What was your childhood game?

I played a lot of games when I was young. If I had to pick just one, it would probably be Harvest Moon 64. I spent so much time on that game when I was like 8 years old, it was crazy. I had so much fun with that game.
Hm, there's a lot! c; If I had to pick one I wasted enormous amounts of time on I would say Harvest Moon: Back to Nature on my PS1. A little further down the line it was SSB: Melee for the Gamecube. My friends and I used to play that constantly, especially my neighbor and I.
Definitively played Spyro the Dragon for the PS1 the most. Followed shortly by Twisted Metal 4. Those games are the polar opposite of each other, but I still love them and play them all the time.
As a kid, I was obsessed with my GameCube. I loved to play Mario Kart, Party, Luigi's Mansion, the Urbz, Sims and Sims 2 Pets. Other than that, I played a lot ACWW and Pokemon on DS. Before I had these, I played Tomb Rider and Lilo & Stitch on Playstation 1 or Mario, Street Fighter and Smurfs on Gameboy Color.
as a kid i was obsessed with pokemon (who wasn't though) and the games on the disney channel website (the sandwich game from lilo and stitch the most tbh). i then started playing neopets, club penguin, toontown, and virtual magic kingdom. the gamecube then came out around this time and i was obsessed with harvest moon and animal crossing! i started playing world of warcraft when i was like 10 lol. i also got into the sims and i haven't played much of ts4 yet :c
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Rampage World Tour and Mario Party. I would still play the heck out of them. Even though the original Mario Party has been updated/replaced so many times
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So many games to choose from but the most notable games was:

Maplestory (pretty much lost my life to this game, no joke)
Counter-Strike (started when I was around 8 or 9, funny cause I'm suppose to be 18. Least I didn't have a microphone)
Crash Team Racing, Crash Bandicoot 2 (Hours of fun with my cousin)
Bomberman Party Edition on the PSX (1v4 Hard difficulty? Bring it on!)
hide the sausage


Zelda: A Like to the Past or was it Link's Awakening? I honestly can't remember. I was very young in the early 90s
I don't think I've posted in here before?

Definitely Animal Crossing (the original and Wild World; I didn't spend a whole lot of time on CF) and games from the Harvest Moon series. I'd also include the Legend of Zelda since I grew up watching my brother play Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask, but I didn't start playing them myself until I was 13.
There were several games I played in my childhood. Some of the ones I remember include;

Super Mario Bros 1, 2, & 3 I primarily played the Mario Allstars' versions of these games for these games, though I have a soft spot for the NES originals.

Yoshi's Island I loved this game back then and I still love it now.

Pokemon Gen 1-3 I can't even begin to count the hours I spent on these games.

Mario Kart 64 Played this a lot with my family. Fun times. We also spent quite a bit of time on Super Mario Kart and Double Dash.

Mario Party 1-3 Again, played this with my family a lot. Mario Party 2 was our main party game.

Sonic 1, 2, and 3 & K Played this through Mega Collection. Classic games.

Sonic Adventure DX and Sonic Adventure 2: Battle Tried to 100% the latter, but that didn't work out too well.
Animal Crossing Wild World. It was my first AC game and my parents gave it to me along with my first DS (DS Lite) :)
Video game wise it was Super Mario World. And Pokemon Silver. As for physical games it was go fish. I haven't played it in a long time but the game does have a lot of memories to it.
Dude, I grew up on the N64. I think the game that really hits home is Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Majora's Mask as well... Conker's Bad Fur Day, Rampage. Super Mario 64. Good times.