Think again! There are a lot of new interactive features coming, like Camp Redd! Camp Redd resembles Camp Hyrule, only with tons more events, and it will definetely last longer than a week! Camp Redd is coming on TBT Anniversary which is coming at the end of November! Not only that, but TBT Anniversary will feature a gigantic party, new Sages, and another unannounced interactive feature! I can only hint at this - TBT will definetely have some rivals after TBT Anniversary festivities will end. In a good way, of course, but rivals either way! Remember, soldiers, get ready! *hint, hint at word soldier*
I think I've unvieled enough for this month.
Stay tuned for more, and after TBT Anniversary is over, you'll never again say that TBT is boring!
Your friendly neighborhood administrator, and friend,
Bulerias, aka The Almighty Bull
I think I've unvieled enough for this month.
Your friendly neighborhood administrator, and friend,
Bulerias, aka The Almighty Bull