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What do you do when rejected?

I actually have a really bad reaction when it comes to rejection. Not just relationship, but really anything.
cry a lot until I build myself back up again mentally and give myself a Gordon Ramsay get yourself together pep talk honestly though i've never really been rejected because i'm never the type to admit feelings, even if I know the person feels the same about me. I'll usually wait for them to make the first move, and if I find out that they don't like me in that way, it's much easier for me to get over, because like I said, i'm not usually the first to admit feelings. I really fear rejection though, and that's probably why I don't admit feelings to people unless they do.
cry a bit. talk crap to my friends about the person who rejected me

move on
I once asked a guy I like (ex boyfriend) to marry me, he refused and made half assed excuses and said he would never marry me and admitted he doesn't love. ***** get off my face if you don't want a real relationship, ugh. yeah I cried for one minute then I got over it
rejects ion? i don't face rejection. I stamb my feet, i get what i want. Rejection isn't real
Talk to other people and just try to move on; do things I enjoy and write sad, sappy **** in my journal.
I mean, I'm generally too chicken to admit that I actually like someone but the few times it has happened I've just kind of listened to sad songs and wallowed in self pity for a few hours or a day or two before just trying to ignore it.

I mean, it hurts and it sucks but there's nothing you can really do in the long run.. It's also pretty uncomfortable when you're the one that has to reject someone, so I generally just try to shrug it off and continue with life. If I'm friends with that person beforehand then I'll usually take a little break from our friendship to sort my feelings out so that it doesn't ruin the friendship, since I'd hate to have a nice friendship to go down the drain just because I grew feelings for someone.

If they were really mean about it I'd spend some being angry and bitter about it, but I wouldn't let it overwhelm me, and if anything I'd be more upset with myself for liking a jerk
i dont know what this means, but osbviously you wish you do , you wish yo uwere rich, hot, and had a ph.d in cash, this is nothing new, many people wish they were hot, rich, and ful of cash .

It's lyrics from the Nirvana song "All Apologies".:p
Send her this later.

I've never been in a situation like this, but I suggest to just simply move on. Never try to ask someone who rejected you again unless they did it for a really good reason, and you have shown that you have matured from it.
If you mean rejected by a boy, I just let him go, ahah simple as that. (although I know easier said than done) sure it hurts but if they dont want you, they aren't worth your time.

When it comes to getting rejected by like friends, say they didnt invite you somewhere or something (I consider that rejection in a way) than I usually have a talk with my friend on why they did that. I think it hurts more to be rejected by a friend than a stupid boy lol.