C C Caius Aug 17, 2015 I like how the last thing I did as a mod was make the frog your avi and you kept it. <3
Javocado May 7, 2015 Next batch of matches is due Sunday at 8pm PST (unless you request an extension). Thanks pal!
Javocado Apr 30, 2015 Good luck with that local tourney bud. If you can't get your match done tomorrow, I'll hit you up with that 24 hr extension!
Good luck with that local tourney bud. If you can't get your match done tomorrow, I'll hit you up with that 24 hr extension!
Javocado Apr 30, 2015 Hey, pal. Just wanted to let you know that your Smash tourney match is due by Friday 8pm PST. Thanks!
Hey, pal. Just wanted to let you know that your Smash tourney match is due by Friday 8pm PST. Thanks!
AkatsukiYoshi Apr 3, 2015 Hello. I am your opponent in the smash tournament now. When would you like to play the match?
Javocado Mar 24, 2015 Hey fella, thought I'd share this with you. If you wanna test your skillz against some of TBT's best, here ya go! http://www.belltreeforums.com/showthread.php?275990-Smash-Bros-Wii-U-Tournament-6!!-(Sign-Ups)
Hey fella, thought I'd share this with you. If you wanna test your skillz against some of TBT's best, here ya go! http://www.belltreeforums.com/showthread.php?275990-Smash-Bros-Wii-U-Tournament-6!!-(Sign-Ups)
WonderK Jul 10, 2014 Thunder told me that you're a GFX artist as well. Pleased to see others on the site that take a liking in GFX.
Thunder told me that you're a GFX artist as well. Pleased to see others on the site that take a liking in GFX.