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What's your native fruit, and what do you wish is your native fruit?

My native fruit is oranges. Believe me, oranges are great and tasty, but I wish I had cherries instead. Even apples would've been better. Honestly, I think perfect oranges are so ugly!
My native fruit is oranges. Believe me, oranges are great and tasty, but I wish I had cherries instead. Even apples would've been better. Honestly, I think perfect oranges are so ugly!

I think perfect oranges are actually tangelos, but yes, I agree with you.
I have cherries as native fruit. But honestly, I don't care that much about what my native fruit is. I like all of them. If I could choose, I would pick apples as native fruit because I like the perfect version of them.
I have oranges in my town, though apples are my favorite. But I love just about everything else about my town map, so it doesn't bother me :cool:
I have cherries as my native fruit. Peaches would've been ideal but I don't mind having cherries.
my town fruit is apples, but really i wouldn't mind whatever it was. even if it was oranges.
My native fruit is cherries, but I'd prefer it to be peaches really. I'm not really a fan of apples because the perfect version of the fruit looks a bit off to me.
I have oranges, but I wish I had cherries. Perfect oranges are weird looking. But it's not a big enough priority for me to reset or anything like that :)
With my three active towns listed in my signature, I include the native fruit in each. I intend to have the town replacing Progress to have its native fruit be the cherry. I like the apple the best. But, with having tried all of them (between my game copies), the peach and the pear are my least favorite. It's not easy to explain why; the peach does look good. It comes down to my own personal taste. (And that may be the truth with most of us.)
I have pears and I don't really have a favorite one, but I do love perfect pears so everything's ok :)
I have cherries, which are my favorite so I can't complain. My second choice would be peaches, but I really love my cherries!