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There Should Be More Animals!

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Senior Member
Jun 15, 2010
Throwback Tickets
I think that there should be a whole bunch of lizards in Animal Crossing for Nintendo 3DS (lizards are my favorite animal). There should be at LEAST 100 more villagers, and 10 more species. Personally, I do not think it is fair that some species have a larger population than others (like cats over alligators). What do you guys think? :smileeyebrow:
Yes, many more animal types, more personalities, more conversation options.

And also, more non-villager characters
i hope they make more dog characters or maybe even something like a opposum
Lobo99 said:
i hope they make more dog characters or maybe even something like a opposum
Yeah, they should include more uncommon animals like opposums. And by the way, my favorite dog in the games is Biskit! :p
I really want enhanced animal intelligence. I hate it when the villagers repeat something every other time you talk to them, it doesn't feel as realistic. More animal species would be nice too, but I don't really have a problem with certain animals having more of a population though. I'd prefer a nice dog as a neighbor opposed to a grumpy alligator.
I really want enhanced animal intelligence. I hate it when the villagers repeat something every other time you talk to them, it doesn't feel as realistic. More animal species would be nice too, but I don't really have a problem with certain animals having more of a population though. I'd prefer a nice dog as a neighbor opposed to a grumpy alligator.
Yeah, I always wished that the animals were programmes with more intelligence. >_<
TheYoshiGamer said:
I really want enhanced animal intelligence. I hate it when the villagers repeat something every other time you talk to them, it doesn't feel as realistic. More animal species would be nice too, but I don't really have a problem with certain animals having more of a population though. I'd prefer a nice dog as a neighbor opposed to a grumpy alligator.
Yeah, I always wished that the animals were programmes with more intelligence. >_<
<div class='spoiler_toggle'>For/To Yoshi Gamer, *click*</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">to the bottom left of your post is an "edit" button, it's common forum courtesy not to double post, and instead to edit in whatever your second post would contain :)

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I think that there should be a lot of new animals, if not just a fully new roster of animals to replace all the ones we know/love... but that would upset plenty of fans, so adding new animals would be the way to go.

however, this is nintendo, and they've already made two animal crossing games that haven't added a noticeable amount of new villagers/artificial intelligence, so why would they change now?

hopefully they'll add new animals, and a LOT more text/context/speaking lines for the villagers, but I doubt that it will be a lot, if any is added. we'll probably get a dozen or so animals of a new species, and no one will notice because they still haven't encountered all of the animals from the original game, IMO. unless, of course, they play it a lot, in which case the thought of revisiting all of the animals again in 3d will be a huge selling point, I'm sure, and there'll hopefully be some more new things (hopefully some new types of items of some sort) to keep everyone happy, nitpicky or not.

yes, there needs to be more. *crosses fingers*
Psychonaut said:
<div class='spoiler_toggle'>For/To Yoshi Gamer, *click*</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">to the bottom left of your post is an "edit" button, it's common forum courtesy not to double post, and instead to edit in whatever your second post would contain :)

multiple posts without a reply is usually considered spam and/or bad netiquette, just so you know</div>

I think that there should be a lot of new animals, if not just a fully new roster of animals to replace all the ones we know/love... but that would upset plenty of fans, so adding new animals would be the way to go.

however, this is nintendo, and they've already made two animal crossing games that haven't added a noticeable amount of new villagers/artificial intelligence, so why would they change now?

hopefully they'll add new animals, and a LOT more text/context/speaking lines for the villagers, but I doubt that it will be a lot, if any is added. we'll probably get a dozen or so animals of a new species, and no one will notice because they still haven't encountered all of the animals from the original game, IMO. unless, of course, they play it a lot, in which case the thought of revisiting all of the animals again in 3d will be a huge selling point, I'm sure, and there'll hopefully be some more new things (hopefully some new types of items of some sort) to keep everyone happy, nitpicky or not.

yes, there needs to be more. *crosses fingers*
Thanks for the post! :)
TheYoshiGamer said:
[Nook said:
,Jul 7 2010, 06:29:47 PM]An unlockable villager that's a Yoshi.
That would be AWESOME since Yoshi is AWESOME, but even I think that wouldn't fit into the game.
I agree, Mario characters shouldn't be in AC as a Villager. For example: who would want a Goomba or Pikachu as a villager? NO ONE.
MasterM64 said:
TheYoshiGamer said:
[Nook said:
,Jul 7 2010, 06:29:47 PM]An unlockable villager that's a Yoshi.
That would be AWESOME since Yoshi is AWESOME, but even I think that wouldn't fit into the game.
I agree, Mario characters shouldn't be in AC as a Villager. For example: who would want a Goomba or Pikachu as a villager? NO ONE.
Exactly, nintendo references were good as they were, such as the Triforce in catrionas tent etc.
MasterM64 said:
TheYoshiGamer said:
[Nook said:
,Jul 7 2010, 06:29:47 PM]An unlockable villager that's a Yoshi.
That would be AWESOME since Yoshi is AWESOME, but even I think that wouldn't fit into the game.
I agree, Mario characters shouldn't be in AC as a Villager. For example: who would want a Goomba or Pikachu as a villager? NO ONE.
Agreed. But I think there should just be minor references to other Nintendo franchises in the new game. For example: a Pikachu furniture item, or a Star Fox wallpaper.
There won't be. How much do you wanna bet that all the animals in AC3DS will be the same ones in ACCF.
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