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What are your feelings on AI Chatbots? Do you use them?

Do you talk to AI chatbots?

  • All the time/daily

    Votes: 4 6.3%
  • A lot

    Votes: 4 6.3%
  • Occasionally

    Votes: 4 6.3%
  • Very rarely/once in a blue moon

    Votes: 3 4.7%
  • Never

    Votes: 40 62.5%
  • I used to, but not anymore

    Votes: 9 14.1%
  • Not yet, but I might start

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

.: Meri :.

cutie rose ♡
Jul 26, 2020
Love Tokens
Heart Dust
Mystery Sweetheart Letter
Mystery Sweetheart Letter
Mystery Sweetheart Letter
Mystery Sweetheart Letter
Mystery Sweetheart Letter
Mystery Sweetheart Letter
Mystery Sweetheart Letter
Mystery Sweetheart Letter
Mystery Sweetheart Letter
Mystery Sweetheart Letter
Heartstamp Mushroom Lamp
Red Heart Balloon
I was thinking about this, because I'm really into selfshipping, and talking to character-based chatbots is a pretty common activity in that community, but I've never used one and don't want anywhere them. There's of course the ethical issue of them scraping from fanfiction/original writing without the authors' permission, like other forms of generative AI do, and that'd be enough of a dealbreaker for me right there, but I also just genuinely have no desire to use one. I watched a video where a guy was talking to an AI chatbot of himself (that he uh, didn't authorize anyone to make... and it was also clearly trained on his voice, which he hadn't given permission for either so uhh big yikes), and I just remember thinking that the face/artificial voice was super uncanny valley 😭
I've also heard plenty of horror stories of chatbots "going rogue" and suddenly putting out some extremely problematic content with no prompting, which unfortunately can happen when there's no human intent behind the writing, and it's just a script trying to figure out what word goes next, based off writing stolen from lord-knows-what.

If I want to "talk" to my favorite characters, I'd much rather stick with video game dialogue, where they're deliberately written to be a certain way by actual people, and speak with actual human tone/emotion if there's voice acting. And if they're not from a video game, or I hit the end of the scripted dialogue, well, there's always my

But these are just my thoughts on them! Feel free to share your feelings on chatbots, and experiences you've had if you use them/used them in the past.
I was actually thinking about chatbots that know a bunch of things and can help you a bit with your homework when I saw this thread instead of this whole "talking to fictional characters" schtick.

Either way, I did goof around with chatbots before, but I don't use them nowadays. I'd rather look up my math problem on Google than fling it over to ChatGPT, thank you very much. (Plus, if you rely too much on it, you're grades are going to spiral!!)
Not a fan of anything AI related because of the resources it takes to run and its environmental impact. In the past though when it was still the era of CleverBot I used it for fun.
Now, I'll admit I've still been tempted to talk to my favorite characters through AI but knowing myself, if I did, I'd end up like that guy who married Hatsune Miku 😭
I’ve seen a lot of younger people use them to “chat” with their favorite characters, and they seem to enjoy the characters being “out of character” because it’s funny. I read screenshots of them when they come up on my feed, but I never really saw the appeal tbh. I like watching/reading fanmade works more than AI chats so I’ve never tried it and don’t think I ever will tbh. :[
This was like years ago in middle school, but I used to use cleverbot for fun if that counts. I don't believe I've tried any of those new AI character chatbots before, though. I don't have interests in any of those character bots idk I generally like 'canon' material in the first place but I think fanmade stuff is cool to explore sometimes
I've entered prompts into ChatGBT but I haven't used it for anything practical. Only for fun.

I think those friends bots are interesting. Basically apps designed for people who don't have anybody to speak with.

They wouldn't do anything for me personally. I need an actual person.

But I'm also not going to say anything negative towards people who use them. I've see lots of judgemental comments on the advertisements.

I wouldn't say someone should completely rely on them. But if they help a person out then good for it. You never know how bad a person may be feeling and maybe they've helped somebody in a bad situation.
No that stuff kinda makes me uncomfortable 😖 that seems like a good way to get your personal info sold somewhere. If some people want to use them, sure do whatever you want but it's a no from me😬
I used to really love talking to Chatbots but this was back in like 2011 when AI wasn't where it was today.. Then in 2017ish I tried out this app that had been really hyped up, basically you got your own chatbot that you were meant to personalize as you talked to it, but the bot was so basic and nowadays that app is very much in the gutter lmao.

These days I just don't feel the need to talk to any chatbots.. I'm sure they're getting good though
I've always found AI chatbots extremely weird. Just the thought of talking to an AI that's pretending to be another character just sounds so offputting. I do kinda get the appeal though cause its like Roleplay but without having to have another person, but not something id ever do
I don't talk to chatbots. If I want to talk/socialize, I'd join a forum or online group with actual people...
You guys, are actual people, ...right? 👀
I’ve never used it before and probably never will. It seems interesting and creepy at the same time. I do worry about kids using them though, seems it would do more harm than good.
I don’t like anything AI related. I don’t feel comfortable using something that is stealing voice actor’s recordings without their permission, same goes with art and books. Most of the AI stuff I see seem really weird and don’t look or sound good. Something seems off. Like with art, the art is missing the spark I see in artwork that took years of practicing to do.
I don’t like anything AI related. I don’t feel comfortable using something that is stealing voice actor’s recordings without their permission, same goes with art and books. Most of the AI stuff I see seem really weird and don’t look or sound good. Something seems off. Like with art, the art is missing the spark I see in artwork that took years of practicing to do.
I think that thing that seems off is AI not being human. Art of any kind is an expression of being human. The emotion, creativity, the soul and voice of what makes the artist them. A computer can only hope to imitate that. It will never be able to create something that will evoke any deeper feelings than what is at face value. Because it doesn't have the emotions or humanity to create something bigger. Plus it just steals and so anything it creates is a Frankenstein'd piece of art.

It's like you can tell it 'created' art of a human, but it's too uncanny at the same time because it's like an alien putting on a mask and trying to mimic being a human without truly knowing what it is to be human.
Like a few other respondents in the thread, I used the Cleverbot website a few times when I was younger. I haven't tried any of the current crop of AI chatbots and have no interest in doing so. As some other people have posted, AI stuff doesn't appeal to me and I avoid it inasmuch as possible.
What the heck kind of cringey thing is this?! I would NEVER use one of them. Plus, you’re just talking to a computer anyway, and I did this way before AI got advanced so I know what I have already gotten through.
Not any of the recent ones but I used to talk to the terrible old ones like Cleverbot.
I'm not really interested in any of these new character ones... Might creep me out. Recent AI stuff has been pretty terrible as it's mostly full of stolen content or it's spying on you (I really don't want Windows 11). Pretty sure they're also just being trained wrong and rushed out. What is even going on with the Google search engine?
Nope, never. I'm extremely uncomfortable with the moral and social ramifications of generative AI so I've avoided it as much as humanly possible. I really hate that within the last few months, it feels like I can't even do normal internet activities without being forced to "use" generative AI without my consent. Googling troubleshooting tips when my Nintendo Switch won't charge correctly? AI is here to offer me bogus suggestions! Making a flyer through Canva for work? Here are some fun AI-generated templates that are tinged with the uncanny! I despise it, but it's so pervasive that I can't even tell when the information I actually need will be inaccessible to me unless I enter a search that will automatically generate AI results as well. It feels gross.