My partner and I were watching an old episode of the The Simpsons this morning which looked into the first word spoken by each of the Simpson kids. This lead to a conversation about our own first words.
My partner's first word was "Dada", but she only said it when her mum was present - went silent when her dad was around! She can be incredibly petty so we think this was very fitting for her.
My first word was "no". I'll begrudgingly admit this is fitting for me - I've always been a very stubborn person!
Cardigan. I repeated it after my mum. Both my parents were present, otherwise nobody would’ve believed it. I don’t think anyone ever believes me when I tell them
I think it was probably "Mama", but I'm not certain. Now I want to ask my mom the next time I talk to her.
My husband's first word was more interesting than mine will probably turn out to be. He saw the iconic Pizza Hut roof while they were driving by it and said "Pizza!"
I skipped right past mama/dada and went straight to "hungry" for my first word LOL. (Although apparently it came out more like "hungy" because I couldn't quite pull off the "gruh" sound at that age.) I guess I was prioritizing communicating my needs first—at least my parents knew what I wanted from them!
Also a family friend of ours apparently tried very hard to try to get me to say "vulture" for my first word because he thought it'd be funny... I actually vaguely remember the alphabet mat I had that had "V is for Vulture" on it ahahaha. Despite all of this I still called them "circle birds" for years anyway.