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trust no one :(

It my fault for trusting people.
I found a great turnip price and someone that was willing to let me make two trips.
They gave me ten minutes and I rushed as quickly as possible to empty out everything in my pockets behind my nook cranny because i had opened my gate to my coworkers to sell their fruit (I would invite them but they knew to ask me before taking anything rule because my island is a work in progress and i dont have much time to play because ive been working non stop and sometimes im just too exhausted when i get home ) and i ended the session to invite them back when i reopened my gate from selling my turnips. I opened my gate and went to deposit my bells but i had a phone call so i walked away from my switch. some thirty minutes later i come back to majority of my fruit trees and bell trees shaken some hybrid flowers , all my seashells furniture and extra diy on my beach materials and mile tickets worst of all the stuff i left behind my nook that included nook mile furniture that i was able to find some one to trade colors with me white street lamps and the blue and green playground gym and the cherry blossom diys that i missed in april due to work that ive been looking for that someone on gamefaqs sold to me everything gone. i opened the group chat and i see someone saying to put my stuff back. i dont know why but i just started crying. i messaged my coworker that stole my stuff just asking for my stuff back .. the said "it wasn't them it was their daughter" and guilted me saying that she's crying which i know is a lie . then proceeded to say that its just a game and am i really upset over something like that. but what they didnt know is that im already having a very hard time personally work is exhausting and animal crossing was the only thing i was really looking forward to this year. it wouldn't have mattered but im not far in the game you know .... their island is practically done but still why lie and steal from me . and try to make me feel like crap for getting upset. i dont feel like playing anymore . and its my fault because i had them as best friends. why lie to me though i just don't understand. i know its just a game but its still not right😞
That’s awful I’m so sorry to hear that 😔 I promise not everyone is like that!! There are some great people on this game! If you need stuff and I have it I will donate it to you☺️
So their daughter is crying? Ok, fine, but that doesn't make her less wrong, and doesn't change the fact that they stole something from you.

So, it's just a game? That's awesome, cause that means they have no reason to keep hold onto your items, and there's absolutely no need for them to refuse to give your stuff back to you.

At the end of the day, nothing will change the fact they're in the wrong side of the situation, no matter how many crying daughter's they can find...
I'm also always anxious when I have people coming over for a trade that I might have some valuable stuff on the grounds somewhere. I only had 1 person where I ended the session with, they did their trade as normal but the second afterwards the went running into my island...like if you want to look around at least have the respect to ask first (what a lot of people actually do), I have no problem with that but I don't like people that just suddenly run off into your island... When I'm busy building stuff I drop things around and I don't want other people to pick them up.
I'm so sorry that happened to you! If there's any specific items/flowers you are missing let me know and I'll see if I can get you any of them back
Jesus christ, some people are so ****ing petty. I bet your coworker is having the greatest feeling enjoying those extra bells right now! Jesus. And if the kid really had taken all that stuff, just give it back? ****ing hell.
This is absolutely not your fault. I know of at least 5 people who add coworkers as best friends, including myself, and all of my coworkers are amazing & we exchange items, never stealing. It's not typical behavior & you never should have to anticipate someone abusing your trust. Karma will come back around to this thief!
OP, if you do ever decide to put together a list of the items you need to restore your town, I'd be glad to help. I have tons of furniture, DIYs, and hybrids and I'm sure that together, we can all make your place a little bit brighter if you'd be willing to trust other players again. ☺
This is horrific, and I'm so sorry this happened to you.

I can't offer flowers since I don't have any, but if there's anything on my catalog that you'd like, I'd be more than happy to get them for you.
I can't imagine what horrible person would steal from their friend in animal crossing, but I hope you aren't friends with them anymore after this.
That is terrible of them, i'm so sorry you got so much stuff stolen. I would continue to press you need your items back and hopefully they will eventually crack. If it was just a game, then I doubt they would have stolen your things because why would it matter 'its just a game bro.' Scummy really. But this is a big reason to watch and escort guests around your island, and make sure to block permissions to edit the island because they truly have no reason to.
Honestly I would use that same excuse on them, "if you really think it's just a game, then return my stuff, you think it'a a game so by that logic, those items don't mean anything to you". If they don't return your items then they're just :poop: people. I hate it, that you don't feel like you can enjoy the game right now, but I completely understand you might need some time. Trying to look at the positive, now you know it's not worth becoming friends with this co-worker and you don't have to waste your time and energy on them!
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It my fault for trusting people.
I found a great turnip price and someone that was willing to let me make two trips.
They gave me ten minutes and I rushed as quickly as possible to empty out everything in my pockets behind my nook cranny because i had opened my gate to my coworkers to sell their fruit (I would invite them but they knew to ask me before taking anything rule because my island is a work in progress and i dont have much time to play because ive been working non stop and sometimes im just too exhausted when i get home ) and i ended the session to invite them back when i reopened my gate from selling my turnips. I opened my gate and went to deposit my bells but i had a phone call so i walked away from my switch. some thirty minutes later i come back to majority of my fruit trees and bell trees shaken some hybrid flowers , all my seashells furniture and extra diy on my beach materials and mile tickets worst of all the stuff i left behind my nook that included nook mile furniture that i was able to find some one to trade colors with me white street lamps and the blue and green playground gym and the cherry blossom diys that i missed in april due to work that ive been looking for that someone on gamefaqs sold to me everything gone. i opened the group chat and i see someone saying to put my stuff back. i dont know why but i just started crying. i messaged my coworker that stole my stuff just asking for my stuff back .. the said "it wasn't them it was their daughter" and guilted me saying that she's crying which i know is a lie . then proceeded to say that its just a game and am i really upset over something like that. but what they didnt know is that im already having a very hard time personally work is exhausting and animal crossing was the only thing i was really looking forward to this year. it wouldn't have mattered but im not far in the game you know .... their island is practically done but still why lie and steal from me . and try to make me feel like crap for getting upset. i dont feel like playing anymore . and its my fault because i had them as best friends. why lie to me though i just don't understand. i know its just a game but its still not right😞
Idea: If you have a coworker that is your friend that is also close to the petty theft robber than you should have them convince the butthole to get a tbt account, since this thread has been commented on by everyone it won't be long until they see the mounds of comments that say that they're an idiot.
Juuust an idea
I know you've had several offers for white streetlamps and green playgrounds but I have them as well if you need :)
I have all the sakura DIYs as well and while I don't have extra DIYs, I wouldn't mind crafting some furniture for you as I have some extra sakura petals with me
I also have some of the shell recipes as well if shells can be collected

Don't let a horrible person destroy your love for the game. Just look at everyone in this thread happy to help you. Cheers OP, everything will be alright!

One last thing, kick that horrible piece of - off your friend's list immediately. No one likes people who don't own up to their mistakes and blames children. Hope karma comes around to your coworker
Firstly I'd like to thank everyone that sent me all these nice messages. someone expressed how the game is something that makes them happy right now with the state of the world and I very much relate to that. Please forgive me if I don't respond quickly.

I can't really answer questions about my job. The reason why I can't say anything to the person is because I'm their boss so for example if I were to react ANY way they can spread rumors and it might cost me my job and get me in trouble because I'm not supposed to be befriending workers outside of work. this bias policy. Even though I'm upset I cannot show that I am upset or treat them any differently. When I created the group i told the just as long as we never discuss current events or work stuff only animal crossing it would be ok. I hope this make sense.

and apparently they only did it as a joke for instagram they were planning to give every back and they thought going back in time would undue the diy and didnt know it autosaves which i think is a lie😒

i told them i dont want anything back. they can keep it and to stop doing that because they've done it to other players because they're bored in the game 😒
I KNOW that they are ONLY APOLOGIZING because of my coworkers defending me.

So it's a thing where people go to peoples islands to steal only to record to put online for internet points. just please be careful you all. the only reason I walked away from my switch was because it was people the i know and see everyday.
Yeah that's not okay. I'm so sorry this happened to you. This is why I don't invite anyone over without being there the entire time. Most of the stories I've heard could have been prevented by simply being by their game. That said, this is a coworker so you wouldn't have expected it. That's just nasty.
Firstly I'd like to thank everyone that sent me all these nice messages. someone expressed how the game is something that makes them happy right now with the state of the world and I very much relate to that. Please forgive me if I don't respond quickly.

I can't really answer questions about my job. The reason why I can't say anything to the person is because I'm their boss so for example if I were to react ANY way they can spread rumors and it might cost me my job and get me in trouble because I'm not supposed to be befriending workers outside of work. this bias policy. Even though I'm upset I cannot show that I am upset or treat them any differently. When I created the group i told the just as long as we never discuss current events or work stuff only animal crossing it would be ok. I hope this make sense.

and apparently they only did it as a joke for instagram they were planning to give every back and they thought going back in time would undue the diy and didnt know it autosaves which i think is a lie😒

i told them i dont want anything back. they can keep it and to stop doing that because they've done it to other players because they're bored in the game 😒
I KNOW that they are ONLY APOLOGIZING because of my coworkers defending me.

So it's a thing where people go to peoples islands to steal only to record to put online for internet points. just please be careful you all. the only reason I walked away from my switch was because it was people the i know and see everyday.
Soooooooooo petty.. Please for the love of nook Scam them back, destroy their town, cut down all of the trees. Revenge is in session...
I honestly wouldn't believe any of her excuses or lies at this point. She knew what she was doing, there's no "oh I thought I could return it later." No, she knew. And then for her to say she was only doing it to post her thievery on instagram..? what? Did I read that right? I can't believe there's actually an audience that would get any enjoyment out of watching videos of people stealing things out of our games. You'd think those would be shut down fairly quickly due to negative feedback.

Though I can sympathize with you being her boss and unable to actually do anything about this. It's awful you need to keep up that professional persona offline in order to keep your job safe. We're here to help you if you need anything though.
Nevermind the thief apologists in this thread. It's no ones fault but the the person who stole from you and their ****ty parent excusing it. I would have added my coworkers as best friends. The chat functionality is so convenient. You adding them as such wasn't you inviting this kind of behavior.
Nevermind the thief apologists in this thread. It's no ones fault but the the person who stole from you and their ****ty parent who excused that behavior. I would have added my coworkers as best friends. The chat functionality is so convenient. You adding them as such wasn't you inviting this kind of behavior.
I feel so bad for that child, getting blamed for something they didn't do, with such a horrible parent. The poor kid..
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They just wont be allowed to come back
That works too.