Will you be buying Physical or Digital?

There exists only one SKU for Switch games. The SKU is universal, as it covers all regions at once. There technically is no American copy of Breath of the Wild, just the same as no European or Japanese copy exists. This is because of the Switch being openly region free and all regions sharing the same version of the game between all regions.

I agree that Animal Crossing on the Switch will only have one SKU, but is this universally true? Aren't there certain Switch games, that have multiple versions due to censorship? Wolfenstein in Germany comes to my mind.
I agree that Animal Crossing on the Switch will only have one SKU, but is this universally true? Aren't there certain Switch games, that have multiple versions due to censorship? Wolfenstein in Germany comes to my mind.

Not universally true, as there are Japan-only games that haven't received a translation that only exist in that region that won't have multiple versions on the card, even if a Western release of said game happens down the road. The Seiken Densetsu Collection for example is apparently getting some sort of translation soon, but it won't have any affect on my import copy.

As for Wolfenstein, I hadn't heard too much regarding that issue so I can't really say too much about it. I'd imagine that they call for different cases though since you really don't want to underhand the countries rules and regulation by slipping in uncut versions of the game via different language setting.

For first-party Nintendo games, it is universally true.
Not universally true, as there are Japan-only games that haven't received a translation that only exist in that region that won't have multiple versions on the card, even if a Western release of said game happens down the road. The Seiken Densetsu Collection for example is apparently getting some sort of translation soon, but it won't have any affect on my import copy.

As for Wolfenstein, I hadn't heard too much regarding that issue so I can't really say too much about it. I'd imagine that they call for different cases though since you really don't want to underhand the countries rules and regulation by slipping in uncut versions of the game via different language setting.

For first-party Nintendo games, it is universally true.

Ah, thanks for clearing that up for me. Yeah you're right, the first-party titles are all one version.
Unless Animal Crossing supports cloud saves, data corruption is going to be a fear we all will constantly face regardless of whether we own digital or physical seeing as how save data is stored on the Switch itself.

I get that, and I was talking about actual game data corruption. Not save data.

>But you can recover that data

Yes you can but it's not like everyone knows about that or maybe they do but they don't trust that.
Then there is also the benefit of saving precious storage space on your Switch.

>But you can lose cartridges or break cartridges

You can also lose and/or break your Switch so I recommend being careful with your belongings.

I'm not new to this omfg
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I'll probably get the console itself in around December, so I'll buy the physical copy hopefully. I love the feel of physical copies.
I'm not too sure as of yet. Usually I would go with physical since I like collecting the boxes, but then again...
All the games I have for the Switch right now I own as digital copies. I got the Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu/Eevee-Style Switch, with Let's Go Eevee as a digital copy predownloaded. And all other games I own as of now I downloaded on christmas since the stores were closed. And I gotta say...
It's convenient to have all your games on your system at all times. As someone else has pointed out in this thread alread: Animal Crossing is the kind of game you're probably going to play everyday for at least a little bit, so always having it ready to go on the Switch would be great.

In the end I think for me it will mostly depend on what the box art will look like, and then I'll probably decide spontaneously on the day it's released.
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And the taste

I'm torn. the idea of loosing my switch while having ac as a digital copy is terrifying to me, but i honestly doubt that, even if i got a physical copy it would change much, since i'd be unlikely to take a physical cardridge out like...ever.
In the end, for me it'll depend on what kind of special editions of the game will be available and how much they will cost. AC is the kind of game i want to have with me always, so while i'm still not sure, i suppose i'm leaning towards digital at the moment. I do have the online service, so i'll be looking into the the backup saves options and into what you can do if your switch is stolen, lost or breaks.
Physical especially if there's a SE, which I really hope there is.
i don't actually know what i will be buying yet, generally i prefer physical copies but i don't like to leave my house so it might be digital. if there is a midnight launch then i'd be tempted to go to that though bc it sounds cute : )
Hmm that's a good question. I have always gotten the physical copy over the digital because I like having the box art and being able to hold the little cartridges in my hand is just nice. I am the same way about text books in that I prefer to have the physical copy that I may hold. But Animal Crossing is my favorite game and it'd be great to have a digital copy since it'd forever be on my Switch. I wouldn't have to worry about leaving my house with my Switch but forgetting to bring AC. However, digital copies can take up lots of space which means I might have to buy a bigger SD card, which means spending more money on top of purchasing AC. So I will have to go with getting a physical copy.
I will probably do Physical.
I've always prefered physical copies of games, so it probably wont be any different.
Only really order digital if I'm not out to pick it up.
I really want it digitally but I'd love to have the case for the game tbh plus I feel like having it in cartridge form is just more reliable than digital
digital. no point in getting the physical copy since the save file isn't saved to the cartridge

if i cared about having physical, tangible things then my opinion would be different
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I?m old-fashioned, so I always prefer physical copies. I miss the days when games came with full-color booklets too. ;-; For New Leaf, I had 3 copies at one point, so I can imagine having more than one copy for the Switch as well.
I’m old-fashioned, so I always prefer physical copies. I miss the days when games came with full-color booklets too. ;-; For New Leaf, I had 3 copies at one point, so I can imagine having more than one copy for the Switch as well.
I miss booklets as well. I would get a physical copy if they still had booklets because I loved collecting them!

I have five copies for New Leaf, but you might only need 1 for the new game.

Switch game save files save onto the Switch itself rather than the cartridge and each profile gets a different save file. So you can have 8 separate towns with a single copy of the game.
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