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What's your ACNL pet peeve?

I'll add one more...

When your least favorite villager FINALLY tells you s/he is going to move out, and thesn s/he says that s/he is not going to because of something-or-other...
When your favorite villager decides to move... then you press B and realize "Wait... THE B BUTTON IS THE ONE THAT SAYS ITS OKAY TO MOVE!" and then you have to reset or talk to the a zillion times a day to make them change there mind.
1. Grass wear >.<
2. When you accidentally shake the tree and one fruit disappears on your path.
3. When villagers keep repeating the same thing. xc
Aside from the obvious, I HATE the fact that pine trees can't be planted in the south. Like, why not?! My forest looks kinda stupid because the pine trees just fade out halfway down on account of the fact that they will not grow. >.>
-Items not being able to fall on top of paths.
-Villager house placement.
My path layout is terrible because 7 villagers decided to crowd around right next to the Town Hall. I don't have any pictures, but the only people nowhere near it are Lopez and Ruby, who just plopped their houses right in the corner of my map, far away from everyone else. >.>
I don't like how you can't place a block of path right in front of a house or building door. Like...why? D: It kinda ruins the illusion..
I might be repeating myself, but it will be pertinent to my point.. having a spent a bit of time cycling my second town today I second my pet peeve of the repetitive dialogue of the villagers -__- Their dialogue/interactions seem really watered down compared to the only other game I played (Wild World)

Yes I know i'm looking as cool as a number of cucumbers. yes i am a bell hoarder. yes we do need more dancing. yes i am a bell hoarder.
So I have this thing where I buy a massive amount of wrapping paper when it's half price at Nooklings. And that conversation that might lead into teaching me how to use it is kinda annoying. Then I resort to buying massive amounts of letter paper. ; v ;

Another thing is when I can't seem to put an alt character's house where I want it when there's clearly enough space to stick it there. But no... there has to be more than enough space for Nook to comply with my wishes.

And then... when villagers place or pick up flowers. Like... please don't put a yellow roses in my batch of white roses please, I'm looking at you. Or please don't come over to my batch of purple roses and pick it up, please don't... I MADE THAT FLOWER. Or once, I witnessed, or maybe I'm thinking too much, a villager relocating a flower. Villagers, please don't play with my flowers.
When you need a specific villager for something and have to search everywhere for them. >_<
The huge change with Crankies. When I first played New Leaf I was pretty shocked to see them actually being nice on the first few encounters. I mean, I used to hate crankies until I played ACNL but it's a little too much!
Wanting a perfect town but not liking any of the PWPs in stock.
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I. Hate it. When. Brewster. Tells me. To drink my coffee. "Before it cools" NO . I will let it cool if I so FEEL like it! I don't like fake people tell me what to do XD

- - - Post Merge - - -

When villagers plant their flowers in my hybrid garden . Excuse me, make yourself helpful and put the cosmos in the right place if you're gonna mess with it .
haahha /sobs
Pretty much almost everything people have already said. I have nearly infinite problems with this goddamn game, but yet I have three copies.
I could list them off, but there's SO MANY issues I have and people have already listed pretty much all of them, but... I suppose I could try even though it's just repeating.

- Grass wear. Hahahaha yeah bye
- The utter horrid reduction and redundancy of dialogue with villagers. What happened to the extreme array they had in WW? This is a huge problem for me seeing as villagers are my favorite part.
- The fact that you have to run around like a chicken without a head to figure out if someone's moving or not in order to frantically stop them. In WW, you could literally just walk into their house, see they were in boxes, AND TELL THEM TO STAY. Wow, that was easy. You'd know because they'd be inside all day. Wow, Nintendo, why was that so hard to keep?
- 10 QR code slots, AND the fact that you can't put **** on display unless it's "YOUR CREATION" in the Able Sisters' shop. Wow. Makes a whole lot of sense, Nintendo; have "Ducky Tank" by "Someone" from "Anytown", but don't allow us to put other people's QR's up without hacking them with an andoid app? Nice. Smart move.
- Expanding on the QR slots -- the fact that paths cannot be changed, requiring an alt if you want anything besides paths. Disgraceful.
- Inventory in general. Nintendo has always been utterly ******** with inventory space. The only reason Pokemon's improved is because of Gamefreak. Nintendo likes watching us suffer. This includes mail, closet, regular inventory, QR code slots, etc.
- Befriending them = "WELL THAT MEANS I'M OUTTA HERE"? What a bunch of bologna. I've been ignoring Mathilda and Chow for ages and they refuse to leave. It's so frustrating that the SAME PEOPLE want to move over and over and OVER because you're... Friends with them!?
- Horrible lack of dialogue between villagers. They literally talk to each other once in a blue moon. In WW, you put 'em next to each other and they'll never shut up. It was great! Here? They stand next to each other for five minutes and don't say a word. They could literally be staring at each other and not be having a conversation. It's really bad.
- NPC dialogue. NPC DIALOGUE. PORTER CAN LITERALLY GET RUN OVER BY THAT GODDAMN TRAIN. I AM SO SICK OF HIM. Others don't quite infuriate me as much as Porter does. Kapp'n might be second due to his whining when I want to skip the ten year journey to the island. But, really? "Do you want to connect to the internet?" GEE, I DUNNO, PORTER. REALLY, YOU TELL ME.
- PWP placement. God help me. God help me.
- GAINING PWPs. There are some I really want, and yet I literally never get them anymore on my main. EVER. It's like they gave up and all they care about is their catchphrase or greeting or some other nonsense. UGH.
- Lack of control over placement of villagers. What the hell? Why can they move in front of your house, in front of your campsite, in front of your Retail? What's WRONG with this game? Extreme oversight by Nintendo. Thanks again, Nintendo.
- Pasts removed from NPCs. Good, I'm glad the new players won't have any knowledge of the interesting things that we learned in previous games. That wasn't needed anyway. (Sarcasm there. I loved learning about their pasts and I'm pissed about this.)
- Items not stacking. GOD HELP ME. Wow, you made fruit stack, Nintendo! GOOD JOB! Now why doesn't anything else stack? Oh, and why is our wallet so SMALL? Oh, and you're telling me that if you have more than what your wallet can hold it literally fills up your entire inv? Fun!
- The ridiculous amount of gating they added. Things were fine in WW from what I remember. Now it takes twenty years to get any shops upgraded, any of your house upgraded, ANYTHING DONE. Even villagers moving is gated to hell and back -- "hey I'm moving but not for like five weeks because I know you're not trying to cycle people out or anything so yeah!!!" God, why. Things in WW were so much better in that aspect.
- Inability to plant trees or bushes near ponds/rivers/lakes/walls/ANYTHING EVER.
- Catalogue ordering is annoying. Dislike having to wait to get some mail that I have to read in order to get my item. It makes sense, but it's still horrendous. Goes double for things from the HHS.
- NEEDING Night Owl ordinance in order to do anything ever without TTing. Yes, good, have everything close at like 7PM, no one plays at night!!! And those that do don't want a Beautiful Town ordinance anyway!!!
- Load times/save times. Why are they so ridiculously long? They perfected Pokemon's save times, so what the hell is wrong with this game?
- Goddamn diving animals moving out of boundaries. That's really uncool.
- Fish biting and swimming away. Incredible. It's like they have zero braincells.
- I'm sure accidentally picking up/removing paths is absolutely horrendous. I have yet to face this monstrosity, but I will soon.
- Fruit being lost to the goddamn gates of hell if it falls onto a path. What in the world is up with that? The ground literally swallows it up.
- Snooty villagers literally are NOT snooty. At all. Not even close. They're... Just whiny. I mean that in the nicest way possible; they're labeled as Snooty, so why are they "normal" with just a bit more whine to them? Where's that huge ego? It's an extremely sore disappointment for me coming from WW. Crankies definitely changed too, but I actually like it better now because they're sort of like gruff father-figures.
- Ugly permanent dirt patches. Why are they there..?
- Again, I'll say the ability to lose your favorite villagers so easily. It's absurd. Paranoia flares are far too common.
- OH HAHA FORGOT ABOUT THE ONES THAT REFUSE TO MOVE EVEN AFTER YOU TELL THEM TO. THAT'S MY FAVORITE STORY. "Hey I'm this villager you hate I'm gonna leave." "THANK GO--" "I'm kidding. We're not best friends so I'm staying." "..."
Kill me.

I get really frustrated when I talk about these things, pardon my language/attitude. I really feel like Nintendo did great with some things, and then just said "screw it" for the rest. Like, why? They made some things worse, and didn't improve on others.

And now we'll have to wait another 10 years for a new AC game because they sure as hell aren't ever going to patch or fix this one, no matter how many times we ask or plead.
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As Mayor you should be able to determine where someone moves! I hate having to make a new character and go through an entire process to determine where a new villager moves in...
Random-generated prizes when they really shouldn't be. For example, the Ice series. After having one of everything in a set, I should be given a list to choose from.

Fireworks not being stackable. Redd, that was horrible.

Getting rid of items I didn't know are 'Not for sale' (I lost a sloppy dresser). It would be nice if the leaves of those items have a different shade of green so I can tell.

Our inability to center a one-unit size furniture.

NPC greetings and goodbyes in a store.

When Saharah gives me orderable wallpaper/flooring.

Permanent public works projects that cannot be demolished. Really? This is why I don't have a campsite nor a police building yet, and it took me a long time before I decided a spot for the cafe.

Having clothes being rewarded/mailed to me. I want furniture.

The fact that when one disconnects on Club Tortimer, the rest of us goes too. Seriously? This has been abused.

When Kapp'n pulls the cord four times to start the motorboat.
When you need to find a villager, so you use the megaphone like any normal person would and it says "No reply... maybe they aren't nearby?"

ARGHHHH!! Well then where are they
Un-reorderable **** in general. Oh you cataloged someone's afternoon tea set? Tough ******* you can't order it!!!1