal Crossing, shortly followed by the game I fell in love with from early childhood, Wind Waker.
My first game played was on the Nintendo 64, but I don't quite remember which game. Possibly Bomberman or Pokemon Snap.