Worst non villager character


Call me Mikey
Jan 26, 2014
Yes this is a thread for your least favorite non villager character! So I'll go first...
I was never to fond of phineas. Maybe it's his ugliesess or something! He just never was that interesting to me.
I don't like Phineas much either. He talks like his badges are the best thing ever when I'm only actually talking to him so he'll go away :D
Gracie, and Lyle.
Seriously, it took me forever to get even over 20,000 points.
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LYLE. Ugh too much talking.
I don't hate phineas but don't really like him either.
Hate Kapp'n daughter, Leila...low pricing at island and why she even exist at the first place????
Isabelle because she moves out villagers. And Resetti because I do a lot of business :c
Lyle is really funny at first ("BAM!!" lol) but it get's really old.... REALLY quick. I just want my freakin home score and I have to sit through all that dialogue every time. Kapp'n is annoying too with all the songs that I have to skip through. Other than that I pretty much like everyone, unless I cant think of anymore right now.
I don't like Phineas a lot.. he's sounds like a perv but that might be just me who thinks that.
Lyle in my opinion was pretty funny at first, as mearrepaige said with his "BAM!!" every time. tumblr_inline_mzg37bxIV11rw12xc.png But now he is just trailing on and on and I didn't come for tea, just for my points. Phineas was lovely in City Folk giving me his balloons and everything, so sweet. Then they made him badge man and I feel so guilty for running up to him hoping for a second badge and being turned down. So he's on my disliked list too. tumblr_inline_mzwniezTK11rw12xc.png Then there's Tom Nook, who was always a bit of a cheek, but making his nephews work at Nookling Junction and slave away night and day for extra cash? That's just below the belt. tumblr_inline_mzge2rukzO1rw12xc.gif
Just a sidenote, I kind of like Lyle: mainly for the stories he shares with Nook at times.
But Gracie, UGH! I can't stand her. She talks about fashion, but she never changes her wardrobe.
And all she does once you unlock her is stand around the store like an idiot. :p
I hated Lyle at first (SHUT UP ALREADY) but now I find his endless yakking endearing. xD

I don't care for Gracie either. Apparently, she's super fashionable with impeccable designing skillz, but she wears NEON blue with orange and green and brown pants. Her clothes are brown and bright yellow, there are very few actually worth buying.

That's not fashionable. >:|
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Pete. It's mildly amusing to hear him talk about Phyllis, but I can't get past that when he shows up in town, it means that I won't get a special character visit that day. I don't count Pete as a special character. He does absolutely nothing but wander about looking goofy.

Hate Kapp'n daughter, Leila...low pricing at island and why she even exist at the first place????

Her too. But for a different reason: I hate baby talk.
Though I do appreciate her being on the island. It's a quick way to clean your inventory.