What is your most Prized Possession?


Finally Left.
Dec 3, 2016
October Birthstone (Opal)
I found my Hyrule Historia the other day, which my grandma had bought me. I completely forgot about it in my 'book bag' (I had collected a whole bin liner full of my books while cleaning that were abandoned in my room). It's really sparked my passion to collect Zelda merchandise and collector's items! My only regret is not taking care of the cover as well as I could've, but the pages are still intact and it really is a treasure of mine. I adore my grandma and this book feels like a memory with her that I will cherish forever. :blush:

So, my question is, do you have anything that lights up your life, cheers you up on a dark day, just anything that is really precious to you and holds deep sentimental value?
Probably my snake. I wanted a leucistic ball python for such a long time, and I spent a good bit of money on him, not only when purchasing him but getting him the best of the best things for enrichment and him enclosure. He makes me smile every time I see him.
do people count?
my best friend is my prized possession
(i don't really "own" him so he's not necessarily a possession. but he does mean a lot to me.)
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Honestly its probably my pokemon card binder...I know, I'm such a nerd but I really love having something to collect and look at. Besides, a the memories the pokemon tcg had given me...I couldn't give it up for anything.

God I'm such a nerd!!
My fiance, my 3ds, the Build A Bear dragon my partner got me, my engagement ring
My baby blanket & quilts

The baby blanket because, y'know. It's old and soft. The quilts I made myself and a lot of the fabrics are from old clothes, childhood fabrics, favourite patterns, from my Memaw who died a few years ago, etc. etc.
My bicycle. Not so much because of its monetary value but because of the memories I have riding it.

i hardly use my bicycle anymore, but it's something i'd never get rid of as it holds a lot of memories too :p
not sure really, probably my friends (awww) and my phone?
my hello kitty build a bear! i got it at my friend's birthday party when her mom drove us all the way to build a bear and let us each get a bear. it was so fun but i cried at build a bear bc i wanted the hello kitty bear but it was limited edition so it was expensive and everyone else got plain bears so they could have money for clothes but all i got was a naked hello kitty that had a quacking soundbox shoved in it's ass. it has gone through so much. getting the ears burnt because it was too close to the stove, leaving it outside while it rained, drawing all over it with sharpie, and me cutting it open to rip the soundbox out. if you saw it irl you would scream