• We're Celebrating Diversity on TBT! Join our new mini-event this month by making a 3D craft that represents what diversity and inclusivity mean to you. For your hard work, you'll receive a newly released villager collectible and the chance to win the latest addition to our plush series! See the Celebrating Diversity 2024 thread to get started.
  • Animal Crossing Hide & Seek sessions from The Bell Tree World Championship are coming back -- check out the new TBT Neighbourly Hide and Seek thread here for details!

the T.E.N. town events newsletter!


Senior Member
Nov 5, 2005

Have a garage sale the 3rd day of each month!

start a club! the first club idea PM'd to me will be advertised here!
the rest will have to pay the 30 bells a month fee. sorry!


Todays topic is: BUG CATCHING!
I have proven the following thre things TRUE:
the expolrers hat makes more bugs appear.
its harder to catch bugs with the stylus.(at least, it is for me.)
the flea is either too small to see or VERY rare.


The winner of last months poll is: the ROBOT theme!

Heres this weeks!
Which is a cooler getup?
A kings beard, wizard hat, and night sky tee? Or a gas mask and jungle camo?


The game I'm showing you today is patented by me and is called...

First, find 3 flowers of each color of each flower in your town and pick them.
the, find 3 of a LOT of items that look different when on the ground.
Arrange them like a bingo board!
like THIS.


Arrange the items in different patterns for each of the three players.

then call them off!
When you win, type ITEM-O!


This months featured glitch is from AC: GCN, and im not sure if it is in AC:WW or not, so, someone test this one, mm-kay?

if there are two fish in an acre,(in AC:GCN,duh)
they will both bite at the same time!
it's really wierd, because on fish disappears!

Well thats all the time we have! See you next time!
how do you like the banners?
I know they are nothing special, but don't be TOO critical.


Be sure to send in any article you write!
I'll post your username(if you want me too) and feature it in next months issue!

No one wants to advertise...oh well.
"A kings beard, wizard hat, and night sky tee? Or a gas mask and jungle camo?"
I'm going to say the second one sicne a lot of people have the crown now.
Cool idea to put this together!
I enjoyed readign it.
I too will vote for the 2nd outfit.
Yes, I enjoyed reading it as well, and I also liked how you mixed Blathers into this thing as well!

to answer a question:

Todays topic is: BUG CATCHING!
I have proven the following thre things TRUE:
the expolrers hat makes more bugs appear.
its harder to catch bugs with the stylus.(at least, it is for me.)
the flea is either too small to see or VERY rare.

the answer is: both.
the flee apperes on villigers. if u see one that is complaining of itches, and has black spots flying off of them, hit them with a net. you should then have cought a flee.
to answer a question:

Todays topic is: BUG CATCHING!
I have proven the following thre things TRUE:
the expolrers hat makes more bugs appear.
its harder to catch bugs with the stylus.(at least, it is for me.)
the flea is either too small to see or VERY rare.

the answer is: both.
the flee apperes on villigers. if u see one that is complaining of itches, and has black spots flying off of them, hit them with a net. you should then have cought a flee.
I still haven't caught a flea :mad:
FreddieMercury91 said:
beakmanthegreat said:
its harder to catch bugs with the stylus.(at least, it is for me.)
How can you prove an opinion to be true?
well, u can back it up with facts, like "75% of the time, people using the stylis miss".
Still, he didn't say, "More people find it more difficult to use the stylus to catch bugs than that buttons," he said, "It's harder to catch bugs with the stylus".
Wow this is an awesome article! I didn't know that you can catch a flea and I would have to say the 1st outfit because its sound like an interesting outfit and would look interesting.
okay, freddiemercury (if thats your real name, Mino,)
I know we have our differences, but COME on!
It seems like everyone has a problem with me!
anyone else wanna argue with me?
cause i dont mind a good verbal boxing match!

oh, and outfit one is gonna look like a wizard outfit if you put it on.
I plan to wear it if I ever find a STUPID COMMON WIZARD HAT!
beakmanthegreat said:
okay, freddiemercury (if thats your real name, Mino,)
I know we have our differences, but COME on!
It seems like everyone has a problem with me!
anyone else wanna argue with me?
cause i dont mind a good verbal boxing match!

oh, and outfit one is gonna look like a wizard outfit if you put it on.
I plan to wear it if I ever find a STUPID COMMON WIZARD HAT!
No. Mino's just a little grumpy. He's like that with everyone.
Meh, I just caught a flea. There easy to see. (see see! I rhymed...YAY!! :lol: No I am not on stupid pills)

(Im on crazy pills!!!!!!heeehheeeehee
:rofl: )
This is the last week you can vote! let your voice be heard!

Oh, and I only have so many ideas...
if you have an idea for one of these monthly sections, please pm me!
I will give credit, of course.