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Villager backstories

Cue Cheesy horrible writing skills!
She got plastic surgery on her nose after a car crash. BEWM~
she's Porters Nana! BEWM!
is a 30 y.o Man who likes to cosplay as a baby! BEWM!
but.. On a more serious tone. I think Bianca was a scientist before retiring to In 2002, She studied polar wastelands. Idk T^T
Might as well give it a try.

Skye was raised in a small home slightly away from the city, where it was just her and her parents. The family didn't live around others, so she learned a lot of things by reading books, something which became her hobby. When she was deemed old enough to elave home by her parents she went rtavelling for a bit, meeting all sorts of people. Due to not knowing how to act with others and what she could get away with, she ended up being very nice and polite making a lot of friends. She eventually decided to settle into a small town of 20 or so, living in a small home often reading and talking with other.

Sorry it wasn't too long.
Might as well give it a try.

Skye was raised in a small home slightly away from the city, where it was just her and her parents. The family didn't live around others, so she learned a lot of things by reading books, something which became her hobby. When she was deemed old enough to elave home by her parents she went rtavelling for a bit, meeting all sorts of people. Due to not knowing how to act with others and what she could get away with, she ended up being very nice and polite making a lot of friends. She eventually decided to settle into a small town of 20 or so, living in a small home often reading and talking with other.

Sorry it wasn't too long.
No problem at all, as long as you're helping to keep this topic alive. I'll try to come up with some more backstories myself.
Phoebe is a age old wise phoenix, born from the ashes of herself dozens of times she has finally reached immorality! Phoebe has been searching for the perfect home to rest her fiery feathers in. then she came to New York in 2016, there she met Ms. "Tarter Sauce" Smith. she is now happily in her fiery nest there...

Kid Cat is a beloved, famous racer that wanted to live it big in the big apple, so he did! his coat used to be pitch black... now because of a car accident his body is splattered in his car's white and blue paint. his race car number was 1... one day he came to New York to relax from his trauma and he met Umbregirl there... he decided to stay as well..

Julian is a king from a far away fantasy land, he was kicked out of the castle because he was flirting with the other regular horses... his mother and father didnt want him to ruin the Royal Unicorn bloodline, so they kicked him out of their world. Julian, seeking for a home, finally settled in New York where he saw Smith...

Julian was born into a country lifestyle, his parents were very plain and simplistic about life. Julian's routine was the same, go to school, go to church, come home.
One day Julian was on his way home and he saw a fashion show poster. He was intrigued. He snuck out of house one night and went to see it. His eyes sparkled as he saw clothes that he had never seen before and it suddenly became a love. He bought magazines and posters and became a new him.
One day, when he was at school, his mum found all the posters and magazines. When he came back, they argued and Julian ran from home. On the street he was spotted by a modeling agency. It was a dream come true.
Julian traveled the world being a model until and few years later when he quit. He moved to mangles (my town) and lived happily ever after being loved by all the villagers and the mayor.
The end.

She was born in Africa. ... but she wasn't born with the normal of black eyes nor black hair. ..... no she was different
Nobody like her except her mother

Then hunters came to pick those rare animals her mother die trying to save her... she was alone because her father dint like her one bit

She ran away changing her name to savannah as she represent the wild of Africa. . While running she met a wise old lion... call Lionel and he told her to go to a zoo and be happy there but learn to be modern
So she got to the train and saw a zoo call zebilage and she went there with hope
She loved it so much it was very friendly and then she saw later a plot she wonder who
It was Lionel and the next day she talk
S: what are you doing here?
L: I'm retired from my job... you were very sweet so I always wanted to see you again. ...

a letter for Lionel came the next day

My hero Lionel
You show me the road of where should I go
I follow my heart with your rules
Now us together as neighbors
I'm very glad here my pic so
You'll remember me
From your admired, savannah

Now She live happy with all her new friends

That was an unexpectedly sad start, thankfully it had a happy ending. Great character story think I'll start searching for Savannah now.

Hans used to live in the Alps and was a professional skier and major flirt. He was always on the covers of magazines for his accomplishments or his affairs.... he's had 8 affairs in 3 years... He likes the attention. One day he realized he had no real friends so he retired and moved to Sunlight. It's a lot more quiet but he's content. He flirts with the mayor

As a lazy horse, Papi was doomed from start. Son of the greatest racer in horse racing history, Papi had big expectations to live up to. He was even named after the word father in Spanish, and was expected to be just like his dad. But, due to his placid nature, Papi never got into racing as his dad had so wished. Despite the grueling hours Papi was forced to wake up to to train and the multitude of races his father entered him in, Papi never placed well in any and was a huge disappointment to his father. As a result, his father cast him out and told him to never cross his path again. Isolated and feeling very much like a failure, Papi rode the trains cross country for months until settling into a quiet, lazy town that resembled his carefree personality. And it was here that he learned to accept himself for who he was and never let anyone tell him otherwise.

Bones was born on August 4, 2001 in Northern Arizona. He is the first born child of 7 kids. At age four he started preschool and was an instant class clown. He could make a joke out of almost anything. When he started grade school the spotlight shifted away from him and he became very shy. He was bullied all the time in grade school because the other dogs didn't like his jokes. In third grade he was addicted to everything to do with. Indiana Jones. That made his life long dream to become an explorer. In fourth grade he met a new boy named Biskit who became the new one to get bullied. Butch and Mac were the two main bullies. One day Bones stood up for Biskit and knocked Butch out. Since then Biskit and Bones have been best friends. In middle school Bones started playing golf. Bones is now finishing 8th grade and is getting ready to graduate in a few weeks.
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When he was young he was so handsome.. every girl love him until that night he party with his friend... he doesn't remember what happened but he finish alone and he couldn't find his house. He learn a lot of things and grew up and he joined the army and became a very strong general and very generous for those he helped after years has pass he became retired and went back home when he found it but by that time his parents die so he stood alone he lives alone so he doesn't need them
He went away and got a nice rock to live and when he found animals that are lost or feel like going to a new world he always tell them to go to the train station but it's for experienced they learn but one day he found a very charming zebra he spied on her until he told her to go there and he knew she picked zebilage so he muttered to himself
"Maybe if I decide to take a break and experience something new IL do it but for now let me help other"
But 1 week has pass and no one came so he decided to go where she live
He was glad she saw her happy and that she remembered him
And after that letter the next day...
This is my new family that IL protect and won't let nothing bad come.... IL protect them my neighbor. .. friends. . No... my family
Walt used to be a secret agent, then a double agent, and finally, a retired agent. Now he just tries to hide the scars... He knows he won't ever forget what he's done, but he tries to distract himself by yelling at kids who play on his lawn.
keepin it short and sweet ;}


lived a relatively normal life until the stock-market crashed, sending him in a downward spiral of ever increasing poverty, so on 2/15/16 he took what little he had left and moved into the everlasting beauty that is: polybius, but even then he couldnt keep up with rent, so he's currently being evicted.


after living a posh, luxurious life, marshal decided he wanted to move on to an even more extravagant home, so he sold his custom made modern glass/polished granite home and got a cozy 5 room mansion in polybius.


She lived a pretty princess life in a far away land, but she decided she didnt want to be a restricted "doll" anymore, after much dispute with her father she moved to a more dynamic city, where she found that no one would be her servant and that if she wanted something done, she'll have to do it herself.


after centuries of ruling egypt with an iron fist, she finally got overthrown and managed to escape egypt before she was to be executed for war crimes and violation of basic villager rights, weeks past wandering the harsh egyptian desert when she found civilization and chose to move into polybius, where she will soon start her vicious reign all over again.
I will do Jay today. Other villagers for other days. This story is actually part of my ac fanfic and has fantasy elements. I hope that's ok.
Jay was prince of a kingdom of birds called Aurion. Being a prince was surely lonely but he instead spend time with his violin. These birds have special psychic powers thanks to the strange violets that grow there. Each bird however wasn't a bird at first. Every bird was born as a human as a curse of the violets. Only passing through the trial would they achieve their true form. Just when Jay passed the trial his parents found out that there was an illegal lab testing on animals and bird kind. The leader of the lab got furious with the invasion and launched an attack on Aurion.
Jay heard his parents advice and ran for his life. The giant bugs and fossils almost got him but he found a train leaving Aurion and entered just in time. Now without his dear family he was really alone.
In a new town it was time to start a new life. Jay look like the confident jock but inside he was afraid. He slowly made a few friends. Decided to start his own fossil collection and train on his violin. He exercised everyday to be in form afraid that evil scientist would come back to take his friends away. With the destroyed kingdom he was royalty no more just a lost prince looking for affection and understanding.
I will do Jay today. Other villagers for other days. This story is actually part of my ac fanfic and has fantasy elements. I hope that's ok.
Jay was prince of a kingdom of birds called Aurion. Being a prince was surely lonely but he instead spend time with his violin. These birds have special psychic powers thanks to the strange violets that grow there. Each bird however wasn't a bird at first. Every bird was born as a human as a curse of the violets. Only passing through the trial would they achieve their true form. Just when Jay passed the trial his parents found out that there was an illegal lab testing on animals and bird kind. The leader of the lab got furious with the invasion and launched an attack on Aurion.
Jay heard his parents advice and ran for his life. The giant bugs and fossils almost got him but he found a train leaving Aurion and entered just in time. Now without his dear family he was really alone.
In a new town it was time to start a new life. Jay look like the confident jock but inside he was afraid. He slowly made a few friends. Decided to start his own fossil collection and train on his violin. He exercised everyday to be in form afraid that evil scientist would come back to take his friends away. With the destroyed kingdom he was royalty no more just a lost prince looking for affection and understanding.
Nicely done. Keep up the good work everyone. And I'll try to help out too.
Wart Jr.

He was always bullied at school by other frogs. He had no friends. One day he was told about a village- a village filled with happiness. Looks didn't matter, so he decided to move there. He sat on the aeroplane toilet, his heart beating out of his chest. He sat back in his plane seat. The plane landed.

Stepping out of the plane, he breathed in the fresh air. A weird tanuki approached him, looking sketchy. He was.

Nevertheless, he got his own home, eventually. He made a 'friend'. His name was Harry. The only reason Wart approached him was because he looked manly.

Once again, Wart sat on the toilet. It felt good.
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Merengue grew up in poverty. Her mother did the best she could to provide food or her children, but it was always poverty food- rice and beans, heavy on the rice. It kept them filled and nourished, but was in no way enjoyable. The mother saved every penny for her children, clothing them and housing them to the best of her ability. From a very early age, maybe because of the food, or maybe because of her unique markings, Merengue always played kitchen and dreamed of the fantastical recipies she could make. During her walk to school, she would always stop at the restraunts and bakeries, savoring the smells and sights, and wondering if all food tasted like rice and beans.
Her last year of high school was the best year for her- an anonymous donor had funded a program to teach the kids to buy and prepare food. Merengue ate the best she ever had that year, and many of her classmates had leftovers which she snuck home. Her love of cooking was realized, and at that point she knew she wanted to do nothing else. As soon as she graduated, she applied for work at the towns best restraunt, which being a small town with a large portion of the population under the poverty line, was equivalent to the Applebee's of an alternate universe. Without a degree and much experience, Merengue spent her first year there waiting tables and washing dishes. One evening, she was given the task of closing by herself, and took it as an opertunity to cook. Quietly, she arranged her kitchen, gathered her ingredients. She wouldn't use much, she promised herself. It wouldn't hurt the restaurant.
Unfortunately, she got a little carried away and ended up with a 4 course meal, complete with desert. She surveyed her creation, licking her lips and getting ready to eat when CLICK! The locks started to open. She had cooked all night, and the owner was coming! She frantically looked around to find an escape, or to hide her misdeed, but it was too late. Enticed by the food, the owner walked in with a frown.
"Happy birthday?" Merengue said weakly, expecting to be fired on the spot. Instead, her boss's face lit up. "How did you know? I don't think I told you. I don't tell anyone." He queried, salivating at the delicious food. He swallowed rapidly, wanting to see what that food would taste like. It reminded him of going to the big city on a business owner's conference, and having the food there catered by several of the city's top successful chefs. "It looks like a lot... And sort of a funny time for dinner, but will you share my birthday meal with me?" He asked, forgetting his previous question.
Merengue smoothed her apron with trembling hooves and smiled. "Of course. I'm sorry. I couldn't afford a present, too." She brought the soups out first, and they sat and chatted like old friends. After they finished, at 5:30 in the morning, he leaned back and looked at her. The food had been amazing, but he wasn't a stupid man, and he realized that she probably hadn't intended it to be his birthday present.
"Look, Merengue..." He started. She went pale, knowing she was caught. "That was the best food. And I suppose you didn't technically steal from me, seeing as I ate it and all... But you didn't have my permission! But... I'd like to add that to my menu... But... I want to be able to trust you, Merengue." He paused and tapped his fingers on the table. "I think I'm going to have to fire you." She squeeked in disappointment, as she was contributing to her family's income, and could not bear to lose her job. "But... I do know a master chef. I believe I can pull some strings and have you train under him. And then I can hire your sister... As long as she doesn't get any ideas about closing time." She deflated in her chair, dizzy. She had no idea what to say, or even how to react.
Several days later, her younger sister was in training for her old position, and Merengue was on her way to the city, to be classically trained as a chef. She ended up specializing in pastries, and even created a dish they named after her. However, having grown up poor in a small town and then suddenly being sought after and popular did not sit well with her. She decided an early retirement was in order, and began to seek a small town in which she could live by the sea.
She settled on Khazdhan, and now lives a happy, quiet life and supplies the villagers with all their sweets and pastry needs. She has even branched out, designing a furniture series, house designs, and creating new kitchen equipment.

EDIT: Oh my goodness, my apologies about the wall of text! I didn't mean to get THAT detailed. They say some characters write their own stories... It really is true!
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On the 30th January 1988 in an ivy covered mansion somewhere in the great English countryside, a tiny hamster with snow white fur was born. Her mother and father never left Flurry in want of anything, she got endless love and few could say their childhood was as idyllic as hers. After choosing to attend a private school about half and hour away from the family home, Flurry was all packed up with her traditional white suitcase sitting expectantly on the doorstep. As the car pulled away she waved energetically to her parents standing just outside the threshold of her gorgeous home, their sad smiles creating an ache in her hamster heart. Years passed blissfully for Flurry and she visited her parents every chance she could. However this was soon to change.
The weather had turned dark and brooding causing an almighty storm that had been raging across Britain for almost a week. At the height of the storm a phone call came for Flurry and as she rushed down the school corridors her heart beat with dread, something was wrong. She could feel it. "Is this Miss Flurry of Bamblebridge House?"
"Yes..it is," A shake was clearly audible in her voice but she continued "is something the matter?"
"Im afraid your parents have been caught up in a dreadful accident.. i'm sorry miss and I hate to be the bearer of bad news but i'm afraid neither of them have survived."
The phone slipped out of her paw as Flurry sank to the floor, great sobs of grief erupting from her. Everything she had known came crumbling down around her and at the tender age of 15 she was left with mental scarring that would leave her unsure of herself for the rest of her life.
Little did Flurry know this trauma would be the defining point of her life, causing her to work her hardest in every way possible in order to make her parents proud of her from up there, even though in her heart of hearts she knew they would be proud of her no matter what she did. In 2006 Flurry gained a place at the prestigious University of Cambridge studying Psychological and Behavioural Sciences, turning her into one of the most understanding and compassionate animals out there. After working intensely and helping many animals manage and sometimes even overcome their mental illnesses Flurry decided to find somewhere she could be at peace with herself and the world around her. After moving from town to town, meeting so many outstanding people along the way, she settled in a small seaside town known as S?k?ra. Surrounded by beautiful furniture that reminded her of her childhood home she tells her life story to the mayor of the quaint little town and leaves her with some final advice "Squeak your mind, even if your voice shakes."
It's pretty much an extremely bare bones WIP at this point, but I like to think of Felicity as having been a star who was mega famous but eventually decided to move to a small town after it became too much to handle, and Peggy moved in after learning Felicity moved there because she's a giant fan of celebrities.
Puck grew up in the Arctic, where there is a surprising lack of hockey. Thanks to being nested near a human research station, Puck discovered humans talking about.... Him! No, they were talking about the human sport of hockey, which happened to have a component that shared his name. He was intrigued. He wandered around awhile, and found a radio blaring out stats in between excited cries of action on the ice. Since then, Puck spent most of his time trying to learn more about this hockey. He eventually was able to find a jersey, lost or discarded, and began to wear it religiously. He also found a tv on the station, and was able to watch a few games for himself. Each time, he was star-struck.
Soon, he picked up word that the team was leaving for their home. Puck knew he had to go with him. A huge cargo plane landed, and Puck rapidly stowed away behind some of the crew's personal belongings. The flight was long and tedious, but before he knew it he was in a place that was busier, warmer, and more full of life than he had ever seen.
Despite being lost and confused, Puck was able to rely on the charity of several people. They set him up with a lovely, cool house, complete with a snowblower and a hockey stick of his very own. He eventually decided to move to Khazdhan, thanks to the cooler temperatures brought on by a more northern climate, large cliff walls, and plenty of rain. Unfortuantely, he made the mayor super mad, messing up her tree line, and decided to book it after awhile. Packed up and ready to go, where will Puck go next? Probably a Christmas town.

I'm sure I could get along with this puffy butt, it's just... He's super inconsiderate... Lmao!