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Wi-Fi is amazing.


Senior Member
Nov 30, 2005
I got randomly paried up with the 5th best in the nation, V on SMS:C, and I thought I was gonna get whiped.

Map: Classic: Battle Dome (no gimmciks for a match just on skill.)
Yoshi(me) Vs. Daisy(V.)
2 out of 3 matches for the win.

The first game 1-3 Daisy. She/he gain a speical attack that shoots up rocks to stun nearby players, then she would do is hand the ball to my goalie. stun, then knock in the ball for an easy goal. I scored out of luck, and dasiy was playing incredible defence.

Second game 5-4 Yoshi. She/he threw in some mega strikes where I missed some goals to catch giving her 2 points, one goal was made by drybones, whos special shot stuns the goalie and returns the ball, then he pinged in back in. Another was from a dasiy speical move shot. I manged to keep the the ball as far away from my goalie as possble, and getting goals by quicking kicking the ball to the oppoents goal then following up with a strong but quick kick from yoshi. I also let my shy guy use his speical shot to clear most of the feild, then charge in with a koopa to get points. Toad, a non shooter, also pinged in one because a used yoshi's egg attack to ram most of the players on the feild. (not the goalie) Plus, toad did a nicely executed charged shot to make shure it got in. literally started yelling in excitement after I won, as this is the 5th best in the America's ( North+South)

Third Match 4-3 SuddenDeath Yoshi. THIS WAS THE MOST CHALLENGING AND FUN GAME EVER. For some reason, the game kept on giving Daisy chances to do her special move, but I quicky counter by throwing the goalies ball to Toad, who would set up a play for me to make a goal. The action was fierce and I almost thoguht I was going to lose. I get a QUICK goal at like 2.4 seconds left to tie it up, and then the match continues on for 6 more minutes until I finally get a goal with a koopa, by confusing the goalie with lighting fast passes. Once I won, I shouted GOOALLLLLLL for about a minute. XD

If anyone knows who V. is ( NSIDER PERPAPS BUL?) I would really like to thank him on such a great match, and how he lost to someone with 2 wins and 3 losses. ;p

Oh and BTW: Many of you may think that hes #5 beucase he uses daisy's speical move. It is a fair advantage in the game, as it is easy to counter once you know what your doing. Plus, dasiy could not get a normal shot in for her life. V was using amazing defence. At times, I didn't even know if I had the ball or not. But, I followed up with my passing and my defence, to win a small chance for a shot.

Sadly, I'm still like rank 10,000+. But knowing that I beat the #5 best in the America's makes playing a whole lot sweeter.


Oh and if you have SMS:C ( the best mario sports game yet IMO) Prepare to get whiped by me. >:D

EDIT: Edited the first EDIT, that was his 7th best for daily, sorry.

And on one last note, I beat him on my personal Mii, not my TBT one with 1 win and 9 losses. XD
Holy crap, 5th best in the nation? That's pretty good to win against him... Maybe you'll take his place! D:
UltraByte said:
Holy crap, 5th best in the nation? That's pretty good to win against him... Maybe you'll take his place! D:
No, I'll need to be a Wi-Fi freak and play it all day to be that high. D:

Possibly when the next one or two seasons restart I'll aim on being high ranked.

It all about fun though for me.

Oh, and Hammer Spammers ( I played a match with 3 hammerbros+mario on a team today. >.>) make the game boring and no fun.

Interesting matches like the one I just played make it all worth the $50.
I don't have wi-fi, so the whole game is really different for me (that goes for all games) It really isn't high up on my list but it sounds like a great way to spend an afternoon.
As a rule, online gaming is only as good as the people you play with. For example. I was kicking butt and taking names on Star Wars Battle Front 2 today. It was 3 against me. We were all snipers. Believe it or not none of them had a 50+% kill/death ratio. I destroyed them (all 3 were in the same clan). They then said I was cheating. I said I wasn't. They then said I was a sniper noob. I then pointed out they are snipers too. They then say they are better than me. I point to the score board. They keep going on saying how they got the "skillz" and I suck. I left because there was no point in playing with people that are more worried about dying and degrading the other person than having fun.

Of course, the game play matters in online but the people you play against really shapes your opinion. I think thats why Nintendo encourages families to play together. You are playing with people you generally love so the overall gaming experience is better.
I LOVE this game... in local multiplayer, mostly. I don't get why online is so hyped up. It's not THAT good.
Propaganda Man said:
As a rule, online gaming is only as good as the people you play with. For example. I was kicking butt and taking names on Star Wars Battle Front 2 today. It was 3 against me. We were all snipers. Believe it or not none of them had a 50+% kill/death ratio. I destroyed them (all 3 were in the same clan). They then said I was cheating. I said I wasn't. They then said I was a sniper noob. I then pointed out they are snipers too. They then say they are better than me. I point to the score board. They keep going on saying how they got the "skillz" and I suck. I left because there was no point in playing with people that are more worried about dying and degrading the other person than having fun.

Of course, the game play matters in online but the people you play against really shapes your opinion. I think thats why Nintendo encourages families to play together. You are playing with people you generally love so the overall gaming experience is better.
I'm with you, playing with people who abuse the fun of online play really ruin it, as I said about the HammerSpammers in a earier post.

Luckly, nintendo remembered snaking in MK:DS and make shure there was a way to stop hammer spamming, with carefully timed tackles.
I agree, Bam. MKDS was awesome for a while, then you got the cheaters online, who D/C if you get lucky and get ahead... and the online for MKDS sucks now.


Also, congrats, Fang! I hope to get the game this weekend and then practice a bit... then whoop everyone! :lol:
DarthGohan1 said:
I agree, Bam. MKDS was awesome for a while, then you got the cheaters online, who D/C if you get lucky and get ahead... and the online for MKDS sucks now.


Also, congrats, Fang! I hope to get the game this weekend and then practice a bit... then whoop everyone! :lol:
I played it online only a few times when it just came out (Can't find the game but if I had it I'd be playing it right now. Best game on the DS for me. I don't have wi-fi so that problem didn't come up) I remember when I came back from 4th (WAAAAAAAAAY back) to win against members here. It was a close ending too


My friend invites me and another one of our friends over to play Halo 2 and Crackdown online all the time. Every time it rules because we just make fart jokes and have fun.
Propaganda Man said:
DarthGohan1 said:
I agree, Bam. MKDS was awesome for a while, then you got the cheaters online, who D/C if you get lucky and get ahead... and the online for MKDS sucks now. :(

Also, congrats, Fang! I hope to get the game this weekend and then practice a bit... then whoop everyone! :lol:
I played it online only a few times when it just came out (Can't find the game but if I had it I'd be playing it right now. Best game on the DS for me. I don't have wi-fi so that problem didn't come up) I remember when I came back from 4th (WAAAAAAAAAY back) to win against members here. It was a close ending too


My friend invites me and another one of our friends over to play Halo 2 and Crackdown online all the time. Every time it rules because we just make fart jokes and have fun.

Solo Videogames=Fun.
Videogames with online play=+Fun.
Videogames with friends and family= ++Fun.

Just goes to show that nintendo is making the right choice to make games that are more fun to play with others, then just playing online. But, they still give the option of online play, as some of us don't always have a buddy to play with.