Bulerias said:
Made for two players, huh... so... just because you have nobody to play with means it's bad...? I thought co-op was a GOOD feature.
You are kidding yourself if you'll tell me it's not a huge step up for Nintendo. No friend codes, 32 players, communication... Yes, it's nothing compared to games like Halo 3 or all of those games, but you can't tell me MoH2 is bad... it's not.
Harder, and more fun...? An entirely objective statement. Retro Evolved didn't have nearly the same amount of depth as the Wii version... or heck, even the DS version.
Your opinion. Last time I checked, Metroid Prime 1 was one of the highest rated games ever... on MetaCritic, GameRankings, etc... I'll admit MP2 was horrible, but Metroid Prime 3 was, simply put, amazing. Voice acting is good, but that's not why I like it... not even close.
Of course it's a good feature, my problem is that it feels like you need someone else playing even when you're in Single Player, and THAT is a problem.
Thats great that it is a big step for NINTENDO. Way to get up to par.... with 4 years ago.
MoH2 is bad. It is.
Geo Wars isn't about 'depth' its an arcade style shooter that is meant to just be played until you lose, and the put down until the next run. Which is why it was good on the DS (at least the Retro Evolved part), and I preferred it on 360 because
1. It was cheap (I mean in was an XBLA game)
2. It was harder (No tracers or anything)
Good for Metroid Prime, you know what scored even higher than Metroid Prime?
Bioshock, The Orange Box, just for instance. Does that mean you like them? No? Then I don't see why I should like Prime.