What are your favourite games to play beside Animal Crossing?

~Hello~ Stardew Valley is defenelty one of my top favorites. :) I was surprised how many play it when i joined tbt. Also like Sonic Adventure 2 Battle. The Chao gardens are too cute.
Animal Crossing.. oh yeah, i remember that game!!

lately i've been trying to get the hang of Splatoon 2,
and I need to start the update to Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild...
Pok?mon Alpha Sapphire... or well, gen 6 in general even though the WT and GTS is dead as a dodo most of the time.
I enjoy playing pretty much any Pokemon game. I also really like JRPGs. Like you, I really enjoy Stardew Valley. I played obsessively for a while, but then I stopped when Pokemon Ultra Moon came out. I'd like to get back into it at some point, though.
I play a lot of games that involves Mii characters for some reason, my most favorite one is Miitopia. I want to like Tomodachi life..but that game can be really annoying at times!
Some of you don't realize it, these characters will fight each other all the time, I now turn the game on and off just to avoid it!
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stardew valley, Pokemon, harvest moon, professor Layton, Mario party 4 (very specific lmao), super princess peach, Mario kart
Currently in the story mode of Pokemon Ultra Sun. I'm thinking of getting back into competitive battling. Especially since hyper training basically eliminates the need for breeding which was incredibly tedious.
When I had a PC, it was Plants vs Zombies.
I miss that game.

The mobile version like most other mobile games, is garbage.
my all time favourite game is probably Skyrim, i have 5 characters and i've honestly played it to death omg
more recently, i've also got really into Night in the Woods and Dragon Age: Origins :cool:
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i really love overwatch. ive always liked fps games, but got quickly bored due to the lack of story or generic gameplay. overwatch and its dozens of diverse playstyles quickly drew me in and stole my heart. i also really like story based rpgs, like undertale and danganronpa. dont starve together is one of my favorite games to play with friends.
I usually enjoy playing Stardew Valley, The Sims 3 and 4, Oxenfree, Night in the Woods, and Life is Strange. (Life is strange has got to be my favorite!)
In recent years, I've fallen away from current generation, mainstream video games. I lack a PS4, Xbox One, or a computer powerful enough to run modern games. As such, I've mostly stuck with Nintendo, particularly the 3DS. Recently I've been invested in Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor and Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor 2. When not playing those or New Leaf, I'd generally either be breeding Pokemon for use on a team or actually doing a playthrough of a Pokemon game with Pokemon that I had bred previously.

Other than all that, I'll randomly pick up old games I own from years past that I hadn't been interested in for some time and give them another go, or sometimes purchase games I heard were good that I hadn't gotten to before.
Fatal frame 1, 2 & 3 for the PS2 ( I know I'm very lame ) but I'm just a reaaaally big fan of this game!
also Alice madness returns, warriors orochi ultimate 3 & injustice for the ps4
I know I play alot of old games lmfao oh well
Splatoon 1 and 2
Pokemon (Any Version)
Pokken tournament
Dead Or Alive
Samurai Warrior 3
Just Dance (All of them)
Mario Kart 8
Super Smash Bros.

All in all Fighting games, and racing games are my go to in general.
Been pretty busy lately, so mostly been playing games I can play for twenty minutes and put down. So lots of Picross X and Stardew Valley. If I have a bit more time, Sims 4.

I’m on vacation soon so I’ll probably start a new BotW save file.