Uhg.. hard final...

Furry Sparks

Senior Member
Mar 28, 2005
I took an english and math final today, the math was easy.. but the english... not as easy.

It was like 72 questions long, which didn't really scare me... but the questions did. It was all multiple choice (thankfully) but it had stuff like word of the day, (every single day we 2 two words and their definitions, we have quizzes on them, how to spell them and what they mean every friday) and there were like 50 of them on the test. Then there was stuff like comparing personalities from all these people and there are so many of them I forgot what half of them were D=

I hope that no one gets a high grade... so that he curves it... Because I think I did really bad on it

My English exam this year (and last year) is all essays =o

Which is both good and bad though
My English exam this year (and last year) is all essays =o

Which is both good and bad though
Death > Essays

I HATE writing. But I really wouldn't die instead of doing them, but it's like that in my head. D=
Flygon said:
My English exam this year (and last year) is all essays =o

Which is both good and bad though
Death > Essays

I HATE writing. But I really wouldn't die instead of doing them, but it's like that in my head. D=
You get used to after a while.

But then you take the SAT and you're like "WHAT AM I SUPPOSE TO DO IN 25 MINUTES". So they give you your score a month later and it's like a 6 out of 12 because you didn't fill both of the pages.

<small><small><small>That's what happened to me... those jerks! D:</small></small></small>

Im not in High school yet luckily, So no worries. I di get a 95 on My english exam this year, But The teacher made the exam herself and it wasnt the state wide one or whatever it is.. Even though the rest were. We only had one Essasy, and it was "What was the best thing that you have done in this class" for Extra Credit

YogurtBandit said:
Where is it Japanese?
Nothing, I just couldn't read your writing =p

I've only taken the ACT so far, so I don't know how hard the SAT is.

The ACT was pretty easy, though.

That's not really fair than... Although, it wasn't that the SAT was hard for me, it was that I didn't have enough time to finish.
YogurtBandit said:
Where is it Japanese?
Nothing, I just couldn't read your writing =p

I've only taken the ACT so far, so I don't know how hard the SAT is.

The ACT was pretty easy, though.

That's not really fair than... Although, it wasn't that the SAT was hard for me, it was that I didn't have enough time to finish.
It was paint writing

I have an Algebra final Friday and Monday. Part 1 is like 30 questions and Part 2 is like 40. I don't think it will be that hard though, I know my stuff =).
Super_Naruto said:
I have an Algebra final Friday and Monday. Part 1 is like 30 questions and Part 2 is like 40. I don't think it will be that hard though, I know my stuff =).

I got a 92 on my Algebra Final