What's Bothering You?

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On a scale of 1 to 10, I'm a 10 on the account that I don't want to go to college today. I'm super exhausted after Thanksgiving break and I have to start a group project this week I know that I will be zero help on.
2 more days

also i'm disappointed in myself

and!! i'm listening to really bad music wow that really is The Worst of All Things in my life atm
i dont want to eat dinner tomorrow with my parents, sadly i have to be in school so i cant pretend to be sick lol ://
I want to go to school cause I miss all my babes
but all my babes are beefing with each other and I'm too tired of fighting and choosing sides
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i'm tired of bigoted humans.
so mad right now, but there's nothing i can actually do about this.
my cell phone is starting to mess with my text convos so i had to delete em all. HAHA HOW FUn.
Breaking out, going on 24 hours without sleep... feeling hungover without having drank anything, slightly delirious, still considering going home and javing a few so I can pass out even harder... LOGIC!
My room smelling like tomato sauce because I spilled...


Having a partner who does nothing in a project.


Sleep deprivation.


Having such little money to buy friends Christmas presents.
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