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Your ACNL Villagers as High School Stereotypes!


Senior Member
Nov 20, 2016
Holiday Candy Cane 2016
Winter Mittens
I thought this would be a fun thread to make, I'm looking forward to hearing your responses.

Here are some of mine:

Diana: The girl that all the girls secretly want to be like, she's beautiful, stylish and from a affluent background, she is often seen wearing designer Items including her Birkin, Cartier pens and love bracelet, she is smart, witty and able to manipulate people into doing what she wants, girls envy her and seek her approval, guys are either head over heels or intimidated by her.

Poppy: The quite, reserved type who Teachers always pick on to answer questions because of this very fact. She often answers everything correctly, gets straight A's, is often seen at the Library reading books and has a group of tight-knit friends. When you get to know her, you realise just how sweet and genuine she is.

Fuchsia: The weird, eccentric girl who often is too honest for most people to handle, is seen at 'Legalise Marijuana' rallies and writes about her hate for Donald Trump on her Social Media profiles daily.

Julian: The Fashionable Gay, all the girls want to be his BFF, he gives good advise, always looks well put together, he knows everything about everyones business, and is often the first person people look to for some hot gossip 'News just in, Diana was seen wearing clothes from Target, oh the horror!'

Bob: The most laid back, chill person you know, rarely ever gets into arguments and disagreements, rarely says anything to offend anyone, everyone just likes him and he's really easy to talk too. Is often told off by his parents for being lazy, his room is a mess, he doesn't care much for social media, he wants to travel the World, and doesn't care much for education.

These are just some of my interpretations from some of my Villagers, I invite you to do the same, will be interested in hearing what everyone has to say!
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Paolo: The kid who wasn't really athletic or attractive and had no reason to be popular but just was for whatever reason, people always wanted to be his friend.

Stitches: the kid that everybody likes simply because he's so cute and innocent, a little bby.

Tiffany: the popular girl who always kind of lingered on the edge of trendy and edgy/punk, but made it work.

Cole: that kid who brought a bounty of food to every class and always ate it thinking he was being so lowkey but everybody saw him doing it (please tell me I'm not the only person who knew a kid like this in HS)

Poppy: pretty much like you said :p

Julian: like you said again :p

Tipper: the girl that you write off as shallow, arrogant, condescending, etc. at first but eventually get to know her and realize she's quite nice

Melba: the girl who always has her nose buried in a book

Julia: the loud and proud girl, always making jokes and talking and giggling, but still well-liked and friendly.

Fauna: the girl who's always willing to lend a helping hand, nice and friendly and loved by everyone because she's such a pure and genuine person. (even tho she's a deer lol)
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I have some! ♡

Rosie: Vegan blogger and environmental activist. Volunteers for everything and participates in all the clubs. Persuasive, cheerful, and well-spoken, but don't take advantage of her because you will regret it. She can win any argument you start with her without breaking composure.

Wolfgang: Literally everyone's senpai. Known for his dry sense of humour and having all the answers. Usually found napping or talking to Brewster about his thoughts (even though he gets little response, he finds the company endearing). Also an absolute mama's boy, but he'll never admit it.

Marshal: One word; tsundere. Sometimes you got to push him off his high horse, because even though he makes you feel like a peasant, he actually cares for others and gets attached easily. He's also a perfectionist and takes most of his classes online.

Ruby: A little bit of a basket case. Always there at the most inappropriate of times. She will wait at your door just to be the first one you see on your birthday, but she won't tell you why she's there. She also baby-sat the Nookling brothers once, and was seen (several times!) blatantly going through other villagers' mail.
Your interpretation of Bob is exactly what I would interpret him as. He's quite a lot like me with the way you interpret him though not everyone likes me (which is actually kinda similar because not everyone likes Bob despite him being very popular). Forgot to mention that he is also a gamer as it was stated on his e-reader card ("Ever wonder why he sleeps so late? It's because he's up all night playing video games"). Here are some of the villagers that I would interpret:

Mitzi: She is kind-hearted to almost every student in the school. She gets on with her work well and is friends with a lot of people. Despite looking and sounding very innocent, she has a bit of a dark side that not many people know about.

Derwin (not one of my villagers but was in my original New Leaf town before I restarted it): The obvious nerdy stereotype. Has a huge interest in maths and science and often gets picked on for doing so. He is very shy towards other people who are not nerds.

Punchy: Punchy is a lot like Bob; he is very laid-back, doesn't care about schoolwork or homework and is friends with a lot of people. The only real difference is that his goal is to become a cartoonist as he loves cartoons (which is coincidentally also his goal in New Leaf). He is also a bit of a gamer, but not as much as Bob.

Cherry (again not one of my villagers, but I know what to interpret her as): A dog who really cares for other students, even if they annoy her sometimes. If two students would get into a fight, she'd try to break it up. She really despises rumours and will chide on others for spreading them. She gets on with her work quite well and inspires to become a musician.
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Kyle would totally be hanging outside the school whistling at the girls that walk by. He'd own an old fashioned jukebox too and hit it to get the music started.
This sounds like fun! And since some of you have the same residents as I do, I thought I would give my own spin in things... :D

Mitzi: The local sweetheart of the school. Always offering loving advice, has a caring soul, and many students crush on her. However, she has to deny their love back, due to that she is already seeing somebody… Outside of town.

Lobo: The bad boy of the bunch, and someone who's got high marks in auto shop. He often rides around town on his motorcycle, but unknown to him, he often collects antiques from various places, because they remind him of his mother, who died when he was around 9.

Sparro: The resident jock, and that's a huge understatement. He's always bragging about his muscles underneath his feathered body, and he's the front end of the football team. He wanted to try out for linebacker, but when he learned that you can't fly in football, he changed his mind.

Chadder: The ladies man of the school, he often dresses in a tux, hoping to find the woman of his dreams. A male body artist, he covered his entire body in paint and made it cheese themed, because all of the ladies adore cheese… That was his words, not mine.

Pashima: The artist of the school, Pashima has huge marks in art, and is also like a big sister to the underclassmen. She more often than not protects them from the more rougher students, like Spike, for instance. Has dreams of making it to an art college to continuely support her career.

Bertha: A bit of a health junkie, Bertha always keeps up to date on the latest health fads, and knows the food pyramid by heart. She does have some laid back moments, though. Her mother is the local dentist around town, and given that her house is styled after a dentist office… Either that, or she's a huge fan of the movie 'Finding Nemo'...

Stitches: The mascot of the school, the Bewaring Bears. Due to budget cutbacks, they had to make their own costume out of various clothes, and stitch them together. But nobody knows who's in the costume. The wearer of the costume did mention that they were a mal, thoughe. They call him Stitches, due to his given name being way too hard to pronounce.

Zucker: A Japanese Foreign Exchange student, Zucker is learning a lot about the western culture. He is quite surprised at the customs that the townsfolk do daily, and wants to learn a lot about this country, before he returns back to his home country. His favorite part about the country is the food, and he looks forward to dinner every day.

Tasha: One of the most popular girls in school, who very much LOVES her hair. When not in class, she is often taking care of her hair, or her friend's hair. While she will chatize student's hair who's under the socialful food chain, she will often offer tips on how to better it. She may be a bit stuck-up, but she does have a caring heart deep down.

(Not in town) Cherry: Part of the gothic subculture. Some people often joke on how many studs she can put in her ears, or if she does have a lower back tattoo. But Cherry is a real sweetheart to everyone, acting like a big sister to the younger students, almost like Pashima. Has dreams of becoming a fashion designer, and wants to bring new life to gothic fashion.
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Marshal: The school's flirt and everyone's favorite, he's a smug so he'll flirt with any female that walks by. however, under that cool guy persona is a caring squirrel who is only loved for his looks. he wants to be loved for who he is and not by what he looks like, his best friend is Julian.

Julian: Marshal's best friend since middle school, he's calm and speaks his mind whenever is necessary. like marshal, he is a flirt but means what he says when he compliments females (unlike marshal who only wants to date them just to look cool). He'll usually be seen in the library or sitting alone with his friend, his favorite song is stale cupcakes and is a great friend who will give a shoulder to cry on.
Marshal: That one handsome kid who girls can't get enough of. He's popular and smart, and constantly carries a comb and hair gel to style his flawless hair. Whenever a new club is created, he's the first to join just so he can say he "did it first". Julian is his taller, less popular best friend.

Diana: The school diva. She wears only designer clothes and makeup and goes through boyfriends like she goes through credit cards. She'll only date seniors, though. Younger men will be rejected immediately. She doesn't care much about going to class or doing homework though, so sometimes she'll flirt with nerds to get answers from them. Fauna is her much more shy younger sister.

Fauna: The shy, introverted younger sister of Diana. She's only a year younger than her sister but is constantly in her shadow. She loves books and is constantly reading. She gets straight A's in class and always turns in her homework. Little does she know that there are several boys who have crushes on her, but they're too shy to say so. She wears simple clothes and minimal makeup.

Stitches: The class clown. He's always thinking of ways to make people laugh and always wants to be the center of attention. His one weakness is food, and he practically empties out the cafeteria at lunchtime. He doesn't understand the point of doing homework and as a result fails miserably in his classes. Maple is his girlfriend.

Maple: She's friends with Fauna, though not quite as shy as her. She's friendly and kind to everyone and constantly reminds her boyfriend, Stitches, how important homework is. She herself gets straight A's and often studies with Fauna.

Merengue: She has a slightly heavier build than anyone else in school. She loves to bake and takes every Home Ec class available. She's always making sweets and treats for her friends and is quite popular despite not having a perfect figure.

Ankha: The beautiful, slightly edgy drama queen. She wants to rule school and won't hesitate to give anyone who opposes her a verbal beatdown. Whenever there's a contest that involves voting she enters and almost always wins. Diana is her rival and they're constantly competing for the title of "Queen". Rosie is her younger, much more relaxed sister.

Rosie: Ankha's younger sister. She is bubbly and friendly to all she meets, offering advice to anyone who has a problem. She doesn't care much about being "queen" of anything, and instead devotes her time to joining clubs and hosting fundraisers. Her grades aren't perfect but she makes sure they're passing, at least. Her boyfriend is from another school and she won't settle for anyone else.

Julian: The certified gay at school. He loves flirting with all the boys, no matter if they're gay or not. Girls are frustrated by his sexuality because they find him tall and attractive. Marshal is his best friend, though they don't have the same gender preferences. They accept each other, which is why they get along do well. He's very smart and his grades are amazing.

Ketchup: She's a tiny powerhouse of determination. Vegetarian and somewhat of a hippie, she only believes in natural products. She only eats organic stuff and wears clothes of natural plant materials. Any club that involves raising money to save a living species, she joins. Her grades are decent, but not the best.
Even though I don't have him...

Ganon: The hugest, meanest, most brutal bully in the entire school… Or that's what people want you to believe. He is actually a really talented actor, and his acting skills are top notch, with his Drama class having done a Legend of Zelda play in school, where he played as the evil king. Even though he talks about world domination, deep down, he's a real softie at heart.
I don't have any of these villagers but...

Barold: The smelly nerd at school who no one likes. He wears thick glasses, doesn't shave or shower as often as he should (hence the constant 5 o'clock shadow) due to laziness, and spends way too much time on the computer playing games.

Beardo: A closeted stalker. He's tall and gentlemanly so the ladies like him, but he's secretly a creep.

Hazel: The leader of the school's feminist club. She's quite short but very outspoken, loud, and refuses to shave, including her unibrow.
Sounds fun. xD

Wendy Part of the dynamic duo with Carmen, she's a sweet girl, who easily gained popularity. She loves to pig out on candy, even sneaks a few bites in class. She hates studying, and dreams to be a pop star. She's quite popular with the boys, though she herself doesn't really care for them. She'd rather be with her all-time idol, K.K. Slider.

Carmen Part of the dynamic duo with Wendy, she's a hyper girl, who along with Wendy, gained popularity. She loves to listen to music and eat her chocolate dipped carrot bites. She stays up late often and ends up sleeping in class. She, too, wants to a pop star. Along with Wendy, she's popular with the boys and has a crush on Quillson.

Bettina She's the shy smart kid, who is quite the bookworm. Her great manners and goody two shoes attitude earned her the favor of all her teachers. She studies hard and earns straight A's. She's also known for a great cooking skills and loves to pass out treats during lunch. She likes Quillson, but she's too shy to confess.

Cobb He's the nerdy jock who just loves to work hard. He's the star player in the school's basketball team, and he's got a massive appetite. He's also part of the school's science club and is quite knowledgable in chemistry. Because of this, though, he's has balance between practice and his club, so he doesn't always have much time for himself. He likes Wendy, but he never knows what she likes so he always ends up offending her. Poor guy.

Ozzie He's that sweet kid who's always sleeping in class or eating snacks behind the teacher's back. He gets scolded a lot for this, but he can't help it sometimes. His favorite time of school is lunch, where he can dig into the huge lunch that his mom packed for him. Because of his sweet nature, he's a bit popular with the girls, though he's quite oblivious to the fact. He has a bit of a crush on Bettina though, only for her good food.

Quillson He's that popular playboy who grabs the attention of all the girls in school. Coming from a rich family, he gets good grades and stays out of trouble, but it's his charisma which attracts people to him. The little guy can't seem to make up his mind between Carmen, Wendy, and Bettina. The drama never ends for him.

Cesar He's the scary principal of the school. He's strict and firm and has a strong sense of responsibilty. Depsite his scary face, he always feels like he's never doing enough to steer these kids in the right direction. He's very classy and has a soft spot for doughnuts. He and Monique seem to have a thing going on.

Angus He's the history teacher that's cool yet stern when he has to be. He's a good teacher and sometimes brings in goodies for the class.

Ankha She's the mean girl in the school. She acts all that and gained popularity with the boys. Though she'll act like your best friend, she'll be the first to backstab you. Most girls are jealous of her, and she always laughs in their face. But maybe deep inside, she's longing for a true friend?

Monique She is the vice principal of the school. She's an older woman who's strict and always enforcing the rules. She loves to read books and seems to have a thing going on with Cesar.
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Fang - The misunderstood lone-wolf with a troubled past. Many people refuse to talk to him because of his cold 'bad boy' image. The only ones who understand him are his best friends, Cookie and Beau. Upon first meeting, he may come off as blunt and rude, but once you get to know him, Fang is really laid-back and a down-to-earth sweetheart. He's only shows emotion to those he loves.
Unfavorable Trait: Emotionally constipated, brash and antisocial.

Kid Cat (He moved out *sobs*) - Popular, good-looking, and amazing at sports; Kid Cat is every girls dream boy. He's a huge people person, so befriending others has never been an issue, but many people find his loud, boisterous personality annoying. He becomes quite competitive when playing on the field. Girlfriend is Chrissy.
Unfavorable Trait: Doesn't use his brain often.

Julian - That slightly flamboyant, drama queen. He's a self-proclaimed fashionista who's somehow managed to become one of the most popular kids at school. He loves spreading rumors and starting drama with others. And even though Julian is exceptionally bright when it comes to his education, his playboy persona prevents him from excelling. Chrissy and Merengue are his best friends.
Unfavorable Trait: Over-dramatic, brags a lot and is spoiled.

I would've listed more of my villagers, but I was too tired TTwTT
Also, I apologize for my crappy grammar.
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Kyle- The high school stoner fits him pretty well. He looks high in the game, so that description fits him perfectly xD

Kidd- The one that loves anime and everything geeky. He'd constantly listen to anime opening/endings while doing his school work. Some might find him a tad annoying, but he doesn't really care what people think about him. Kidd just wants to have during high school.

Timbra- She constantly starts drama and makes fun of other peoples clothing. She's labeled as one of the mean girls and all she wants is to be a famous model since she loves fashion.

Static- He's kinda mean, but once you get to know him he really isn't that bad of a guy. He may be demanding sometimes, but his hearts in the right place.
Diana - She's the princess / rich type and shares the upper part of my island with one of my characters.

Lolly - The jolly little one who always has a smile on her face.

Eunice - The calm type who keeps to herself.

Poppy - The one who sleeps fruently wherever she goes.

Punchy - Chill dude. Go with the flow type.

Coco - People are sometime scared of her appearance but she actually just wants to talk and make friends with the others.

Willow - Spoiled and a musician who loves to play classical music.

Wendy - The ecstatic peppy girl of the group. She is full of spirit and very loud. She aims to be famous one day.

Octavian - He is the tough looking guy on the block who is secretly into space related topics.
Ooh, this sounds fun! Let me see here..

Mayor + Secretary(even though the thread is villagers only I really wanted to involve my mayor and Isabelle too..)
Krisadra - aka "Student Council President". The new kid who transferred from another school to Starview. Somehow ended up being an important figure on her first day.. She's always stressed to the max because of it. She thinks everyone hates her because she's human. Total insomniac.

Isabelle - Student Council Secretary. Guided the clueless Krisadra around the school and is her right-hand woman. Ditzy and sometimes distracted, she knows what's best for everyone. Gets really annoyed when Kris reports "bad behavior" from some of the students (inappropriate shirts, catchphrases, etc.).

Fauna - The kindhearted girl who always has her face in books. Helps out pretty much everybody, unless they're rude to her. Always on time and gets straight A's. Enjoys group projects and bringing homemade sweets to class sometimes. Despite being a bookworm, she has her fair share of popularity, and she's a bit of a teacher's pet. Friends with Skye, Carmen, and Julian.

Bree - The spoiled selfish rich girl(as well as a total gossip.. She even likes starting fake rumors in order to make herself look better than everyone else..) who always believes she is the most important person in school, despite being a lowly mouse. The Queen. (At least, until Queenie moves in.. Then Bree's got competition.) Gives Fauna fashion advice, but the two don't talk much. She's dating Static. B Average.

Static - Bree's current boyfriend. He can be a bit grumpy and arrogant at times, but is always there to lend a helping hand. A fruit fanatic and a real team player when he wants to be. He's good friends with the cat brothers. A big softie once he opens up to others. Usually gets B's with an occasional A.

Rudy - Punchy's younger brother(headcanon) and the resident jock. Upbeat and friendly, he always encourages others to stand up for themselves and to eat healthy. Doesn't really care about anything else but gym class. Irritated by Punchy refusing to take care of himself. Oblivious to romance. A in physical education, B's and C's everywhere else.

Punchy - Rudy's older brother. Lazy. Very lazy. A bit antisocial and tardy most of the time.. And he always forgets to do his homework and tends to sleep in class a lot.. Eats a lot of junk food and is a bit of a stoner, which worries his younger brother greatly. Loves playing games and watching TV/anime and reading comic books. Treats everyone equally. C Average.

Julian - The flirtatious "perfect" guy. Every girl(except Bree) wants to date him, and the guys wish they were him. He actually rolls both ways, and hits on pretty much everybody. Despite being really popular, he's quite smart, almost as smart as Fauna and Skye. A's and B's.

Carmen - The hyperactive, sweets-loving, idol wannabe girly girl. She dreams of becoming a star like the Squirrel Sisters, Cece and Vich?. Taking theater, drama, and chorus has certainly improved her skills. She's friends with pretty much everybody. She has a small crush on Rudy, though she'll never admit it. Cries over cheesy romance stories and movies. Usually gets A's and B's, but sometimes messes up and ends with a C or two.

Muffy - The tomboyish edgy goth girl, and the mama bea-- er, sheep of the bunch. She's gotten into plenty of fights to protect the weaker students. Blunt and will always tell the truth, no matter how bad it is. Secretly has a (really creepy) porcelain doll collection. She likes to blog about paranormal, freaky, and just plain creepy(and totally real, nightshade!) stories and about a strange town named "Hell." Loves to play video games like Punchy, but she gets loud and competitive, and tends to swear at the TV.. B average, just like Bree.

Skye - The shy and oblivious artist who always has her head in the clouds, lost in her own little world. Loves to draw, but hides her creations to avoid being judged or criticized. Recently made an art blog after Carmen gave her a pep talk about her wonderful creations. No friends other than Fauna and Carmen. Straight A's and is Fauna's study buddy.

(well this was fun(and lengthy rip)
in the town of ?clair:

Mott: The popular jock with a heat of gold. He talks with everyone, doesn't matter if you're cool or not. Not too smart, but always there to make you laugh. He'll sometimes disrupt the class by making jokes if he can't understand the lesson, other times he just skips class to hang out with Ren?e under the bleachers. But this is his last year of high school so he really needs to start trying a little harder.

Beau: An incredibly shy guy who often times goes unnoticed by his peers. He always has a melancholic/sad look in his eyes. A few girls (and guys) find him cute but he is too modest to realize it. Recently he founded a home ec club where he and the other members bake all sorts of treats. Occasionally he'll save these treats to share with his friends (but more than often he'll end up accidentally eating them himself)

Ren?e: A strong, confident girl. She likes to express herself through alternative fashion and other students often describe as 'scary.' Those who are close to her know her as a kind and loyal friend. She'll never go out of her way to hurt anyone (be it emotionally or physically) but she will not stand for any sort of injustice either so she is often found fighting off other people's bullies.

Stitches: He is so cute and small that most people don't realize he is a high school student. Though in truth he doesn't really mind being treated like a kid. He is a bit touchy with his friends, loves to hold hands and give hugs. He'll sometimes get a little angry if he misses snack time, but he looks so adorable that most people just disregard his anger.

Marshal: The new exchanged student who no one will shut up about. He is a trend setter and a bit of a flirt but he doesn't ever date anyone, he just likes to flirt with people because it makes his targets pay more attention to him. Deep down inside he is a bit of a nerd for trains, but he'll never admit it.

He is the president of the drama club and he happens to take his position very seriously. He is always going off about the importance of theater and can be a little pretentious when expressing his opinions. Despite all he tries to be fair with all of the other members and is incredibly mature when settling conflict. As such he has earned the respect of his peers.

He is sick so often that he hardly ever shows up to school. Despite hardly being there he has all sorts of rumors floating around him. Once people thought he was dead after not showing up to school for three months. And many have reported seeing rotting flesh underneath the bandages that cover up his face.