• Thanks for playing! The closing ceremony for TBT World Championship 2024 has been posted. Congratulations to the winning team, Squirtle Squad! Update: The Master Ball raffle winners have now been announced and rewards have been distributed. Time to spend your Arcade Tokens!

What's Bothering You?

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biggest thing bothering me rn - summer's starting + I'm probably gonna spend most of it inside >.>
I'm looking forward to it being my weekend but I'm also not because it's my birthday and we're not doing anything and it's going to be really crappy and I'll probably get really depressed.
I'm looking forward to it being my weekend but I'm also not because it's my birthday and we're not doing anything and it's going to be really crappy and I'll probably get really depressed.

Why don't I jav more dolares so I could come and jav a blast with you :( *hugs*

Also please let me know... when you can that you are safe :/
I literally never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never ever learn... until I'm just like this steaming pile of garbage with no soul... WHY ;_;
More flood warnings...
An user left me a negative feedback for no reason, you can see by my forum posts and trades that I haven't traded in over a year lmao
I guess he wants my collectibles or maybe his friend wants it?? Not really what he's trying to gain from that, maybe he snapped irl idk
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it bothers me I have a hard time making friends, I like to believe I'm likable but no one takes any interest in me, the people who do take interest in me are just guys trying to get in my pants
I could've gotten the highest possible grade in physics but guess who decided to screw their third exam :'))
Got second highest possible grade though and that's alright but literally the highest grade was in my reach and I'm just extremely annoyed atm
well i get your point and all but there's holes in your reasoning. we aren't the hacker you had to deal with, but i guess some things are just too scary to get past. sorry for being annoying!
god this is so ugly why are you doing this rn
first subaki now this i'm so


i have to learn, when will i learn though? probably never. i'll NEVER learn.
and yet you still try to get the 1 up on me. i just wanted to have fun i didn't want to be sitting here at nearly 5 am doing this
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