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What do you love and hate about each season?


Fumichō 富美蝶
Mar 29, 2015
I made an AC version of this thread before, now time for a real-life one ^^ I apologize if this is already a thread, but I haven't seen one like this yet.
So- what do you love and hate about each season? I'll start with Spring c:

Spring is really exciting after the cold winter- the trees start getting leaves again, everything comes back to life- it starts getting warm, though still a bit chilly. I love how it's the season for floaty pastel clothes :D
Fields of bright yellow canola blossoms, different blossoms- cherry, apple... gorgeous flowers and petals! Although it can be rainy, when it's sunny it's perfect because it's not too hot, not too cold. It's the time when I start getting excited for summer ^^
I love how vibrant flowers bloom everywhere, it really makes me feel happy and alive, haha.
I like Easter because it's an excuse to indulge in chocolate eggs and delicious Polish easter cake :D
I'm not a big fan of March because here in Poland it's a weird combination of winter and spring. The trees are still bare, and it's still a bit cold, but everyone's so tired of winter. March is not proper winter, but not proper Spring either. However I absolutely love April. Blossoms, flowers, warm weather, spending time outside ^^

Summer is exciting because school ends, and the weather is nice and warm. I can sleep on the terrace during the warm nights! It's the season for great memories and holidays and going to exciting places, and also for going to the pool- which is lots of fun. I can eat lots of ice-cream, slushies, smoothies, iced coffee. It's a season when I'm really happy and carefree ^w^ As for nature- cherries, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries are all in season! Picking your own fruits is a great experience. It's the season of linden blossoms and hydrangeas. Linden blossoms have a really nice smell and look great, and I adore hydrangeas. The one thing I don't like about Summer is the cloudy, rainy days because it's depressing, and there isn't anywhere to go, so I stay home on my laptop, or try to bring myself to do something such as learn Japanese. Summer is a season of opportunity- learn a language, start a new hobby, work on a goal! It's also the time for looser clothing- which is great because if anything, you don't have to put in too much effort. Though all the sunscreen and REALLY hot days can get tiring.

Autumn is lovely because the cooler weather is a relief from the hot and humid summer. The colours change which is absolutely beautiful to look out of my window and see all the trees in varying shades of red, gold, orange and brown. Although it can be cloudy and rainy, it's the season to stay at home as it's fairly chilly outside, and perhaps sit by the fireplace while reading a book and sipping hot chocolate. My birthday is in Autumn, which makes it even better. Sometimes it's not too hot and not too cold, which is perfect. Also, there are less bugs- finally no more struggling with mosquitos, yay! It's the season for familiar flavours such as cinnamon and ginger, hot chocolate, and pumpkin. I love when my mum makes pumpkin soup in Autumn. It's when school starts up again, which is bittersweet because it means there's a long way to go to Summer, but it's a time for new beginnings!

Winter is also a lot of fun- especially the start! The fun holidays of christmas and the new year, then Valentine's day, really help to brighten it up. And while the days can be short, dark, cold and cloudy it's great for staying indoors with a blanket and a laptop, lighting candles in your room and having fairy lights :D It's even better when it snows because everything is beautiful and you can make snowmen, have snowball fights, go skiing, ice-skating! Then once you're really cold you can go back inside, have a hot cup of tea and curl up with blankets and a laptop. Winter does get tiring eventually, but winter is before Spring, and warmer weather closely follows! As I already mentioned I LOVE christmas because all the presents and the food and family and the atmosphere and excitement leading up to it ^u^ The New Year is also amazing, last year I went on a short holiday for the New Year and it was amazing- lots of sliding down a snowy hill on a huge tire. Plus- coats, scarves, gloves ^u^

So, what's your opinion? I see the beauty in each season and don't really have a favourite, my favourite can actually change during the year haha.
What I've noticed about summer is that the sunlight is really nice and when it's sunny, the lighting is great for photos. You can also wear sunglasses which is kind of nice. :)
When it gets too warm is annoying though, because when the weather is too hot then I just get headaches and don't feel like doing anything. Also I miss wearing coats tbh haha, the extra pockets in my jackets are just too useful. Normally my other pockets are too small to carry everything I want to take or it's just uncomfortable.

The nice thing about winter is the coats and I do prefer slightly colder weather because of this. Also when it snows it's cool. Apart from that it can get unreasonably cold and you just want to stay indoors. Also when the trees lose all their leaves, the scenery isn't as nice. One more thing about winter that's annoying is the short days, it gets too dark too quick. :(

Autumn is cool for the orange leaves on trees which always looks great, but leaves (especially wet leaves) on the ground isn't nice. Also in spring, it's not nice when it rains too much and the grass everywhere is nice and muddy. But that small portion of time when you get pink trees is nice.
Pros: Swimming, Freckles, it's a little more ok to eat ice cream for breakfast
Cons: Hot as balls, sunburn, dying all the time
Pros: Leaves, Halloween, COZY FOREVER, nice breezy weather, THE SMELLS, pumpking everything, Halloween, decorating, eating way too much, HALLOWEEN, 3 spoopy 5 me
Cons:It doesn't last all damn year
Pros: Snow, Christmas, pine tree smell in my house!, deals on shizz around X-Mas, nice cold weather and rain
Cons: it never snows here unless I'm not here, cause it's a jerk
Pros: Rain, flowers, baby animals everywhere
Cons: Summer comes too soon =[
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I don't know honestly I hate summer a lot I can't find something to like.
The warm colours, leaves and rain is my favourite. Probably don't like how it gets humid here though.
Winter's my favourite season since I like the cold much more than the heat. I guess the cons is how it can a bit too cold that our heater doesn't help our house.
Rain is good. Hay fever isn't.
Love going swimming, I like the heat and cooling off. I also like just going out skating cause it feels nice. I'm not keen on the bugs though.
I don't like all the leaves falling, I don't like how the trees look. Not really keen on Autumn
I love the snow days and only looking at snow. I don't like how cold it gets though.
Spring is good, I like pretty much everything. The trees, the flowers.
Pros: Birthday, longer days, everything is green, clear mountain roads for easy access.
Cons: Gets hot on the plains and in the foot hills. A lot more bugs.

Pros: Just the right amount of chill, fall colors, everything feels crisp, Halloween, Thanksgiving.
Cons: Doesn't last all year.

Pros: Things seem to wind down, New Year, less traffic/less people traveling, or traveling away to where it's warmer, nice snuggle up weather.
Cons: Cold, blizzards making it dangerous to get to work, Christmas madness

Pros: Just the right amount of chill, things start blooming, things seem to be slow still but start gaining momentum, taxes (because I still get paid)
Cons: Pollen, still isn't quite green yet, not Autumn, Summer is coming soon, taxes (because they're still a hassle)
Pros - It begins to cool off, and the winter is there to look forward to. The leaves are beautiful, and the late autumn look where only some leaves are left behind is even prettier.
Cons - It takes far too long to cool off. Halloween is disturbing.

Pros - The nicest season of the year. The cold spells (which become rarer every year) are still pleasant, as it's so much easier to deal with than the heat. Snow and ice are gorgeous. I also love the look of winter, the trees barren, the grasses yellow/brown, mixed with a little bit of greens with the evergreens. Such a beautiful mix.
Cons - It has to come to an end. Usually disappoints me because we don't actually get winters where I live anymore.

Pros - Um... Well... The flowers are pretty. But they only last like a few days before everything turns all green and boring.
Cons - Seeing as winter is already so mild where I live, Spring isn't actually nice. It heats up into the 80s very quickly, if it isn't already there in February. >.< The threat of severe thunderstorms and tornadoes always looms over, you never know when you might lose your house, family members, your life. It's scary. Then there's the bugs. Ugh. Spring is so dreadful.

Pros - Um...well... The severe thunderstorm threat diminishes from Spring. That's all I've got.
Cons - It's a long block of never-ending heat. It used to have the advantage of being off-time, but now that I'm in the adult world, there is no such thing as a summer break anymore.
Spring=love new life, blooming of the flowers, fields, meadows

Summer=love heat, school's out, vacation, friends, my birthday, traveling, food, festivals, markets, and I hate all the bugs

Autumn=love leaves and the colors, football season, traveling to DC every year for the beautiful suburbs of autumn wonderland, etc.

Winter=love white wonderland, snow, ice, blizzards, noreasters, school's out, Christmas, presents, family, etc.
spring: it starts to get brighter and hotter and leaves n stuff !!!!! it's really cute with all the small flowers n stuff and it's kind of nice that winter ends. i don't really like how the snow gets when it melts, and tbh most of march is usually pretty ugly with brown grass, no leaves and when the snow melts. idk..

summer: it's nice that it's hot and bright, no school, you can do a lot of stuff outside n things, it's too hot though and i don't enjoy a lot of typical summer activities so i pretty much just suffer through the hottest days. also don't like how it's bright outside literally all night and how the birds never shut up.

autumn: my fav season!! i love the rainy weather, it's beautiful when the leaves start turning red and orange and then fall off the trees. also i like that it's hot and kind of summery in the beginning and then it becomes colder and colder, so it's like a lot of different types of weather!! sometimes it gets a bit too wet tho and tbh the leaves on the ground can get kind of gross. also in november when it's dark at 4 pm ):<

winter: i really like snow, but hotter winters are fine too, it's nice to not have to be super cold all the time tbh. i uh like the school breaks n stuff we have in winter !! don't really love being super cold tho so there's that. also when it gets slippery and gross outside ):
spring: flowers start to bloom and finally it starts to get warmer.
i get hay fever and its usually still pretty cold
summer: its pretty and puts in in quite a good mood when looking outside
its too hot and spiders and mosquitoes are everywhere
autumn: its ma birthday, its not too hot or not too cold
there are more spiders outside
winter: there arent many bugs around its not really hot
i dont like snow, its too cold
For me:
Pros: Easter, the coldness of winter fades away, spring break
Cons: The season that I get the most allergies.
Pros: Out of school for nearly three whole months from May to August
Cons: Extremely hot in Mississippi, so bad that the sun was able to manipulate the thermometer in his car to say it was 112 degrees Fahrenheit when it's really 98 degrees.
Pros: Cools off from the summer, holidays like Thanksgiving (I'm not allowed to celebrate Halloween anymore)
Cons: It's the season I get sick the most.
Pros: Christmas and New Years and the break it includes, my birthday
Cons: Very cold, another season where being sick is common for me
Winter is okay. It's definitely not my favorite season because I don't really like the cold, but it's nice when it first starts to cool off (in January lol gotta love Texas).

I love spring because everything starts to turn green again, the smell outside changes, it rains, and there are butterflies everywhere.

I love summer, too, because I enjoy hot weather. It's nice to go swimming, and doing paddleboard yoga (which I tried for the first time recently) outside is really fun, too.

Fall is nice because thanksgiving and mmmmm so much comfort food. I also like how people sometimes burn leaves in fall. It makes outside smell soooo good.
spring +
-its finally starting to warm up a little
-flowers are pretty
-mild rain showers
spring -
-90+ degrees F
-pretty dresses
-huge thunderstorms/tornados
-literally everything because summer is bomb
summer -
-i have to remember to shave and paint my toes. its tedious ok
autumn +
-birthday season (everyone in my family has a fall birthday)
-cozy sweaters
autumn -
-its cold
-more bugs
winter +
-hot chocolate
winter -
-literally everything else
summer: + spending time with family, bees, ladybirds, other animals, less rushing around. - too too too hot and gets dark too late

spring: + everything looks good, trees, flowers, (baby) animals, great time to go walking, usually 'good' weather. - none?

autumn: + halloween, trees and everything usually look really pretty, starts to get a little darker and cools down. - none?

winter: ++ my favorite season, everything is cold cold cold. its my birthday & christmas and the festive season just has a good vibe, snow, spending time with family again, drinking hot drinks when it's cold, being excited, buying gifts, love, happy happy.
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Alright, lets go!

Pros: Loving how the leaves grow, calm temperature, Easter
Cons, kinda boring

Pros: My birthday is in summer
Cons: Swimming, too hot, ect

Pros: Beautiful colored trees, Calm temperature, would skip summer for this
Cons: I'm not saying I hate Halloween, but it overshadowes fall, the beautiful fall colors is too short

Pros: Playing in the snow, Christmas obvi!
Cons: I got nothing, yet.

Pros: Snow, and Holidays. Particularly quiet snowy nights at 2 AM where everything is still and you feel like you're the only one in the world.

Cons: Gets old very quickly.


Pros: Refreshing after a slog of cold weather.

Cons: Usually has wildly varying temperatures, which can include temperatures colder than winter.


Pros: Weather is almost consistently very nice at first

Cons: BEES. It gets way too hot near the end. Humidity.


Pros: Halloween. Best weather of the entire year.

Cons: Raking leaves.
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Pros: I can wear less, the weather is usually nice
Cons: Sometimes it's too damn hot, humidity, bugs everywhere, allergies, and I get nosebleeds really often

Pros: Weather is.... ok?, Trees look pretty, Halloween, cute sweaters
Cons: It means Winter is coming

Pros: Bugs have been defeated
Cons: Literally everything. It's too cold, I get physically and mentally worse, I hate bundling up, my hands get dry and they hurt, it gets dark out faster

Pros: Weather gets nice, my birthday, nature is pretty again, more cute spring outfits
Cons: The beginning when the snow is melting is pretty ugly, the weather is confused as hell, allergies start
The one thing I love most about spring is trees becoming green and days becoming longer and sunnier again after the long winter. I always get so surprised over the change and it gets me in a great mood. It's usually very sunny as well, maybe even sunnier than in the summer, or maybe it just feels like that because there has been very little sun in the previous months. There's one downside to early spring though, which is that it takes forever for the snow to melt so there's this thick layer of wet, grey slush in the streets. Pretty, that is! The streets freeze on a lot of days as well, so it's very slippery. But after the ice and slush melt, there's nothing I hate about spring.

I like summer because the days are long, sunny and warm which is a rare treat. Summer's are pretty short here and to be honest, it's not even that sunny or warm a lot of the time. But when it is, it feels extra nice. I love spending time in our yard in the sunshine and just reading and watching the clouds. It makes me feel free somehow. I love how nature looks during summer. Especially the fields. And everything else too really. I like spending weeks at my grandmother's place because there's so much nature there and I just feel so free and like there's no care in the world. I also like summer rain, especially hard rain. And potatoes, my grandma has the best potatoes ever. I love eating berries and peas as well. I don't like mosquitoes or spiders.

I get a great feeling whenever I think about autumn. I like the atmosphere and the smell and color of the leaves (whenever it's pretty and not just an ugly brown... autumn wasn't pretty at all last year). Sometimes I get this funny excited feeling in the autumn and I'm not exactly sure why. I'm always looking forward to autumn in the spring and in the summer as well. I like apples and berries and mushrooms. I always go pick mushrooms and berries in the forests with dad and grandma. That's great. Expect when there's mosquitoes. Halloween seems pretty cool but we don't celebrate it here. What I don't like about autumn is days growing shorter and darker and knowing it'll stay like that for a long time.

When it comes to winter, what I like is... well, the idea of it. And the very rare moments when there's an insane amount of snow and a thick layer of snow on tree branches. That looks absolutely beautiful. But not many days are like that. I also like watching streetlights illuminating falling snow. That's super pretty as well. What I hate is the cold and having to take a 30 minute walk to school in a freezing temperature where I get cold somewhere regardless of how many layers of clothes I have on and how stupid I look. I also hate how little light there is and how short the days are. It's so very difficult to wake up for school because it's dead dark. I get a nice, romantic feeling whenever I think of winter and sitting inside in front of a fireplace reading a book and drinking something hot when there's dark outside and snow falling and all that. But in reality, it's not like that at all. Well the candle light is pretty cool.
Like: warm weather, a lot of sunshine, it gets dark very late aaand holidays
hate: insects, too hot days D:, final tests

like: its still kinda warm, its my birthday :D, the colors of the leafs
hate: it gets dark sooner, too much rain

like: snow, christmas *-*, new years eve, hot chocolate, comfy clothes, INSECTS DIE
hate: suuuuper cold >_<, its like always dark,i go to school in darkness..., it rarely snows around here and if it snows its gone like 2 hours later D:

like: most likely still not a lot of insects, it gets warmer, flowers, easter
hate: esp. at the beginning still really cold and dark outside, a lot of rain and storms