What Canceled TV Show needs a new season?

This show was never really big, which is probably why it got cancelled but Warehouse 13. It was so good, and the plot was really interesting but I think people just never knew about it. It was about these like agents and they had to go around finding these objects, from like famous dead people mostly, that did really cool things, idk. I just remember that I really loved it. It ended on like, the biggest cliffhanger too! I'm still upset, honestly.
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Gravity Falls. An amazing show like this deserves a lot more than 40 episodes.

I'd give this one a pass as it's extremely rare for a show to end when the creator wanted it to. If he's felt he's told the story he wanted to tell I'd leave it at that. Great show, glad it ended on a high note.
Black Books. 18 episodes isn't enough.

Father Ted, too, but I guess it can't really be brought back...
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The original Cartoon Network teen titans. They left that show on SUCH a cliffhanger!!! That show was like my everything as I was becoming a teenager, it was so well written with really great dialogue, UGHHHH!!!!

Like, TTGo physically pains me, and you can tell it pains the writers/animators as well, to the point where I saw a clip where Control Freak shows the "new" titans episodes of the old show and was like LONG AGO THIS SHOW HAD AN ACTUAL PLOTLINE WITH MORAL FIBER AND COMPELLING PROTAGONISTS and then the titans get angry about the cliffhanger it was left on XD


I second this. I don't know what the writers and animators were thinking when they made TTG.
Desperate Housewives. Loved that show so much. Funny, romantic, sad, and a dash of mystery. Had everything I like in a show.

The way it ended was great, but I miss it nevertheless.
InuYasha.... it was my earliest memory of cartoons as a child and the plot was so good. Id love to see the adventures of the Fudeal era once more with the amazing soundtrack and adorable-ness. I miss it tbh. Also Over the Garden Wall
Sonic SatAM....beats the other Sonic shows EASILY!
Teen Titans. Man, I miss it. Danny Phantom, as well. I'm actually not sure if the latter was cancelled, but there was a lot more they could have done with it, so I'm putting it on my list.
I'd have said Freaks & Geeks if the actors weren't all middle-aged by now :/
Wander Over Yonder. Disney pulled the rug out from under Craig McCracken and didn't even give him a reason as to why. Painfully underrated show, a real shame it never got mass attention.

This! I don't think the ending was as great as it could possibly be due to getting cancelled. It was still an ending, though.
My Name Is Earl and Metalocalypse.

There's a lot of cancelled shows I would like to see return for another season, but most of those at least had some sort of conclusion to the story (even if it was bad, probably because they knew it was being cancelled) or didn't really have an ongoing story anyway, so it's kinda easier to let them go...But those two didn't, they just got canned before they had a chance to 'wrap it up', both ending on cliffhangers/'to be continued'.

Both tried to finish the story through other ways, My Name Is Earl via a budget "for the fans" direct to TV/DVD movie and Metalocalypse through a crowdfunded mini-series, but neither managed to get the 'okay' from 'the bigwigs' so they never happened.

I never really watched either of them for the story either, it wouldn't have made much difference to me if they were all disconnected episodes...but even if I didn't care about the story, not having a conclusion to them is still frustrating.