Where in the world would you take your Nintendo Switch to play and why?

I feel like I'd take it somewhere like Hawaii or somewhere with a nice relaxing but amazing looking landscape and find somewhere quiet with the sound of running water and just sit there and play
Somewhere where the chances of getting robbed are almost null , which by the way , my city is not that place. I don't really like taking electronics to other places i go , but if i had to really really choose a place , probably would be close to a beach at night , sounds weird , but a beach in the night is super quiet and relaxing , with almost any soul around , so it would be the best moment to grab a switch and play :blush:

If i had one...
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Anywhere I wouldn't​ have to fly to so I could have the system on my person at all times.

So when I go to New Mexico in about a month and a half, it'll have to stay at home. :(
I want to take it to the basketball court just like the preview video!

I'd have to find a big group of people to play just like the video ;)
Probably nowhere except my house to be honest (even though it's a boring answer)

I would probably drop it then get upset because it's an expensive console and to me it looks fragile, and I'm a total klutz. I can see myself dropping it then accidently kicking it or something dumb like that and then bye bye screen, which is all it basically it. The only reason I haven't ruined my phone is because I have a sturdy case and tempered glass on it at all times and I only play my DS when I'm home and sitting down. And I STILL manage to drop it.
honestly i wouldn't take mine anywhere out of the fear of accidentally dropping it or someone taking it ;^; i already had to get mine repaired once right after i received it as a birthday gift because the fan wasn't working right T_T i'd be pretty sad if anything else happened to it now, so better safe than sorry lol
I'd take it right into my bed and play SM Odyssey all night under the blankets.

Or maybe build a blanket fort and hide in there while I play it :3

On a more serious not, I'd take it to McDonalds and show it off to all those little kiddies in there lol
Honestly all I want to do is play it in bed. Kinda like that commercial where the dude wakes up and plays Breath of The Wild. I wanna be like that dude.

See, if I take it out somewhere I bet some kid is either going to snatch it from me and break it, or I'll break it, or I'll lose a game or something. So keeping it in my house will keep it lasting long.
If I'm traveling, I usually like to keep my electronics away to enjoy the experience as much as possible. However, I feel like long plane rides or train rides would be perfect to play the Switch, so I guess my answer would be anywhere while waiting.

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If I was feeling adventurous I would take my switch.... out of the dock.
I don't even have a switch but I would just keep it at home. tbh I don't think it matters where you take it, your eyes are pretty much always gonna be glued to the screen anyway.
I already bring mine to work, and would bring it on vacation to play online in the hotel/house I stay in.